
a fun place, with pears!
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  • I think modern agriculture is pretty interesting. I've been watching the anime Silver Spoon and some videos about agronomy on Youtube recently, but I wish I had more attention span to read about it properly. There's also job advert from my uni for a summer job where you have to diagnose and remove infected plants from fields so the disease doesn't spread. It sounds kind of fun but it might be hard work. Should I apply for it?
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    So goddamn relatable...

    [ download ] 90.27 KB (667x1000) david grigg.jpg
    I'm back from teh job. Didn't take any photo's, but I was living with some nice people, and, importantly, earned quite a lot of money. Some days were really miserable because of the weather though. I also bought this book and I'm going to try and read it before the end of the summer.

    but i also have to resit an computer séance assessment this summer, which is very lame.

    > importantly, earned quite a lot of money.



    i just hated looking at yandere dev. i am still lazy
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    You sure you didnt just ban the file??


    Maybe you should be as sure as that about your site coding

    grrrr. the delete file was just not made. i had it all there just i never used it.

    anyways we have a catalog. to explain how lazy i am, it was created all today. this site would be finished if i was not lazy

    [ download ] 52.83 KB (660x495) _ (12).jpeg

    Everytime i search for bunny photos its always this specific one with all sorts of objects on its head.. brained damage :-D
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    Decease infection

    [ download ] 34.38 KB (474x474) pancake_bunny.jpg
    looking delicious

    Do NOT eat the bunny!!

    Eat or be eaten!

    i mean like real guns. today's work was in a ghetto neighbor hood and i had to toat a glock.

    it was fun as i had to dig a hole for work today. remember kids always wear a holster and don't just tuck it in ur pocket
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    is the US jungles so dangerous? you ever been robbed?

    i have never seen crime but yes basically. i am not taking chances.

    careful not to aggravate an US jungle gorilla

    u sound kinda corny lolol

    [ download ] 478.62 KB (498x423) i want him dead.gif

    Been reading homestuck lately and its pretty fun ( ´ω`)
    Johns cute, rose is interesting, and dave is the sorta "i dont ACTUALLY like this nerd shit lol im cool!!" guy i wouldve been friends with in 2019
    This comic is pretty long apparently tho,,, i wonder how long till act 5,,,,,,,,,,
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    every time I hear about homestuck I feel like I dodged a bullet by not getting into it ┐(゚~゚)┌

    Ehh i used to be like that but its not that bad (at least so far)
    The fandom however was pretty bad back then, now its just drawing fanart and people headcanoning tbe characters :-B

    i definitely think homestuck fans have calmed down a lot . mostly ....

    I used to read QC ages ago. I might have stopped in like 2015 or 2016? I could have swore I stopped earlier but I kept seeing pages that I recognized going into 2016, lol. I kind of do miss it, but it really does kind of fall apart. ┐(゚~゚)┌

    one webcomic I absolutely hyper-adore is Sam and Fuzzy
    the main story is completely over and we've just had bonus strips for several years now, but the main story is great and I absolutely think everyone should give it a read

    the site will try to convince you to not start at page 1
    do not fall for its lies

    it is VERY early 2000s humor because well... it started then ヽ(゚ρ゚)ノ

    I've been rewatching the monogatari series because of the new anime and nothing makes me want to take a walk like this anime. Seeing the characters walk around through these somewhat surreal places just makes me want to start walking randomly through streets I've never been to. The other day I decided to walk to the train station from my university instead of going by subway like I usually do and It was pretty nice.

    Also, the new episodes have been really good, they feel very creative and fun. It's nice to see real life objects and footage come back. They've also substituted the textured color frames with simple color frames with no text like in the other SHAFT/Shinbou shows, which I quite like. I think since the ones with words are still textured, the simple color ones add variety.
    I didn't really care for Yotsugi the first time I watched the series, but on rewatch she became one of my favorites, so it's nice that she's the narrator. I'm linking non mentally ill Nadeko as well.
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    [ download ] 127.68 KB (884x604) disk is cheap.png
    disk is cheap

    that's not a disk.. that is a rectangle with numbers and words on it

    the new one

    it's a rectangle that you can use to store a bunch of anime!
    ヽ( ´ω`)ノ

    i am at a korean store!!
    there is ramune and sushi i just ate a thing of sushi
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    sushi is really rlly tastey

    especially with teh wasabi

    i am going to go again today. anything specific you guys think i should get?

    i don't feel painfully sick today beside a slight hangover

    i didn't go today was asleep,,

    [ download ] 134.74 KB (960x1280) 顔文字人.jpg

    (・∀・)dumb hack(・∀・) added kaomoji, if you want a certin kaomoji, post it in this thread and i will add it ヽ(´ー`)ノ
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    Are you going to add anime emojis like some other boards have?

    emotes will come when i stop being lazy.. witch is soon the calander looks free for a week or 2. and we might watch anime too!!

    Anybody on nashi been listening to hashtag AWESOME music lately...
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    I’ve been listening to a lot of Malice Mizer which is pretty good

    hey i should listen to malice mizer again. thanks for reminding me

    pearl jam

    [ download ] 493.98 KB (1500x1334) inanet.gif

    i lost track of where the post interesting links thread went so here! post intresting links

    this website had like all texts and everything? idk how it works but its cool! really cool collection of apps i found. theyre all made in C i think
    That's like one of those Awesome lists on Github.

    Nashi should have a RIVAL site since it has a friend in wapchan

    nashi should have MOAR friend sites


    i found these [something something] gf images so good for making different kinds of people easier to sympathise with. we should make more of them.


    you are ghey

    Do people read site rules anymore (・_・)

    >shy gassy gf


    there is about a month left of summer break before all the kids have to head back to school.

    how will you spend your final hours of summer?
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    i would prob be studying Japanese! and then since i am a neet i would keep studying Japanese!

    Reading comics, eating junk food, and watching cartoons!! Just as i do every month prior

    every day is summer break B)

    on one hand, I miss having summer break
    a whole period of time just to do nothing
    on the other hand I have negative desire to be in a school setting ever again (・∀・)

    this summer has been annoyingly rainy for me -- I know this is explicitly the rainy season, but it still sucks
    probably will end up going to the beach more after summer here since it'll probably dry up nicely (and not be like 36C at 76% humidity lol)

    [ download ] 50.63 KB (283x283) hotsauce.jpg



    is yuzu trying to drink alcohol??

    [ download ] 28.85 KB (678x452) images (84).jpeg

    Shannen Doherty died...(;´Д`)


    If their wikipedia page goes from "is" to "was" i trust it

    i don't know who this obasan is. but she looks alright


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