
a fun place, with pears! now downsized..
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  • i thought i was becoming a old man in my early 20s, balding, rising blood pressure, kids just calling my age old. etc

    i got worried when i saw this but it turns out it was mostly my diet... the brekfest sandwitch i get in the morining had 76% of the daily sodiun. the lunch i get witch dose not seem bad for u is 84% or just burritos for 27% a pop. (i eat like 3 or 4)

    (my dad who is actually old and needs to check his blood pressure had his lunch food at 127% soduimcin it....

    this shit should be illegal, eating a seemingly simple food just spikes you with sodium. i am also gonna finaly get my ddr pad working. and a new router bc i was sold junk and been trying to get it working but failing and now a paper weight.

    this was it this morning. please eat healthy and play in more parks

    eat more pears and lettuce

    Man, food companies really out here trying to speedrun our aging process. That sodium percentage is wild—no wonder you felt like you were aging in fast forward. At least you caught it early before you turned into a living salt shaker. Hope the DDR pad helps balance things out! Also, RIP to that router… sounds like it went out fighting.

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