
a fun place, with pears! now downsized..
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  • [ download ] 352.45 KB (779x1200) image.png

    i think we already have a thread like this but lets start a new one!
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    I made that screencap!

    [ download ] 248.54 KB (1900x2000) miku-shrug-smile.png
    everyone should know about
    it's a search engine that's very useful for old browsers but also has a great random site button is a neat Japanese oekaki board to check out is the board where those still in middle/high school post
    I dunno if they block non-Japanese from posting lol has a bunch of cool info on cut and hidden stuff from videogames is an extremely technical blog but goes into some cool stuff about old Linux, OS/2, Windows, DOS, etc and emulating those platforms. is a webcomic I like a lot. No real plot, just jokes. click the red button for a bonus panel ヽ(´∇`)ノ

    wow amazing collections!i love it.

    [ download ] 224.1 KB (1024x640) evilsmile.png

    if you truly know right from wrong. then why should hate be a bad thing.
    hate drugs. hate things that cause trouble. hate anything that is not gonna make the world a better place.

    i want my people to be happy and if some one uses and abuses my people then i hate them. i hate everything that is not right.

    dose having hate bring stronger love to what you love? knowing you will protect and provide the best to things you love? love is amazing but loving the wrong things can cause trouble. loving drugs. loving crime. loving things you know just are wrong.

    love is a good thing hate is a good thing. it all boils down to morals... knowing right from wrong. and applying what you believe in... is that religion?

    I guess you're right.

    hate which is wicked and love what is righteous
    let not your love run forth so much as to embrace what is wrong, nor let your hate run forth so much to despise what is good and right, or to become a force that is wicked in and of itself
    it is often better to love than to hate, for hate can be irreversible and destructive, but do not shun it!

    and hope to god that you know what is wrong and what is right (・∀・)

    it does seem moral realism leads to the legitimacy of hate
    but rather than something to celebrate, it just makes me sad that moral anti-realism isn't the norm

    >moral realism
    i don't understand what it is or means. the wiki didnt help either. to much big words

    [ download ] 607.34 KB (250x249) professor_cry.gif

    i ran out of pears
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    that's a bit much (;゚∀゚)
    I think I had a pear no earlier than 2 months ago. Was nice.

    i swear i am not lying. ever since my parents got divorced and even some before that. the only fruit i have had was some strawberry. some apples and good amount of apple sauce. and lots of raspberry.

    maeybe i need some nashi...(´¬`)

    I haven't had an apple in years now...!


    I had some of these guys lately
    it's my favorite, but they don't sell it in stores near me, so it's hard to acquire :/

    do you have any fav artist or figure sculpture?
    i like pop's artwrok so much.
    i like blocky feet and long dresses that are lolita fashion. big comfy clothing.anything that is old school scene style.

    i miss old anime look.

    [ download ] 133.13 KB (1080x1080) shoes.jpg
    blocky feet like moetan

    tho i guess that fits into scene style or maybe gothic platform shoes

    I dunno if I have a favorite artist. That being said, I've loved Murata ever since seeing his work in Groove On Fight for Saturn. He draws a ton of rugged guys and cute girls and has great backgrounds. Some of his work is a little much for nashi (like POP) but it's generally stylish and tasteful.

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    needs moar PENIS!



    [ download ] 147.53 KB (933x1080) 2017vs2018.JPG

    well my clay came before my garage kits... so i guess i will make ugly figures first.
    i bought mostly Japanese stuff like the clay, primer, gloss, finisher, masking tape, putty.
    i just wish my figures will turn out like one on left...

    it was a little difficult finding what type of clay and other stuff to get from literally knowing noting and failing art in highschool.

    recently my friend graduated from art school so i am going to pay them for concept art of nau to better model stuff
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    maybe... its naut worth it if you are not wanting to get the Japanese suff,
    my Europe friend who graduated art school even said

    "pretty fucking hard, I made this little guy once(file). it was pretty easy because he is tiny and doesn't really have limbs XD
    but I tried to do a russia chan, now that was difficult. you gotta have legit tools for figurines"

    they also said they wish they had metal rods they use for support and "use those that the jp use. many of the clays are straight ass"

    but yeah to get my hands on the airdry clay teh japs use was like 20$ for about a pound. and pack of sculpting spatula use in the video was about 20$ too, (could have honestly spent like 7$ but wanted the same tools)

    then the brushes... masking tape.. primers.. metal wire.. acrylic. primer. varnish, gloss, pastels, masking tape. and prob a set of other 6 tools i bought but forgot to mention. it cost really money (;´Д`)

    putty, clips, glue, more putty, potrolum jelly, pin vice, sand paper.., acrylic paint thinner.

