
a fun place, with pears! now downsized..
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  • [ download ] 1.27 MB (2095x2347) summer-cirno-2.png

    Is it getting cold by you?

    it's bloody hot here, it's gonna be 90-something all week, I'm still waiting for things to go down to a consistent 80-something
    and it's gonna be rainy at random
    where I used to live years ago is in the 60s now

    all temperatures in F, 90F is like 32C, 80F is like 26-27C, and 60F is like 15-16C
    I've got no real head for temperatures in C other than like 30-something is warm, 40-something is hateful death temperature, 20-something is cool, and less than that is bloody cold ┐(^ v ^;)┌
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    FLORIDA MAN!! keep warm out there anon.
    its still quite warm in texas. i want snow!!!

    [ download ] 230.67 KB (850x966) yotsubasnow.jpg
    It is now very cold here ( ´ω`)

    this morning was terribly cold but then it warmed up
    went from having two jackets on when I went to work to none on

    it's pretty cold rn we don't get much snow too often tho lol however there was some snow yesterday but not enough to cover the ground too much ... hoping for more snow next week (`・ω・´)

    I lurve sports. Especially basketball. I wonder if any of you here are active or are you just lazy layabouts?
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    I'm a layabout lol
    played soccer as a kid but that was nearly 25 years ago now ( ´ω`)

    don't grow old and rot... (´~`)

    I play in the NFL

    its Girl Picciotto !

    Always wanted to get into sports but never really could lol... I do love badminton though and it's the only one I am pretty decent at :3c

    i thought i was becoming a old man in my early 20s, balding, rising blood pressure, kids just calling my age old. etc

    i got worried when i saw this but it turns out it was mostly my diet... the brekfest sandwitch i get in the morining had 76% of the daily sodiun. the lunch i get witch dose not seem bad for u is 84% or just burritos for 27% a pop. (i eat like 3 or 4)

    (my dad who is actually old and needs to check his blood pressure had his lunch food at 127% soduimcin it....

    this shit should be illegal, eating a seemingly simple food just spikes you with sodium. i am also gonna finaly get my ddr pad working. and a new router bc i was sold junk and been trying to get it working but failing and now a paper weight.

    this was it this morning. please eat healthy and play in more parks

    eat more pears and lettuce

    Man, food companies really out here trying to speedrun our aging process. That sodium percentage is wild—no wonder you felt like you were aging in fast forward. At least you caught it early before you turned into a living salt shaker. Hope the DDR pad helps balance things out! Also, RIP to that router… sounds like it went out fighting.

    [ download ] 16.87 KB (158x304) pear man.gif

    I avenge the 200 get! with the 5000 GET!
    Nashikouen is a really wonderful and unique board, I wanted to make a montage tribute for the last 5000 posts, but I don't want someone else to get this get -w-. But it might come later this thread!
    GO get em pears!
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    [ download ] 3.23 KB (399x399) bettl.png
    What if it's a pear bug

    >obly bugs. and then maybe i will considor

    did nau learn penglish?


    I wish I had a phone that abandoned all the rules of ergonomics like this ...
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    [ download ] 173.85 KB (750x650) S3_Murch_Model.png


    It is what users with technological handicaps deserve

    now im just thinking about everyone having a diffrent shaped phone depending on there personality.

    my phone would look like a pear

    [ download ] 27.88 KB (310x494) gum_handstand.jpg

    I saw my thread got deleted and I just wanted to say I'm sorry if I did something wrong... :^<
    I still think your site is really cute
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    I guess it's because I shared a link to my own imageboard, since I felt we were similar. I didn't think it would count as suspicious, but oh well (´・ω・`)

    what's your favorite type of pear anon


    >I guess it's because I shared a link to my own imageboard, since I felt we were similar

    shouldn't have been deleted, but i did see it before it was deleted and. i liked it (`・ω・´)

    [ download ] 408.59 KB (1700x1700) gum.jpg

    EH?! Σ(゚д゚|||)

    I'll post the other gum again, hopefully that wasn't the problem. I like this art <3

    [ download ] 359.11 KB (806x609) noob Persona 3.png

    You wouldn't happen to be n00bs... right?
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    o-of course not (;゚∀゚)

    nobody knows im new wave

    [ download ] 877.05 KB (900x1346) casul.png
    am not nub, wut r u fukin casul???

