
a fun place, with pears! now downsized..
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    where did they come from...? Σ(°ロ°)

    space hey? idk i have not sent this around anywhere... i have some conspirises theory's tho

    Think it's related to the American government?

    what do they gotta do with nashi

    either way it's a good change in pace ヽ(´ー`)ノ

    Because conspiracies and also the email section.

    yes, because flooding the site with low-quality threads is good... (=__=) i use imageboards specifically to stay away from the way of speaking and subject matter usually discussed and shared by social-media obsessed teenagers, but nobody is allowed to say it in case it offends the newcomers i guess. i know it's just my personal neuroses about keeping the "mood" of online places i like perfectly the same or else it makes me feel like i've lost yet another site to appeasing people who can't be bothered to lurk a bit before posting, but... i believe nashinoobs need to be be put into pear-harvesting camps for a month before contributing to our rich society

    I second azarashi's statement. Delete their posts and send them to the pear farm

    [ download ] 1.23 MB (1000x1024) sakura-and-kero.png
    >yes, because flooding the site with low-quality threads is good... (=__=) i use imageboards specifically to stay away from the way of speaking and subject matter usually discussed and shared by social-media obsessed teenagers, but nobody is allowed to say it in case it offends the newcomers i guess.

    if we really had high quality threads, I could probably be more on board with this statement
    but we barely get threads ( ´ω`)
    the existing crowd mostly comes from a handful of more active sites, and thus posts there instead of here and we outright need new blood

    like outright, the last remotely interesting thing to happen was perth showing up, and then the watch party before that
    we don't need to be fast, but we need something happening to even have a community that could be high quality

    if the new users suck and break the rules, they'll get banned ┐(゚~゚)┌

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    - you are running KotatsuBBS. a clear and easy to read image board software -