stop slacking off and go back 2 work!
I've never had a job and I'll never get one!
>>3804 bury nice girl !
>>3880 strawbury! ヽ(´∇`)ノ
do you like lolicore?
yes and no at the same time. I don't like when lolicore is extremely loud (not a noise music fan, sorry) + people in internet hate me for that
drown my thoughts with rambling sounds
No, it's shitty and lazy. Any loser can make fast "breakcore" in some software and add random samples from anime
>>3870 Go on then.
fine i will donate. but dont think you will be lighter then paper money u loli wikipe-tan!!
I'd donate to Wikipedia if they weren't so obnoxious about asking. speaking of donations though, I should actually donate to the Internet Archive, they're kind of a load bearing piece of internet infrastructure... if Wikipedia disappeared tomorrow, it isn't like you couldn't just download all of it, there are utilities for doing exactly that lol you are NOT downloading all of the Internet Archive, it just isn't happening
...we missed Cirno day. Oops. (;´Д`)
>>3862 NO U
Speak for yourself. I celebrated it!
>>3866 how did you celebrate? only thing I really did for Cirno on 9/9 was play Cirno's Perfect Math Class in Music Diver at the arcade lol
time is moving too fast it's gonna be Christmas awfully soon... when you're young, it's great because presents and the lot ヽ(´∇`)ノ when you're old, it sucks because that's the part of the year when you spend the most money (,・_・,)
December is cool! its also pear month! we will have amazing pear month ヽ(´∇`)ノ
>>3842 huh didn't know that
I hate Christmas because I have no friends and my family hates me.
a pear could have a worm in it right as you bite into it
>(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST - nashi is all ages) but there's a post about alcohol which is restricted to adults aged 21+/18+ depending on the country, however PENIS is relevant to all ages, and jokes about them are beloved by middle schoolers the world over!
this middle schooler is mad because they cant drink (´∇`)σ
lol! penis!(lol! ban!)
no.. only apples have worms silly!
will you be watching trump vs biden in political debates tonight? i think it would be a comedy show :D
the presidential debates would be a lot more interesting to watch if they both had to debate with their PENIS out(next time its perma ban, no more penis talk)
>>3062 i will be playing video games!!
I was driving home when the debate was on, but it wasn't like I'd have watched it anyway lol (・∀・)
it was a lot more stupid then trump x biden... i actually had lolz last debate... this time it was mostly trump quotes taken out of context and lies. trump was just saying the same thing his campaigns always was with the same interrupts and name calling
⋔⊬ ⎅⟟☊☍ ⟟⌇ ⌰⟟☍⟒ ⏃ ⌰⍜⏃⎅⟒⎅ ☌⎍⋏ ☍⟟⌰⌰⟟⋏☌ ⟒⎐⟒⍀⊬⍜⋏⟒ Only real aliens are allowed(⎍⌇⟒⍀ ⍙⏃⌇ ⏚⏃⋏⋏⟒⎅ ⎎⍜⍀ ⏁⊑⟟⌇ ⌿⍜⌇⏁)
Delicious lamb chops! Gloomsville's favorite dish since 19xx(USER WAS ROASTED OVER A FIRE FOR THIS POST)
>>3796 do u know what loli means ? (-""-;)
Pork is way better.
>>3805 it has been a long time since I've eaten pork not for religious reasons; it just doesn't come up like, it's been a month, and all I had then was a bit of bacon on something ┐(゚~゚)┌
i did have lambchops. they where not that good. my dad over cooked them. might have needed sauce
AROE SWIMMING IN MY WINE!!!1 she gonna get drunk again
this was only 7$ but i can tell you... i would pay 40$ for this aroe glass it is such a nice thing i love it so much. its thin glass too. i am surprised it survived. i didn't even ask for better packing. aroe is soo cute (^Д^)(^Д^)(^Д^)
>she gonna get drunk again you are drunking wine on the job? W-well if it's aroe you're with then i will let it slide
Lol, I love it
nashi, I want some cheesecake... ( ´ω`) publix closed 5 minutes ago so I can't even go get some....... ( ´,_ゝ`)
I am now enjoying cheesecake. ヽ(´ー`)ノ
i had lemon cake bc some one birtday
>>3829 nice (´ー`)
cheesecake would be nice...
one tiem i saw a snake in tall grass
>>3777 where I live is supposed to have a bunch of snakes but I haven't seen a snake in the wild in decades
rattle rattle rattle
when I was a kid, I used to just suck on lemons straight (・∀・) haven't done that in a loooong time but I think about it a lot
sounds like you will never get survey!
i like to suck on things, such as my thumb of course!
What a monster you are... I only put lemons in tea!
i think we already have a thread like this but lets start a new one!
I made that screencap!
everyone should know about it's a search engine that's very useful for old browsers but also has a great random site button is a neat Japanese oekaki board to check out is the board where those still in middle/high school post I dunno if they block non-Japanese from posting lol has a bunch of cool info on cut and hidden stuff from videogames is an extremely technical blog but goes into some cool stuff about old Linux, OS/2, Windows, DOS, etc and emulating those platforms. is a webcomic I like a lot. No real plot, just jokes. click the red button for a bonus panel ヽ(´∇`)ノ
wow amazing collections!i love it.