
a fun place, with pears! now downsized..
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  • [ download ] 264.17 KB (1032x1457) 121091228_p0.jpg

    time is moving too fast
    it's gonna be Christmas awfully soon...

    when you're young, it's great because presents and the lot ヽ(´∇`)ノ
    when you're old, it sucks because that's the part of the year when you spend the most money (,・_・,)
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    I'm just young enough to be the one who's still mooching but my time to start giving back is coming soon, probably next year...(⌒∇⌒ゞ)

    i know that you need to fully enjoy thanksgiving time, and not be too impatient to start getting into the christmas spirit, but... (´¬`) i can't wait to start putting up decorations, having everything be green and red, seeing lights every where! even though my christmases as a child have usually been stressful and sad, now i have discovered a newfound joy and happiness from christmas as an adult (´人`) finding the perfect gifts for the pepl i love makes me really happy, and the music is naise and nostalgic

    I like doing homemade gifts because you can put thought into it and you don't have to spend too much money if your poorz ( ´,_ゝ`)I don't think my family or friends liek that tho

    chrismas eve!!! are yew all excited to open presents tmrw? (・∀・)

    [ download ] 1.95 MB (480x270) haxxing.gif

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    [ download ] 431.47 KB (1126x990) Decoded!!!.jpg
    I’ve cracked teh code.

    [ download ] 69.29 KB (1920x1080) fish.jpg

    Dear azarashi,

    I just discovered that it was yourself that posted the noi-gren thread from june(?) 2023. That thread has been one of the most memorable and favorite threads of mine. Thanks

    awe... thank you very much (´/// `) ever since i started using this trip code, i wondered if anyone would recognize me... i'm glad others appreciated my postings from other imgboards (´人`)

    [ download ] 13.89 KB (256x192) 9845.jpg

    Someone needs to translate this ASAP...

    All the source text is really accessible here:
    It even comes with compilation instructions in English.
    My nihongo is not good, but I did a few tests with the GPT-4o API, and I think this could be translated pretty well with some combination of scripting (to break the code into chunks) and API calls.
    Plus 4o seems to know about nscript syntax, so it's not likely to mess it up.

    [ download ] 111.75 KB (800x600) 24749.jpg
    Leaving this here in case anyone wants to help:
    Everything was machine-translated, and there's probably formatting and other issues. It's tedious work, but they can be fixed with side-by-side comparison with the originals, and testing.

    [ download ] 806.04 KB (1007x704) yomers.png

    ill answer anything as long as it wont get me banned
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    I like black coffee.

    i drink coffee black only too! (・∀・)

    im just another loser who thinks hes the best troll ever anyways LOL

    idk why auto sage has not kicked in. next post will be deleted.
    keep replying to this thread will cause it deletion

    [ download ] 18.05 KB (256x360) 13985.jpg

    put them back

    [ download ] 78.04 KB (385x550) reimoofuckyou.jpg

    when I was a kid, I used to just suck on lemons straight (・∀・)
    haven't done that in a loooong time but I think about it a lot
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    What a monster you are...
    I only put lemons in tea!

    Actually one time (semi-recently) I ate 2 whole lemons in a week...I didn't think they weren't too sour tbh. Now that I have braces I can't do it anymore but once I get them off, I'll be sure to eat an entire lemon lol

    [ download ] 22.39 KB (426x344) mandarin-chan.jpg
    sucking on oranje is better than sucking on lemone... i will slice up oranje, sucke until no more juice, and then rip off all the flesh of each slice with my teeth until they are 100% clean peels ヽ(゚ρ゚)ノ even better if you put them in the fridge so the juice is cold and refreshing

    i dare you to eat an entire lemon

    [ download ] 26.31 KB (552x553) hello-december.jpg

    hello december (・∀・)ノ

    simply, having, a wonderful winter tiem!!!

    it is cold (´~`)
    like, I am in Florida so it is only like 50f cold (at night) but again, I am in Florida

    that's too cold ヽ(`Д´)ノ

    There is no snow here ( ´,_ゝ`)

    [ download ] 5.87 MB (1920x1080) NICLSPBZXb.png

    desktop thread?

    [ download ] 110 KB (392x324) puffychair.png

    do you guys watch unix conferences and talks?

    here is some talks and things i found and liked.

    this guys explains well about openbsd and what it is and how it is different from other unixes

    this guy talks about how webstack is like in openbsd and what to expect.

    here is a guy explaing BCHS webstack. bsd, c, httpd, sqlite.
    how to make secure webapps... in c

    I used to, it has been a while. I need to go find some of the cooler talks I saw...

    [ download ] 1.17 MB (498x498) picmix-moetan.gif

    do any nashinals make picmixes? its basically blingees but the site actually functions and isn't abandonded (・∀・) i used to make them a long time ago but stopped, i will post ones i have made in tgis thread \(^O^)/
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    didnt mean tovsage

    [ download ] 196.45 KB (400x400) lol.gif
    I like blingees, but I REALLY love goth ones!!!



    man... i feel bad for him. dose arch really not bring in the girls?
    1 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.

    Shut down aryan

    I got a girlfriend when i left arch to opensuse


    Do you still have a gf?

