
a fun place, with pears! now downsized..
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  • [ download ] 14.93 KB (256x218) etoko.jpg

    finally , my time to shine ....... : O )
    figures ? BJDs? blythes? sylvanian families ? other random niche doll models and brands ? doesnt matter..... ^____^
    (etokochan nurse costume produced by marmit)
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    the sheep r courtesy of alex :o3

    omg RLY that's crazy

    the nurse dolls are really cute, do u know of adjacent dolls/brands of them? i collect calico critters, but only the rabbits hehe

    I don't have any atm.. but i always adored how Ricca-chan dolls look like... the dolls are so cute and stylish..

    Currently the only dolls i have are gen 1 & gen 3 monster high dolls, A project mc2 doll, some disney dolls, and some vintage barbie dolls ^__^

    there are 56 TY sheep that have been produced.
    that includes copyright characters and size dupes thoigh......
    there r 36 TY sheep charactars. and i will have them All.
    i have started bmy collection at a measly 3 beanie sheep (´人`) i will have them all , though.....
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    most beanie babies standard at 5-8 dollar , beanie boos r closar to 10-12, u could just average it liek 8 dollars, tiems (36-3), to exlcude the ones i have , coming up on around 270 for all sheep

    An expensive price to pay for cute dolls (;´Д`)


    [ download ] 33.1 KB (640x640) yri4pcy5zyz71.jpg
    I like nashikouen frendlyness & opennes, when it's without bad posts.

    there is a whole mini indie franchise of ouioui plushie toys from some french artist advertised with music videos of japanese singer emmamouse. Maybe they even require their own separate thread. but I've lost links.

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    [ download ] 360.1 KB (750x650) 62670.png
    I like posting on Heyuri sometimes. But not very often.

    this is what happens when you dont get a job


    Heyuri is truly a menace second only to 4channers

    >Heyuri save teh interwebs ヽ(´ー`)ノ

    some people say exactly same about 8chan, have a lot similiarities with heyuri
    does heyuri run their own version of Q-Shaman & Q-Anon too?

    [ download ] 480.2 KB (1200x1350) coin.jpg

    tiem to rob

    [ download ] 421.44 KB (220x120) crab-rave.gif

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    [ download ] 78.39 KB (1200x1600) s-l1600.webp
    nashikouen and heyuri should stay together strong for both websites share similar rules and a goal to make the internet an exciting place like it once was :DDD

    these heyurizens in our midst, they wont be spared

    we're all friends here

    what a drag...

    this is amazing lmao ヽ(´∇`)ノ
    apparently someone submitted this as a Mechanical Turk job for 2 cents ages ago (the copyright is 2006)
    and got 10000 sheep drawings ⊂(´(ェ)ˋ)⊃

    I wish I saw anything this cool when I did mturk ages ago... ( ´ω`)


    If you asked Mechanical Turk to draw a cow, you'd probably find the average time spent would be a lot longer, since anyone doing tasks for Amazon for $0.02 each is almost certainly Indian.

    apparently the majority of mturk users are from the US even now, let alone in 2006
    India is generally number 2 in the list, but US users are a supermajority there

    [ download ] 167.06 KB (1024x768) gunpla.jpg

    Anyone here into Gunpla?

    Here are mine. ヽ(´ー`)ノ
    I had more, but I lost one, and one fell.

    Both of these have some random other parts I had lying around on them -- the one on the right is 99% just an original Gundam, but the one on the left had this super flimsy and hard to pose wing unit that I replaced with the wings from Fellini's Gundam in Gundam Build Fighters. Sadly, that one is snapped in half and I don't know where it is, I put it aside to glue together ages ago, and now I don't know what happened since..... aaaaaaa.
    Both are unpainted since I don't have any real place that I can paint. Living in a condo sucks. ( ´ω`;)

    I really should buy more. ( ´ω`)
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    my gloss came on teh mail and it had pictures of gunpla it seems

    [ download ] 585.46 KB (2048x1997) F75S2fqa0AAB2wd.jpg
    [ download ] 417.03 KB (2048x1774) F75S2fpaMAAPfya.jpg
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    aaaaaaaaaaaa it's so good

    [ download ] 384.91 KB (2048x2006) F6Go4S5XgAAmRga.jpg
    every time I see a super-pretty gunpla I really wish I had a proper work area so I could paint and the lot (;´Д`)
    this is stunning work (´人`)

    [ download ] 544.6 KB (2048x1536) FuXpXgDaUAA6ubm.jpg

    what are some amazing unix books you own?
    i believe my collection here is pretty strong.

    i really onky ever read the openbsd books, c books, some 4.4 bsd and ed mastery.
    do you guys have any recommendations of powerful unix books i should get?

    its really hard to have time to read, i just was never good at english.
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    hmmm.... I wonder if ex is provided on most systems in a default install still (thanks to Vim)

    so you could feed commands into ex -s in scripts and expect it to work

    I have the Documents half of this set just because it's kind of collectible. I really would like to be friends with someone who is super into Plan 9 and pass it on to them.

