
a fun place, with pears! now downsized..
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  • [ download ] 193.89 KB (1872x1080) koma nuigurumi.jpg

    has any one ever made there own plushies? i have had many ideas on ones i wanted to make but never knew how and worried they would come out bad

    it seems like ADVANCE craft work that takes a background of being a female who has been making bracelets since they where 7 or took a sewing class.

    i wanna make a aroe plushie!
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    I kind of want to give plushmaking a try myself. I guess you'd look up a youtube tutorial and follow along to not just stumble blindly, but I have no recommendations or suggestions.
    could do something with felt too for easiness's sake ヽ(´∇`)ノ

    i maybe cant say anything , cuz i am kind of this demographic
    >who has been making bracelets since they where 7 or took a sewing class.

    (both) but sewing + plushies + everything else 'crafty' is a lot easier than it looks ^_^ depends on if u prefer machine sewing or hand sewing. by hand is easier (usually) but machine is a lot stronger but more expensive.
    if people actually cared i wuld luv 2 talk more about sewing here ! maybe post sum patterns. ^_^
    i have been wanting 2 sew lately , maybe i can chronicle

    salva art in any form sounds fun!! i would love to see patterns!

    Hotaru did it and she was 10, you've no ixcuse

    [ download ] 41.27 KB (620x465) wmaker.jpg

    window maker looks awesome, but I have my doubts regarding its functionality. Could any window maker user share their experience with me?
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    who's 'we'?

    the royal we (`・ω・´)

    are you from a monarch?

    Window Maker is like your grandpa's Unity (as in Ubuntu Unity).

    [ download ] 123.07 KB (640x480) HNI_0038_MPO.JPG

    hello, nashipals... i'm posting from my 3DS!!! (°Дº) crazy that the the internet browser function is still working... the only pictures on this thing is one of my monchichi doll, so here you go... (^д^)~♪

    yayaya!!! congrats i pposting from arch linux

    I wish I still had my 3DS...

    yay! congrats on posting from arch, im posting from devuan

    Post some odd old paintings, whose meanings are not readily apparent.
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    [ download ] 63.08 KB (470x652) images (81).jpeg

    I really like this one for some reason.

    pretty much all of Hieronymus Bosch's paintings ┐(゚~゚)┌

    That's what they did to poor Sancho Panza.

    [ download ] 67.93 KB (820x410) koomy.jpg

    recently, i played warframe: koumei and the five fates! the latest update that came out last week. It's been enjoyable and i'm excited to get the new items... (´ー`) but i usually get more enjoyment out of these things after a couple months have passed. what have you guys been playing? do you also enjoy mmo-lites?

    Taking a break rn but the most recent game I was playing was Splatoon 3. Very fun game, grandfest esp was amazing!! I was Team Past and I was so happy when we won (I never lose until I lose .). Otherwise I mostly play ranked (splat zones or rainmaker) and salmon run. Been playing since the first Splatoon game so yeah lol (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)

    > mmo-lite

    w-whats an mmo-lite ( ´,_ゝ`)
    I used to play Planetside 2, if that counts
    Just got Flanker 2.5, I love simulator games (`・ω・´)
    any other simulator enjoyers here?

    [ download ] 193.62 KB (350x401) IMG_6217.png

    The cockroaches are an ancient group, with their ancestors, known as "roachoids", originating during the Carboniferous period, some 320 million years ago. Those early ancestors, however, lacked the internal ovipositors of modern roaches. Cockroaches are somewhat generalized insects lacking special adaptations (such as the sucking mouthparts of aphids and other true bugs); they have chewing mouthparts and are probably among the most primitive of living Neopteran insects. They are common and hardy insects capable of tolerating a wide range of climates, from Arctic cold to tropical heat. Tropical cockroaches are often much larger than temperate species.
    Modern cockroaches are not considered to be a monophyletic group, as it has been found based on genetics that termites are deeply nested within the group, with some groups of cockroaches more closely related to termites than they are to other cockroaches, thus rendering Blattaria paraphyletic. Both cockroaches and termites are included into Blattodea.
    Some species, such as the gregarious German cockroach, have an elaborate social structure involving common shelter, social dependence, information transfer and kin recognition. Cockroaches have appeared in human culture since classical antiquity. They are popularly depicted as large, dirty pests, although the majority of species are small and inoffensive and live in a wide range of habitats around the world.