    [ download ] 769.14 KB (1052x1342) 1492832377473.png

    I want to learn unix and programming. so i installed openbsd VM. what should i learn next?? I want to be a good programmer be smarts so now what? which lang should I learn first? Do I have to study electronics too?

    what do you know about programing?
    you do not need to learn electronics.

    start with the basic shell, openbsd uses ksh most people use bash, all shells are pretty much the same. start off with learning how to move around and interacting with your OS.
    figure out how to install packages.

    get a text editor you want and figure out /etc/ all of your system's configs will be there.

    learn what a daemon is. on openbsd has httpd by defualt. you should peek into its configs in /etc/examples/ and get a basic web server running.

    get to learning how to start,stop,enable,disable daemons. you would use rcctl

    another thing is learning how to combine programs. so using pipes and understanding basic stranderdIO like how to cat a file and then run it thu grep. sed. or any other programs. ffmpeg, curl, imagemagic, wget are good ones to do real things like edit videos or images or scrape stuff off the internet.
    this standerdIO will get you started in learning shell scripting. witch is really powerfull.

    programing C on openbsd i found to be tricky when first starting out. if you know programing terms and the ideas of it. use perl. its like the shell and quite more powerful.

    use AI to help you learn. its knolage with openbsd is bad but it is useful for understanding concepts.

    this is also aimed at beginers you should try going thu bandit
    it will teach you basic unix stuff. and some shell scripting

    i know how to install openbsd and linux and how to do do basic shit like moving files around and exploring the file hierarchy but no programming langs or anything

    i assume u want unix stuff.
    if you wanna harden ur shell knowlage. do bandit, look into useful shell one liners and try making one you want u want. doing some shell scripting with common useful tools sed grep curl ffmpeg wget. i find that shell learning material is really shit but chatgpt can prob give you something that works.

    if you wanna know unix layout and workings. look into daemons, rc scripts, cron, what /etc/ has (base install has cleanest slate to study from), what a chroot is, user premitions and why u should have unprivlaged users for daemons. a good task for learning parts of ur system is making a router or setting up a webserver, both are pretty basic but if you look into how it is ran and why it will make sense.

    now for programing, perl is a lot like shell syntax and not like othee languages syntax will look weird compaired to othersx. learning perl book (lama book) is what i am reading, it expects u to know a language and some jargen but u seem smart enough.
    there is shit like c and c++ and python if u dont want a unix like language, perl is old and companies prefer c++ and python more. u wont be making 3d games in perl. but perl is known as glue language, and a data wrangling language. its the sysadmin's choice to make ur unix do work u want.

    faq should be really good on openbsd

    if you keep working at ur unix knokagd u can make a website like this one (i started unix like late in 2020 ish just doing manjaro linux and playing games not learning and using it like windowz. and it was not until like 2022 is when i started getting arch linux server and hosted a shitty website.
    i then made a music archive website i shared with people, not my music just previous site disappeared so i rehosted it. then i dicked around more and then got openbsd running, and i been doing unix on and off with openbsd and i love openbsd. shitty support for file systems and u have to use amd or intal graphics. and wifi id a gamble, but most all wired connections work.
    it also lets u be like gentoo and easily roll out a custom kernal and things. openbsd makes it super easy if u wanted to do that stuff.
    i later made this website from scratch with help of chatgpt and learning php.
    if u wanna do website programing like this. learn cgi. u can use any old language for cgi but perl and php is better as it grew from there.. dont use shell scripts for cgi unless u wanna get pwnd..

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    bad planning bc i just got suprise work tmrw....

    i uploaded them all to /static/anime
    i need some one to add to cytube and play on time...

    in 15 mins

    [ download ] 92.02 KB (808x1024) sleepy jap.jpg

    will japan ever have powerful leaders in there office? why is jp politics such a meme. i wish my nihongo was good enough to understand things
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    idk. i love nashi being all sfw but /lolicore/ is not exactly site culture. and i do want some sort of /war/ board in the future. mainly for military talk.

    All politics sucks. That's just reality. Politicians are professional liars and incompetents and that's how politics works. Japanese politics has sucked since the Meiji period. Its all downhill from there. Just because Japan makes good robots and vidya doesn't mean their politics is good. Japanese people's self-awareness about the stupidity of politics is why their art is so mature. Something like Metal Gear Solid would never have come out of America.

    I am not going to trust a Twitter loser. I will not take anything he says seriously. Twitter reposts should be banned on this site including political rage posts disguised as VIPQUALITY kuso posts.

    >do want some sort of /war/ board in the future. mainly for military talk

    Majority of military talk online is by retarded war nerds and bomb otaku who know nothing about actual war. They will spend all day arguing about tank treads and other things that don't matter in war. They are among the worst scum who don't understand basic strategy or the art of operations and end up mouthpieces for whatever army they've decided to go gay for. There is already many websites for such people.

    thats the whole point. war nerds would be fun!

    the retardedness of Japan's politics would also be fun as no one really talks about it in English world and we can influiance from a far

    >>4278 >>4282 >>4277
    implies that comes with package of soyjacks countryballs geopol 8ch neocons globalists
    if you like mil talk so much, you can spend your life on frontline, instead of texting.


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