
a fun place, with pears!
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  • [ download ] 259.02 KB (600x400) purr.png

    a purry nice site!
    1 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.



    Wowie zowie! A purry nice site indeed ヽ(´∇`)ノ

    [ download ] 128.3 KB (320x240) internets.gif

    i think if we had more boards, site culture would flourish, and threads that consist of simply inane questions and statements will be contained or eradicated completely. having hobby-specific boards (eg. tech, math, arts,...) would encourage more creative threads that force the user to think before properly responding. it would also encourage posters to have fruitful conversations about shared hobbies, producing a net positive.
    i dont know, i just think /main/ is getting a little stale, but thats just me...
    63 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.

    i guess i could make a chef Ramsey joke about lamb sauce..
    but i would rather turn balkins into bread.

    [ download ] 318.01 KB (640x853) salva.jpg
    you are right (´¬`) muwahahahahaha!

    what is this thread anymore?

    Nashikouen townhall meeting. Berry important.

    [ download ] 685.53 KB (850x675) by berry jou.jpg

    plain rice with lemon juice and salt is an underrated snack i think. the lemon makes the rice feel way lighter somehow!
    16 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.

    Frying some mushrooms...

    Put on rice. : )

    I can't cook. I can like, fry an egg and boil some pasta. Beyond that, nope. (´¬`)

    you only need to make it more complicated than that if you're french!

    ryone who posts in this thread are immune to the only weapon admin-san and the merry band of lolis can use. This is ebil headquarters, you will cower in fear Ψ(`∇´)Ψ

      Λ_Λ  \\
      ( ・∀・)   | | ガッ
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       Y /ノ    人
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    something... hit me, but it dosent make sense! i was supposed 2 be immune

    [ download ] 152.68 KB (962x873) cssfail.png
    Picrel is why you shouldnt play with csshax....

    these css hax where brought to you and part by anonwaha


    Hello Nashville citizens, I think you should listen to Lana Del Rey's unreleased songs because they're pretty good ヽ(´∇`)ノ

    I love Lana Del Rey. 'Young and Beautiful' is probably the best song of the 2010s

    some of lanas music is really good ^_^ i wish i could find some other artists that have the same feel as her earlier stuff

    [ download ] 559.92 KB (562x715) 1560049865863.png

    How many of nashinals (nashimals? that sounds cuter lol) are here?
    I'm not really asking for a guess (but you can guess anyway), I just want a show of hands. ヽ(´∇`)ノ

    17 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.

    hi hi

    i just found this site

    Hiii :3


    [ download ] 195.61 KB (2560x1080) 1672249866574840.png

    14 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.

    [ download ] 1.14 MB (1600x1200) 1654170260221.jpg

    [ download ] 1.76 MB (1600x1200) 1657988558434.jpg

    [ download ] 1.18 MB (1920x1080) 1629581121478.jpg

    Here's one I like.

    [ download ] 587.08 KB (640x480) Gwen's_laptop.png

    Guess I'm posting a thread. Maybe you should reply, or something.
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    and yet it took you 5 days to reply. you're on thin ice, mister! don't think i'm afraid to fire you if you don't get your reply rates on target starting now!

    I'm sorry! I'll be good!

    great. here's your pay: 💰 (it's full of buttons)

    aww the emojis don't get pixelified like they do on heyuri!

    [ download ] 888.74 KB (1440x960) thinkpad_punch.png

    computer is ebil. Must be rekt.
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    [ download ] 1.18 MB (1500x1193) satan rekt.jpg
    on December teh first i will eradicate the sauce of all ebil, phones.. This thread is the heralding the incoming rekt of phones, the computer stuff was a decoy. BANZAI!!

    but i like phone posting!!

    I've broken a laptop and a computer screen by getting angry at video games before
    I wasn't even that angry, it was just passing frustration that would only last a second, but I just kind of did it out of habit, because i was used to it..

    your phone has been rekt and consumed by yours truly (・∀・)

    ice cream vans!

    [ download ] 67.43 KB (350x320) yotsuba_food.jpg
    Hooray! ヽ(´∇`)ノ

    I haven't seen an ice-cream van in a long time.
    Where'd they go? It's REALLY hot out... (94F, feels like 106F lol)

    getting v& in style!

    I got a slurpee from 7-Eleven and gave the change to a homeless person, feels great to do good!

    You got a slurpee AND WONT SHOW IT???

    i will remind you on 24/7/11 to get a slurpy

    >change to a homeless person
    thanks for the change, sucker. My homeless man costume is better than expected! キタ━━━(・∀・)━━━!!

    [ download ] 159.69 KB (600x699) crying.jpg
    No... It can't be true! (;゚Д゚)


    [ download ] 500.91 KB (799x637) 9.jpg

    Post interesting websites. ヽ(´ー`)ノ
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    i was fantasizing about a system where if you get banned, you stop being able to see the main board, and get sent to a secret unmoderated hell board at the same url instead.

    that sounds neat, although you'd need some moderation even still from a liability point of view
    so it would basically just be a board for people you hate that you still need to watch over sadly

    finally managed to make it
    it is remarkably fun ヽ(´∇`)ノ

    very pleasant atmosphere, very cool concept, and concentrates a lot of what would be activity spread out over a whole day into a fun, short experience
    posts being saved to the server in real time felt incredibly futuristic for some reason, even if not being able to delete stuff other than the last three words is a bit painful
    you have to think about what you want to say before it comes out

    afaik 1chan basically has operating hours by virtue of premoderation.

    [ download ] 1.95 MB (1868x1048) paniponi.png

    When's the next Nashi Anime screening? I'm bored!
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    do they still make online open world games? it would be fun to all play something together if there is a site we can all join in.

    it can be a rlly dumb games too i dont mind.

    also watch party is last week of june. squid girl!

    i kinda want to have one sooner but i have summer work and nau is strangely busy. if you have a laptop i am fine with you hosting or doing what ever.

    >also watch party is last week of june. squid girl!
    I've been meaning to watch the show for a very long time and simply haven't.
    I hope I make it, I never make these things. ( ´ω`)

    Strangely busy? "recovering from hikkism" sounds a little more accurate

    [ download ] 167.22 KB (540x397) chrisfreemason.jpg

    is chris a freemason?
    his family has ties to them, isabella janke has ties to the government, ...
    look into the paranormal implications that his medallion has. everyone who has bought and worn one was cursed with bad luck and utter failure in life. its a pattern.
    could it just be karma - that after torturing this helpless delusional autist, these people got what they deserved by the proxy of a medallion in his creations image?
    did chris, by accident, summon a demon in the form of sonichu?
    was anything about chris' life even real?
    is he an mk ultra victim?

    this is a nice board.

    [ download ] 117.46 KB (400x400) ywc.jpg


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