    I read "The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System". While it's an quite outdated and boring book, I read it when I had a bunch of time for it and learned one or two things about FreeBSD (or rather how FreeBSD was in the early 2000s). I wish somebody would make a similar comprehensive book for NetBSD. I suppose it goes a bit against NetBSD's philosophy of having all resources on the Internet for free available for everyone, as opposed to a proprietary book, which I in principle support, but maybe they could make it similar to how other free software projects made it with their books, that they make it free under a free license or public domain and just sell copies. Well, I don't know, but I wish for such a book.

    ratfor a preprocessor for a rational fortran

    [ download ] 93.25 KB (544x446) nashinashi.jpeg

    ヴイトゥバ スレッド 。 。 。


    vee chuubah?

    What does /unix/ think of OpenIndiana and other Illumos based Unix systems? A credible Solaris-like alternative to Linux?

    Beats paying for Solaris I guess ┐(゚~゚)┌
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    i really no nothing about unix then... i only been using unix like since 2021 and stuck with openbsd and arch

    ...I am now deeply tempted to see if my old Core 2 Duo desktop can run OpenIndiana. I suspect there will be problems, it's not like this thing seems to like anything other than Windows and Linux, but I do want to try.
    ...but it's like 12:30am here so I won't try this second.

    I will never get over the sheer awfulness of Oracle of all companies buying out Sun
    I would root for IBM having bought them out over Oracle, even if that's trading one Satan for another. (;´ω`)
    In fact, I think they were in talks way back when, I can't remember what happened that made them go with Oracle instead. ┐(゚~゚)┌

    Either way, Sun's hardware and software portfolios have been squandered hideously... (;´Д`)
    Oracle abandoned every single piece of goodwill that Sun had built up, too. Senseless greed, the kind that doesn't even give you short term profit.

    Linus is such a bully I hate him.

    fuck you solaris dog!!! land dweller freedom forevar!!!

    [ download ] 1.13 MB (480x270) you must ink.gif

    a pear could have a worm in it right as you bite into it
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    [ download ] 2.22 MB (4032x1908) 20241021_201526.jpg
    I can't stop myself.

    I mean that's extra protein right? Insects are the future, they say.

    bah, I already said that lol ⊂(´(ェ)ˋ)⊃ >>3825

    today I had a night drem, htat I visited my Uni and there was my mental health care professional

    I needed to vetn, but idk where in which thread should I post

    it feels easier now

    [ download ] 47.73 KB (800x505) 37666327.jpg

    Hallo! & Happy Halloween111


    I feel the need to congratulate & compliment you, cuz your board seems like what a normal board should be & look like.

    Without many stinky posts, like many other boards expirienced downfall.

    Idk who nashi is or how much NashiCoin (TM) worth, but I appreciate 2005 estethique design, style, colors, and no intrusive js spymalware. And no propaganda.
    Seems like everything clean`n`tidy & mod is really well.

    anyways, today boards became more kind of sort of like a personal website guest book pages, rather than forums.
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    /lolicore/ has to be the only forum like thing as the discord was so bad and i helped hosting it here and it is quite cozy

    /g/ ? another hidden board?
    you must have a boardID !

    my gender is nekomata


    bark! bark bark! woof woof!

    do you know that american VTuber with all the bugs and caterpillars? I forgot her name.

    closest i know is lilly hopkins and she is a frog girl

    nah, she is some peko ribbit.

    no, the one I remember was more mature, curly, moe vtuber.
    Might be from West Coast, but IDK for sure, could be any other place.

    Seriously, this mystery requires some gogo-gadget serious american vtuber expert!

    but idk, that may-be for another thread, since it's offtopic

    [ download ] 76.82 KB (336x252) 2ch moreee.jpg

    i want them so badlyyy (^Д^)

    if you can't buy one make one yourself :DDD

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    what if he was white?

    That would be horrible. White cats are blind my eyes. Better to be black than white. Black cats are always liked by witches.


    Don't say yellow, say Siamese

    we know you are not Wevn, fake Vevvn
    because your tripcode is incorrect.

    [ download ] 271.1 KB (931x600) grass.jpg

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    yes , but they also don't want to be constantly misgendered by everyone on here . anytime it was corrected it was removed . they were fine with me commenting both times , im their partner

    just realized ie didn't change the name thingy on any of these . . oops

    i am not sure who did it. but the person trolling had to have been from heyuri or something hand full of ppl got mod

    oke , sorry hope i don't sound mean / aggressive im just a little irritated stuff keeps being removed >__<

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