"Take it easy!!"

prints pink hakoniwa island discution
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    RAKI (Real Alliance of Awesome Islands) is now accepting applications for membership.
    All that is required is a passionate love of Lucky Star and a level head (Love of Rozen Maiden may also be applicable, but will be subject to heavy scrutiny). Ex-members of alliances focused on death and destruction must prove they are reformed, by sending a direct fax of their panties to the renewed Cultural Committee of Iopsdia.

    It has come to the propaganda department's attention that the acronym's real meaning is "Real Alliance of Kool Islands" Please ignore the previous erroneous posting.

    [ download ] 247.64 KB (480x360) OISHII.png
    I would like to thank Hachikuji for providing us with DELICIOUS escargot. His citizens make for a lovely ghost snail dish!

    fat cunt

    I don't like being interrupted at dinner, so this "fat cunt" will continue to enjoy his meal.

    eating raw snails is like eating a slimely cock... you didn't even cook the other 2. im disapoiojnted -_-

    You wouldn't be saying that if you tried raw snail

    Welcome flan island

    any lewder will result in file deletions and or mutes

    Tasteful image. The council of good morals has convened and thus I come forth to invite Flan to [RAKI].


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