
a fun place, with pears! now downsized..
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    (USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST) really? rotting rotting corpse?
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    i mean.. it would seem that way.. but for a audience that is kids or young adults.. i really dont think they would be awake rn....

    lots of the action happens at morning american time or after noon american time

    if u got discord and dont care to vc. u can chat me



    cant vc cuz my mic is fucked

    [ download ] 113.94 KB (984x518) LOIC.png


    lawl wut!

    [ download ] 133.54 KB (500x281) taipu.gif


    cracking isn't as kewl as they say?
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    did you have a skateboard and cool sun glasses?

    if you can post here from jail, you can hack from jail
    never stop haxxing (`・ω・´)


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    why no full res?

    i did!
    a 300x300 was used originally, these are just sketches so i could figure out exactly what was asked of me. there is no higher res than this

    so qute! \(^-^)/ peary nice

    who is this semen demon?

    [ download ] 124.27 KB (1206x634) Pen_Island2.JPG

    The "showdown" is happening on the hakoniwa instance if any afk player wants to get in on it. gloomsville will not be spared


    (LOL B&)

    are the nashinals gainfully employed
    do you have to struggle for the sake of dollar bills (or similar local currency)?
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    No but I'm doing an internship. ;^)

    here's hoping it lands you a position that makes big money, or at least gives you some kind of upward mobility ヽ(´ー`)ノ

    i've never worked a day in my life

    I'm currently passing my driver's license (need a few more lessons until I can go to the exam), and once I get it, I'll look for a stable job. It's not like I have much more of an option if I want to move out and be free.

    [ download ] 7.5 KB (361x446) wikipe-tan.png

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    I'd donate if it meant they'd put more pictures up on WikiArt. There are artists with hundreds of works who've only got 20 pieces up on WA.


    LOL fail

    [ download ] 38.48 KB (474x355) th-2464435792.jpg

    What would be the optimal language to use if I'd want to automate the process of adding a new post to my html blog?

    make a post and just open browser debugger and copy curl request.
    from there you would just change the post content. for images.. well idk. but yeah the shell

    and set up cron for how often you want it to post.

    this is /unix/ you should know how to do this..

    >What would be the optimal language to use if I'd want to automate the process of adding a new post to my html blog?

    so like, what are you actually doing?

    are you manually writing whole HTML pages and want them to be auto-uploaded to the site when the folder changes?
    that'd be a fairly simple shell script, you'd likely use inotifywait (on Linux, don't ask me anything about *BSD) to wait for changes and then sftp them to the server

    are you looking to use a static site generator where you write HTML snippets for entries and everything gets cobbled together into a set of pages with headers/footers/navigation/theming?
    you could roll your own and my lazy ass would also make that a shell script that basically just uses something like "for f in ./entries/*.part; do cat header.part $f footer.part > "$f".html", maybe with something thrown in the middle to handle page navigation programmatically
    where header/footer.part are just like, the HTML you put before/after your conten
    and if you don't feel like that, there are a buuunch of static site generators, pick one

    is this not a static site and you want to generate pages serverside? php, period, it is literally made for the job

    really though, if you just want language recs here, I will genuinely just say bash and python 100% of the time
    python annoys me but it's easy and generally just works
    part of me wants to learn tcl becuase it's like shell scripting but more cross platform, has a built-in GUI library, and is allegedly more self-consistent vs just using the infinitely expanding amount of bashisms with bonkers syntax while also expecting everyone to have a GNU userland lol (there are an awful lot of shell scripts I've written that will absolutely not work on a system that isn't literally "GNU/Linux" lol, although since my Windows systems all run WSL it doesn't matter and I can use them there)

    Assuming you mean you have a blog with plain html pages, you probably want a static site generator. There are many and most of them use markdown for the content and yaml for the metadata.
    I guess you could write your own static site generator with python, and then use something like nginx to serve the generated static files.

    [ download ] 173.64 KB (308x492) chen.png


    icicles, ricicles, bicycles, TESTing testing one two three

    1 2 3 microphone test


    I hear you both!

    [ download ] 18.13 KB (300x300) 1725921928711.png

    tried to make a thread on /main/ but it said "you must have a boardID" or something... site bug?

    do ctrl shift r?
    it works for me... that is weird

    sorry i am lazy with my bad software...

    ...we missed Cirno day.

    Oops. (;´Д`)
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    NO U

    Speak for yourself. I celebrated it!

    how did you celebrate?
    only thing I really did for Cirno on 9/9 was play Cirno's Perfect Math Class in Music Diver at the arcade lol

    [ download ] 110.39 KB (828x1792) computer-tree.jpg

    Anyone know of any cool tech youtube channels? Like, working with things that don't get talked about much.

    I really like clabretro. Tons of really cool hardware, all kind of Sun enterprise gear, ISP gear, servers, loads of stuff I'd love to try working with but I neither have the cash nor room (you need an entirely separate room for these becuase they're all hyper loud and they put out gobs of heat). Watching this reminds me of how I wish I had money back in 2005/6/7 to grab a bunch of cheap Sun and SGI gear from the dotcom crash instead of still being a schoolboy. (;´ω`)

    I also like Usagi Electric, who works with a lot of very old computers. Proper old, he has a working Centurion minicomputer system, properly kitted out with disks and terminals, he has an ancient Bendix computer from the 50s that he's trying to get set up, he's building his own simple all vacuum tube computer. Just really coool stuff.

    Lastly, I like NCommander. Extremely deep technical dives into software, trying to get ancient source code building, ancient Unix stuff, OS/2 stuff, old NetWare. A lot of his stuff is streams sadly, but he does compile things into proper videos.
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    still can't get over how neat clabretro's stuff is
    just really interesting enterprise hardware
    like this system from the mid 00s that lets you slice up the machine with some hardware VM setup

    I'd love even a little bit of kit to mess with, but the sheer loudness of enterprise gear that you stick in an air-conditioned and soundproofed room is certainly a damper


    this jew is pretty good and showing stuff i never seen

    [ download ] 132.89 KB (820x981) political bingo.jpg

    will you be watching trump vs biden in political debates tonight?
    i think it would be a comedy show :D
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    the presidential debates would be a lot more interesting to watch if they both had to debate with their PENIS out

    (next time its perma ban, no more penis talk)

    i will be playing video games!!

    I was driving home when the debate was on, but it wasn't like I'd have watched it anyway lol (・∀・)

    it was a lot more stupid then trump x biden...
    i actually had lolz last debate...

    this time it was mostly trump quotes taken out of context and lies.

    trump was just saying the same thing his campaigns always was with the same interrupts and name calling

    ⋔⊬ ⎅⟟☊☍ ⟟⌇ ⌰⟟☍⟒ ⏃ ⌰⍜⏃⎅⟒⎅ ☌⎍⋏ ☍⟟⌰⌰⟟⋏☌ ⟒⎐⟒⍀⊬⍜⋏⟒

    Only real aliens are allowed

    (⎍⌇⟒⍀ ⍙⏃⌇ ⏚⏃⋏⋏⟒⎅ ⎎⍜⍀ ⏁⊑⟟⌇ ⌿⍜⌇⏁)

    [ download ] 935.13 KB (2046x2046) lamb chops.jpg

    Delicious lamb chops! Gloomsville's favorite dish since 19xx

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    do u know what loli means ? (-""-;)

    Pork is way better.

    it has been a long time since I've eaten pork
    not for religious reasons; it just doesn't come up

    like, it's been a month, and all I had then was a bit of bacon on something ┐(゚~゚)┌

    i did have lambchops. they where not that good. my dad over cooked them.

    might have needed sauce

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