    *is noob*
    *wonders where the dolls r*

    [ download ] 90.16 KB (1600x1157) pear.jpg

    we need another nashikouen game day, but a better game this time

    pick a game! last game day no one played except me and nau

    some /lolicore/ people are hosting modded mine craft soon. its not exactly nashi culture tho

    i suggest gikopoi. wouldn't really be a game day but it would be fun is a fun drawing game you can play with friends

    today I played IIDX and studied Japanese (`・ω・´)
    and now I'm getting ready for bed since I have work early (´・ω・`;)
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    i am jealous!

    i built a yuki chinpo

    I genuinely expect actually knowing nihongo to take like two whole years.
    I'm not starting from zero, but I've only been back at it for like a month now... (^Д^;)

    but at least I actually see myself keeping at it this time, and there is a bunch of stuff I didn't know a month ago, so I'm not just riding along on my own history ヽ(´ー`)ノ

    I'm taking Beginning Greek

    [ download ] 98.36 KB (640x480) sayuri.jpg

    1000th thread GET is mine!!11

    congraths thef.... ヽ(`Д´)ノ

    >congraths thef

    ur too slow ヽ(`Д´)ノ
    i went and changed mai dns so i could even open nashi so you had plenty of time!!!

    [ download ] 820.24 KB (1024x682) 12980113.jpg.png

    my tripcode is ##perth
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    i bet its not

    good you and your band sucks

    that is a compliment

    he's returning to heyuri

    [ download ] 130.99 KB (1024x768) yoem.jpg

    Hahaha sorry nashikouen. its about time i finish all you cunts off. im kidnapping all of you and forcing you all to listen to my nirvana covers until u die!! any last words?
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    lol! mosquitoe

    epic failz0rz
    how does this person know I like yomi!

    You've said you liked yomi

    my first post on geyuri was a sakaki one..

    [ download ] 92.44 KB (550x550) pear.jpg




    [ download ] 400.11 KB (1024x768) yotsubaa.jpg

    Merry Christmas Nashikouen!
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    >so, what did you get for christmas?

    I bought myself some chocolates for myself and others

    i got a 3d printer. i got it early for my self around black friday!

    ah, I really should get one
    I have no room here and not enough money for one that isn't a bunch of fiddling...

    Futile. Sculpting your products from stone is the way 2 go

    [ download ] 201.97 KB (2000x2000) stylus.jpeg

    I bought a disc-tip stylus and it's so much fun to use... drawing is no longer the realm of finger and mouse for me...

    I was a dumdum who bought a cheap Galaxy tablet that didn't have S Pen support, so finding that these things existed was great. It's pretty precise too.

    I am kind of deeply worried that the pen tip will break though, it's a disc on a piece of rubber.
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    [ download ] 20.54 KB (300x300) 1736405923447.png
    it is just a passive capacitive stylus, so no pressure
    very high accuracy despite being passive, I can reliably get pinpoint precision while drawing

    that being said, if you have a device that supports an active stylus like the S Pen or Apple Pencil, buy the active one lmao

    I scribbled this on /o/ for funsies a few minutes ago lol even though I should be in bed
    physically couldn't do this in the time it took without it

    that is really cute... now GO TO BED..

    if you are american in the east/south
    enjoy the rare snow event

    I'm south FL, so no snow, but it is way too cold for how south I am...
    high of 65F tomorrow ( ´ω`)

    also, good night

    i should have snow.... ima still be up!

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