    Brrrr I get flashbacks to my university years where I lived in a roach infested dorm and despite multiple pest control interventions, they would remain.

    I also was too mentally screwed up to clean my room regularly and had a clogged sink that didn't seem to come from my room itself, so I had all the roaches of the floor coming to my place. Fun times...

    Can you paint a mental image of a place like that? Was there cans and trash and food lying all over the place ? Or just relatively unclean, not like diasterously unclean though

    What nashikouen thinks about making music in trackers? ( ´ω`)
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    [ download ] 128.2 KB (1280x994) renoisee.png
    it's actually pretty simple!
    trackers almost universally work in the following way:
    * first, you set up some instruments, there will usually be a box in the top right corner where you'll have a list of them, you'd load instrument samples in here usually, or in Renoise you could pick a VST instrument, or in something like FamiTracker in the OP pic, you'd be able to edit things like volume and pitch over time
    second, you'll put notes into patterns with the keyboard, it's usually laid out in piano order, so Z/X/C/etc would be the white notes notes C/D/E/etc, and on the row above, S/D would be notes C# and D# as black notes
    * if you're in edit mode, pressing a note will put it where the cursor is using the currently selected instrument, if you're not, it'll just play the note on the speakers
    * lastly, you'll arrange those patterns in the order list, which just lets you control the overall order of the patterns in the song

    you'll usually go through those steps out of order a few times, but you need instruments to make patterns, and you need patterns to order them into a song

    for a more concrete example, in Renoise, those three steps would be:
    * I'd drag in a .WAV file as an instrument (area 1 in pic), selecting the next instrument in the list and dragging in another, until I have a few instruments
    * I'd then put some notes down in the pattern (area 2). Esc toggles edit mode.
    * I'd then use the order editor (area 3) to make a new pattern so I can add more to the song. There's a "duplicate pattern" button that's usually pretty useful since you don't usually want to completely change everything every 4 bars worth of music.

    I'd repeat those steps until I was done, adding/changing instruments, editing notes, and ordering patterns around. There's more stuff in Renoise, like DSP effects and instrument automation and the lot, but those aren't needed to get started.

    download the Renoise demo, it's free and the only thing missing is .wav export
    you can get around that by either uploading your .xrns song or by using Audacity or something to record your speakers if you aren't willing to pay $75 -- if you actually find yourself liking it, I'd say it's more than worth $75, but there's no reason to blow the cash yet on software you don't even know if you'll like using

    old openbsd youtuber is doing music stuff and just made a video on a tracker he found!

    Hmm yes, I read this thread, watched a few tutorials and then put out this:

    I've just been playing around with the sample editor though, haven't gotten around to the instrument editor...(⌒∇⌒ゞ)

    [ download ] 115.37 KB (600x600) cyberbots.jpg

    i am trying 2 get back into some emulation stuff but i have no idea really what to play....
    i luvv fighting games but i am willing 2 branch out luuul
    couldn find a nice picture so have one of my fav games (besides BR2!)
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    Another fighting game fan, eh?
    I've known about Cyberbots by mostly watching some Fightcade matches done with the arcade version as well as tournaments of said game, and have also played my fair share of Bloody Roar 2. If you really want a more well-known 3D fighting game on the PSX, look no further than good ol' Tekken 3. A lot of people enjoyed this one, and I do as well. Pic rel features King's iconic 2P costume that everyone likes, alongside Lei Wulong, one of my common Tekken picks. It was also the debut of series mainstays like Ling Xiaoyu, Jin Kazama, Hwoarang, and If you want your Tekken fix on PSP, there's Tekken Dark Resurrection (a port of Tekken 5 DR) and a really well-made port of Tekken 6.
    There's ways to do PSX and PSP netplay, so there's that of course.

    play Omega Boost.

