
a fun place, with pears! now downsized..
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  • [ download ] 16.87 KB (158x304) pear man.gif

    I avenge the 200 get! with the 5000 GET!
    Nashikouen is a really wonderful and unique board, I wanted to make a montage tribute for the last 5000 posts, but I don't want someone else to get this get -w-. But it might come later this thread!
    GO get em pears!

    next GET will be mein

    we need nau to make a post!


    she is the only one that can save nashikouen!

    i will get my slave pen man to fix the site. untill then the oc has to be bugs. obly bugs. and then maybe i will considor


    [ download ] 3.23 KB (399x399) bettl.png
    What if it's a pear bug

    >obly bugs. and then maybe i will considor

    did nau learn penglish?


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