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    cracking isn't as kewl as they say?

    learn the shell. lots and lots of shell.

    start off with some wargames.

    know what a sysadmin dose. look for his mistakes.
    cracking is still haxor stuff and its still is k00l

    usually when i want to feel like a hacker i put on hacker rap songs. it is quite useful as you can hear things that are useful to know,

    like i dint know what tor socks where and how to use them

    you can run any program thu tor with torsocks.. its quite nifty.


    u need to skateboard and wear cool sunglasses

    >u need to skateboard and wear cool sunglasses

    hmmmmm..... that would make me look cool if they arrest me and on tv im looking really kewl

    you wanna be a real hacker? (`・ω・´)

    sudo apt install cmatrix pipes-sh tmux
    tmux new session \; send-keys pipes enter \; split-window -h \; send-keys "cmatrix -b -a -u 3" enter

    and everyone will marvel at your haxx0r setup ヽ(´∇`)ノ

    was gonna add more things in a 2x2 grid but I'm too lazy to think of it
    so I decided to just do one split
    doing a | split and a single - split to the right is super easy at least

    to become even more haxx0r, I guess an exercise for the reader would be to modify the above to make 4 evenly spaced panels and put something cool in them
    (also, send-keys literally sends those keys into the tmux pane's shell but some sequences like escape or enter will be interpreted as single buttons and not a sequence of presses)

    advanced hax0r status: remote into someone else's machine and do this (・∀・)


    did you have a skateboard and cool sun glasses?

    if you can post here from jail, you can hack from jail
    never stop haxxing (`・ω・´)

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