    If you like fighting games with weird bonus modes, play Tobal no. 1 and Tobal no. 2 as well as Ehrgeiz.

    and if you end up liking their dungeon crawler modes, try playing Baroque

    baroque seems interesting :3 you can play it on psp and ps2

    i liek propel but idk if it was bc i drank like 4 of them at once witch gave me a nose bleed. but usaly i would get a propel in teh morning and it help wake me up and feel better if i had a hang over..
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    :0 sweat! ima try that!

    i never had liquid death but i see it everywhere.. just look liek alcohol at first glance

    [ download ] 81.26 KB (247x422) xxx.png
    i love vitamin water... vitamin water zero sugar acai blueberry is my favorite... but idk why it's called xxx, does it mean SEX FLAVOR?! (;゚∀゚)

    all I drink is juice and soda
    an astonishingly little amount of unsweetened water enters my body ( ´ω`)

    I will die when I hit 56 at the rate I'm going, so not too long now, maybe a decade, maybe a decade and a half, maybe two whole decades ヽ(^Д^;)ノ

    it's been years since I've had one, but I think I remember the message on teh bottle indicating that they were absolutely implying that lol

    you should stop drinking so much sodas.... you wont just one day drop dead... it will be painful and become more sick.. pissing stones is naut fun

    perth has returned brah, yknow what I mean brah?
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    How large is your PENIS?









    ok dude what the fuck

    [ download ] 68.65 KB (498x288) kaibasmug.png
    Good to see you brah

    no fucking way

    do you like this cool dog?



    it's pretty cool

    whats the dog thinking?

    Nice doggo!

    [ download ] 175.43 KB (300x169) come_on_do_it.gif

    stop slacking off and go back 2 work!
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    I'm at work too much to not slack off.

    I'm on vacation ヽ(´∇`)ノ

    i cleaned my room! (・∀・)

    I'm a NEET!

    [ download ] 1.89 MB (1569x1035) 1422495531934.png

    Hey admin-sama
    The home page doesn't use https for some reason

    i mean i guess it defaulted to http... but it seems to run https

    nvm, was a bug on mobile browser maybe

    [ download ] 359.85 KB (436x510) XD.png

    gonna try doing this grage kit. i didnt know this was from a really gay anime.. i just got it bc it was super cheap.

    i took all the pieces out and dumped them into a ziplock back filled with degreaser. as these are resin casted, it will still have the grease used to have it break away from the mold it was in.

    naut doing that will result in primer not sticking or sticking but months later flake off.

    some people say when shaving down/sanding out seam lines that it will put resin dust in teh air and that is bad bad bad to breath in..i dont have a resporator nor gonna do it outside as i dont think its that bad, maybe i will wet sand it so it less bad. i do all of teh work in my room so it might be bad. i do have a hose conected to the outside and can suck with it pretty good so i might use that and show it off too (^Д^)
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    naut a good idea. i couldnt sleep last night. maybe its bc of toxic resin.. idk

    prob also should naut do it next to bed

    you're braver than me
    there's a lot of stuff I don't do because I don't have any kind of mask or vent system...

    I wonder if OP finished it?

    have not. i got to spraying it with primer and fucked it up as it fell and was to thick...

    i am trying to buy a new router other then just using my openbsd server as a router. something brain dead easy but also super secure.

    i already bought a router i can flash openwrt on but i wanted pfsense but wireless is poor.

    openbsd is alright but i fail each time setting up a vpn and understanding pf other then simple things.

    i already got a openwrt compatsvle router coming but i wanna know if there is a better solution
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    bc OpenBSD ROCKS

    needed this bc i had no monitor using as a router.

    i am so inlove

    mumu$ neofetch
    (_) -------------------
    | . OS: OpenBSD 7.5 amd64
    . |L /| . _ Host: Protectli FW4B
    _ . |\ _| \--+._/| . (_) Uptime: 1 hour, 14 mins
    / ||\| Y J ) / |/| ./ Packages: 56 (pkg_info)
    J |)'( | ` F`.'/ _ Shell: ksh v5.2.14 99/07/13.2
    -<| F __ .-< (_) Terminal: /dev/ttyp0
    | / .-'. `. /-. L___ CPU: Intel Celeron J3160 (4) @ 1.601GHz
    J \ < \ | | O\|.-' _ Memory: 106MiB / 1980MiB
    _J \ .- \/ O | | \ |F (_)
    '-F -<_. \ .-' `-' L__
    __J _ _. >-' )._. |-'
    `-|.' /_. \_| F
    /.- . _.<
    /' /.' .' `\
    /L /' |/ _.-'-\
    /'J ___.---'\|
    |\ .--' V | `. `
    |/`. `-. `._)
    / .-.\
    \ ( `\

    dear god.....

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