trash music

Lolicore is what you feel. discussion for - rule 1 and 8 dose not exactly apply here, but try to avoid it
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  • [ download ] 1.31 MB (2048x1024) lolism.png

    probably the last one

    The album is awesome :O

    yah, this is so fire!

    hey /lolicore/ how do you guys deal with suicidal thoughts (´~`)
    10 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.

    what the fuck (・_・)


    Kill yourself. Nobody really gives a shit whether you live or die. You might as well save yourself the pain of life, and just kill yourself.

    you heard me.

    I am planning to make a compilation. (it will be posted on
    please post jcore/Lolicore/gabber.
    Make your name your artist name and send title to.
    All songs have to be more than 1 minute long.
    Tysm! <3
    If you have any questions I will try to answer as soon as I can.
    90 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.

    yeah you're just completely schizo

    niggers tongue my anus

    [ download ] 17.62 KB (259x194) images (3).jpeg
    what the hell

    spastic boner wreckchordzzz


    purest shit ear pleasure techno nipplez [2025 miXx]

    kinda fire?

    gadam why this sound so good? also why are my ears bleeding? eh...┐(゚~゚)┌

    some stuff for next album

    does anybody know what the deal is with this new #breakcore2 tag I have seen popping up on soundcloud a lot lately? Is it kind of like the inverse of how the drift phonk people started calling it "newphonk" in order to be musicopolitically correct to the heckin' real phonk people, only in this case its the real breakcore artists using #breakcore2 tag to help differentiate from all the sewercore slop artists? or is it the name of some new subgenre, so far the common traits between all the tracks ive seen with the tag is that they were all bootlegs and had similar sounding weyheyhey-esque breaks

    not a new genre, it's just that the people who make bootlegs like that seem to care more regarding the differentiation

    [ download ] 249.66 KB (2553x1755) 1686238785451864.jpg

    post the awesome hyperflip in this thread. Lost frog definitely has the right idea to be leaning into this scene over the old one as kusoikore type shit stopped being interesting a very long time ago. Albeit dariacore has started to get kind of oversaturated and repetetivie as well, it still completely mogs the rotting corpse that is modern "breakcore" and lolicore, especially if you stick to more the japanese side of it where they call it hyperflip rather than the weird radqueer western artists (some of those are pretty good too they just have a higher poop to gold ratio).
    6 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.

    [ download ] 58.49 KB (900x900) unnamed.jpg
    japanese technology lets us shit in a smart box and it will get transcribed into samples and patterns. some japs get creative and put other things in the shart box like vomit, spit, semen, dildos or anything else that comes out of our body

    the japanese smart shitbox transcriptions in question:

    new DIARRHEA just dropped 🔥🔥🔥

    this song just made me spontaneously do 30 pushups. actual heat

    what would a 15 album allignment chart for 3rd (and 4th?) wave lolicore look like 15 years after the original 1st-2nd wave lolicore chart?

    like shit


    [ download ] 708.02 KB (882x1000) IMG_5997.jpeg

    hello, im a noise and samplecore artist, sometimes breakcore or something. I was recently looking into producing ambient noise but idk how to get the ambient aspect into it lol. I use vcv rack free when producing noise music. any advice?

    You could try putting a lot of effects and also reverb. Ambient pads could work (obvi)

    try Avatar ST plugin (it's free). it has a lot of interesting stock presets to help u get started.

    make the notes really long

    cute little album for y'all
    merry christmas!

    video & free download codes soon..
    24 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.

    Codes when?

    srry I was busy with celebrating all the holidays. I was drunk numerous times and completely forgot about it

    srry, I messed up with the files.
    here are the CORRECT codes!


    >>356 im gonna thug all over you

    [ download ] 515.09 KB (746x592) unknown.png

    blash mu blahs esesnetent lolsicore
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    bc he became a normie news ad shill
    he is the penguinz/some ordinary gamer for linux users. any sane person would have stopped watching about a year or 2 ago

    I thought some ordinary gamer is some ordinary gamer for lincucks users albeit, at least that used to be something that pajeetself used to talk about

    This image is older than your mom but actually still a pretty good primer on lolicore.

    Actually, this list comprises like 50% of the lolicore albums that existed when it was made. Srsly, I've been seeing this one since the days when the lolicore "scene" was like a hundred people, half of whom were also the artists.


    [ download ] 61.06 KB (600x525) GyateBury.jpg

    Left in 2023, back in 2025
    How are you guys?

    SUP NIGGER WE GOOD. nah fuck the shitcords we lolinet for lief


    i dont remember guy from 2023 named alexx but maybe its just my alzheimers activating idk

    i remember he uploaded to archive once?

    it was not even a few hours i made this board and the site got its first cp spam. way to fucking go
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    gem, im save this video

    [ download ] 90.8 KB (1431x1680) 20241202_042115.jpg
    ♪ ∧,_∧
       (´・ω・`) ))
     (( ( つ ヽ、 ♪
       〉 とノ )))

    ♪ ∧,_∧
       (´・ω・`) ))
     (( ( つ ヽ、 ♪
       〉 とノ )))


    give me like. 1-100 days. ik the website is down.
    i am changing hardware and things. idk how long it will take tbh. might be more closer to winter when i have time to do shit
    113 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.

    please add dj sailor moon to

    i never ran my own xmpp or even know if there good server software for openbsd. i tried the free domain thing before but could never figure it out, i just use a random xmpp server there is a lot, idk how stable u need. i believe u would need a audio server too if u want calls on it?
    i use but others use and and many other weird domains
    i dont think it matters so long as u have encryption. but sending photos and things do upload to the server and stored unencrypted. and are accessed by a url
    calls are ass and i have moved to element to do calls. or mumble if i don't need video calls

    [ download ] 28.41 KB (708x498) image (1).png
    today I ventured outside this board for once because i noticed the little list at the top was shorter than usual. when I was there I read something that said that this /lolicore/ is getting moved into being apart of instead of being apart of this it's true, when is it going to happen? is girmmy technically completent and enough able to fight through his crazy ADHD paralysis attacks that prevent him from getting anything done for months at a time to be able to run the kotatsuBBS on him? im worried

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