
a fun place, with pears! now downsized..
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    I've been rewatching the monogatari series because of the new anime and nothing makes me want to take a walk like this anime. Seeing the characters walk around through these somewhat surreal places just makes me want to start walking randomly through streets I've never been to. The other day I decided to walk to the train station from my university instead of going by subway like I usually do and It was pretty nice.

    Also, the new episodes have been really good, they feel very creative and fun. It's nice to see real life objects and footage come back. They've also substituted the textured color frames with simple color frames with no text like in the other SHAFT/Shinbou shows, which I quite like. I think since the ones with words are still textured, the simple color ones add variety.
    I didn't really care for Yotsugi the first time I watched the series, but on rewatch she became one of my favorites, so it's nice that she's the narrator. I'm linking non mentally ill Nadeko as well.

    gbt bed hachi

    I'm not hachi.
    I did post that at 4 am still good advice though.

    I meant "I did post that at 4 am, so that's still good advice", but I somehow forgot to write the "so that's".
    Also, in the OP I meant I'm liking Nadeko, not linking.

    i agree hachi would never just walk around. he is tied to his room and keyboard

    Oh heyy thats the anime renau circulation is from :-D

    It is. I like Mousou Express more, though.
    She's getting a new opening in the new anime too. I assume next episode.

    i should really watch this but my hard drive is running out of space...

    [ download ] 127.68 KB (884x604) disk is cheap.png
    disk is cheap

    that's not a disk.. that is a rectangle with numbers and words on it

    the new one

    it's a rectangle that you can use to store a bunch of anime!
    ヽ( ´ω`)ノ

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