
a fun place, with pears! now downsized..
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  • [ download ] 1.27 MB (2095x2347) summer-cirno-2.png

    Is it getting cold by you?

    it's bloody hot here, it's gonna be 90-something all week, I'm still waiting for things to go down to a consistent 80-something
    and it's gonna be rainy at random
    where I used to live years ago is in the 60s now

    all temperatures in F, 90F is like 32C, 80F is like 26-27C, and 60F is like 15-16C
    I've got no real head for temperatures in C other than like 30-something is warm, 40-something is hateful death temperature, 20-something is cool, and less than that is bloody cold ┐(^ v ^;)┌
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    florida lol

    FLORIDA MAN!! keep warm out there anon.
    its still quite warm in texas. i want snow!!!

    [ download ] 230.67 KB (850x966) yotsubasnow.jpg
    It is now very cold here ( ´ω`)

    this morning was terribly cold but then it warmed up
    went from having two jackets on when I went to work to none on

    dose nashi liek bugs? what type of bugs do you most commonly see.

    out here i see it all.. apparently some places just rarely see cicada. i wish i saw more stick bugs though..
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    i love bug
    i own 3 tarantulas

    post pics PLEASE

    there was a spider in my room but hes gone missing :(

    That's my friend sally sevenleggs. She's got bigger from when I last saw her!

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    i did it, i made a thread! ヽ(´∇`)ノ

    amazeing... great job \(^O^)/

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    Hi all... does she count as doll? I hope so, I like her very much. Please share anecdotes and pictures of your own dolls of this style... there seem to be alot of similar dolls made to look like Touhou Project chara, which are all very cute and would be appreciated here too. Thank you.

    all dolls figures and cute physical anime count as a doll

    dolls can count if you are willing to teach them. all of my plushies can count to ten, but only because i have been patient with teaching them (´人`)

    So fumo-inspired plushies I guess?

    a place for figures, stuffies plushies and dolls. have fun.!

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    we will be watching mahou shoujou club!
    it will be (Saturday)
    countdown clock

    we will be watching this on hyperbeam. make sure to bring ur nihongo IME keyboard as we got special acsses to there testing server and if we hit user limit they said they can increase it for us!
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    due to awful planning, we got heyuri to save the day. the stream is located here

    i guess we starting early

    I missed the second stream...

    second stream? that's next week. heyuri wanted to run there stream so we skipped

    hi what happened to the old irc. i haven't been 'round this part of the 'net for a while so idk what y'all are up to. and srry for the random post on the other board i just felt like poastng
    i wanna talk 2 those guys i talked 2 about computers n' stuff.
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    would love to lurk on a very nashi IRC or XMPP group chat if one exists

    i dont run the IRC. and that irc it is to extreme for nashi. there is not a XMPP group but many of us on heyuri x nashi use XMPP

    i think a group chat of just name fags would be to gay. on cgi.heyuri there is a chat.
    heyuri's cgi is ran by a diffrent guy then regular heyuri

    >i think a group chat of just name fags would be to gay. on cgi.heyuri there is a chat.

    >heyuri's cgi is ran by a diffrent guy then regular heyuri

    nashi should have its own cgi chat thing

    maybe... but for now, it stays as is.

    [ download ] 1.97 MB (4032x3024) sherylchan.JPG

    i'm happy to introduce my very first ball jointed doll to nashikouen, miss sheryl nome dollfie dream (´人`)
    i have been wanting a volks bjd for many years now, and my lovely boyfrien got her for me this month! i personally prefer vintage super dollfies, but i found her for a good deal on ebay and i think her face mold is gorgeous for an anime style doll. i took her out of the box just to make sure she was ok and that she came with all of her clothes, but since then i have packaged her back up until i can clean my room a bit to give her the proper display she deserves ヽ(´ー`)ノ
    stay tuned, i will post lots of pics of her once she is settled into her new home and hopefully will get her a new outfit and wig soon...!
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    is the bjd made of a special plastic and is there an openning in the head to remove the eyes? i want to know everything ヽ(´ー`)ノ perhaps that will give me a base on what i want for my first bjd!! \(^O^)/

    [ download ] 11.23 KB (256x341) dollfie-head.jpg
    dollfies are made of something called "soft vinyl". they feel lightweight and a bit soft to the touch, but they can still withstand pressure from pulling when you want to remove/replace body parts. and yes, you can remove the eyez! you take off the top half of their head (as u can see in picrel, there is a line running around the entire head, the top half comes off) and you can then see inside teh skull... (´¬`) the eyes would be secured by special putty, safe for soft vinyl. you can remove the putty, take out eyeballz, put in other eyeballz and secure them with new putty ヽ(´ー`)ノ

    >there is a line running around the entire head, the top half comes off) and you can then see inside teh skull... (´¬`)


    Her face reminds me of Final Fantasy characters.

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    is this ai animals. why they have nicer hair then any other human i know

    [ download ] 65.57 KB (736x982) goldielocks.jpg
    beutiful golden locks

    sigh... the uneducated anon, believing anything unique and gorgeous about This World must be created by a computer, as if Mother Nature cannot create such beauty of her own will...

    you are right.. we created pugs.. and bulldogs..

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    The invasion is in full swing! What can we do to save the city?

    send in the pears

    pears got eaten due to mass food shortage

    [ download ] 219.95 KB (752x540) ibm.png
    >dual core

    awwww shit..hehheh...
    We r taking it EZ and that's that!

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    how many hidden boardz are there? (;゚Д゚) all i have found is /lolicore and /pink but are there more? maybe one that is so hidden they cannot even be found from guesswork or internet browsing... ヽ(゚ρ゚)ノ
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    Moar like hidden *bored*!

    [ download ] 11.54 KB (225x225) images.jpg

    [ download ] 84.13 KB (812x812) umekouen.png
    i think i found the most secret board yet...

    ZOMG Σ(゚д゚|||)

    [ download ] 41.7 KB (1200x1064) mlfaw.jpg

    do you like lolicore?
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    not all lolicore are lazy, it depends on artist and their skill.

    ik its just take a song and hevely remix it, but most popular music. even way younger has been that way.

    my fav has to be
    he makes all of his music in audacity.. i wish i was joking. and he dose not just pitch it up and add a break..


    And do what? Make something I don't care for? All that would accomplish is showing that I know how to open Audacity and throw shit in

    [ download ] 127.39 KB (1024x576) mpv-shot0012.jpg

    I'm pointing at you!
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    you'll see... soon ⊂(´(ェ)ˋ)⊃

    good thing i am not in line of fire! i would lose my mind if i was on the other end of a finger

    it's always dangerous, you could get shot by the REI GUN... Σ(°ロ°)


    and now she's seen me (・∀・)

    [ download ] 224 KB (1280x853) casemod1.jpg

    post code things you find interesting.

    i am learning perl and there is some things that are quite cool like things restore after loop control.

    $num = 6;
    foreach $num (1,2,3,4){
    print "$num ";

    print $num; #this will print 6 as perl will restore the variable used after the for loop.

    and there is a defualt value $_ that has a lot of use. values in a foreach values of a array are the actual elements even if they are primitive

    @nums = (1, 2, 3, 4);
    foreach (@nums){
    print "@num\n"; # this will print 2 3 4 5 - and parentheses are optional

    another with the special varable is.

    @nums = (1, 2, 3, 4);
    foreach (@nums){
    print(); #will use the $_ when thjere is no arguments.

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