    but its all bought! so i will soon be making a figure. start simple nau and then do heyuritan and salva. and if it still sucks then its okay as its OC ヽ(´∇`)ノ

    running into a issue with the wire i bought. i got galvanised steel wire for teh grage kits but it is to strong for making sculping. i need aluminum witch is softer and more light weight.

    i can still bend the galvanized wire but wow. its a pain

    i did order better wire and a cutting/sculpting mat. (it was jut a regular craft mat that JP said works as good. after studying mats. just having glass like surface is absolute best for clay. but craft cut mats works as good,. tho i dont have a rolling pin ( ´,_ゝ`))

    please wait until i try. its hard to resist. but as a person who cant even draw. ->

    you should wait untill i make at least 2-3 figures....
    if i do not deliver 3. then take ur best judgement. as links above is what i do compared to time and quality....
    as i never done art seriously until nashi...

    fair enough
    what brand of clay did you get (say it after you've started working with it though)

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    not sure if this is the right place for this but im assuming it fits becuz tech ^_^
    i used 2 see a lot of people 'homebrew' 3ds and stuff and recently saw someone do it with a wii . sounds fun 2 be able to get all thr games + visual customization but it it worth it ?
    i have two wiis , not sure if one works but if it does i would luv to maybe hak it . wouldn't want to use our 'main' wii though since it has been around for a really long time and i don't wanna mess it up lol
    i know it is kind of the same 'moral' fiasco as emulating games, if it is right to pirate games i guess. but its not like they even produce wii or wii stuff anymore o_o
    if u have done it / seen people do it what are your opinions on homebrewing stuff ? how hard is it ? im sure newer things r harder 2 work with than older devices , modern security and stuff
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    also i booted it up yesterday (just plugged it up with the main cables because i don't actually know what im doing) and it works just fine ^_^ connected it to the web , and there was already the homebrew channel on it so i struggled with it for no reason without realizing that . i need a flash drive to give it the ISOs for games, but i think it works !!! will update .... hopefully i can pick one up while im out and about and my friends are coming over so we can find some games

    sending teh internet police to get ya for pirated gaems!!!1

    (you will be fine pirate them all!!!)

    LOL when i was a kid learning about emulators this scared the shit out of me . i think most if not all wii games are considered abandonware now though . . .

    it got me too... one thing i did learn tho, is some company will release software that cracked or noticed a cracked product id when you run the software with internet and send scary letters in the mail.

    i have heard you can just ignore the letters and you will be fine? but just always run with out internet.

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    kyute girls doing kyute things!

    kawaii youkai!

    [ download ] 864.92 KB (540x428) beatmania.gif
    This put a big smile on my face, especially the goofy trick playing they do near the end (like the one-fingered play).

    ...I miss when Konami was good... it has been something like six years since then...

    LAWL wut!!

    [ download ] 20.28 KB (488x320) 7thTitle.png
    >LAWL wut!!

    it's beatmania!
    it's TOO COOL! (literally, that's the tagline, see pic)

    also man, seeing the way they used to orient their hands back in teh day bugs me ヽ(`Д´)ノ
    for 5key beatmania, I'd have my hands like middle, index, and thumb on 1, 2, and 3, and then index and thumb on 4 and 5 respectively, doing the turntable with my pinky
    but these players just do whatever ( ´ω`)

    Nashi looks dead. to me atleast

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    [ download ] 1.8 MB (2000x2500) 120776805_p0.png
    it is slow here, but you tend to get replies quickly enough ヽ(´∇`)ノ

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    this show is honestly really good but the production budget seems so low that it felt like the staff had to come up with pocket change each episode...
    I actually dropped it entirely because of that and I feel kind of bad (;´Д`)
    might give it another go

    thsi is cute .... watchlisted ^_^

    we're nearing the end of august, so is everyone trapped in school?
    I am constantly glad that I have been out of school for years now... but working sux.
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    next week T_T

    salva here. i been collecting sheeps just for this


    thank u .... ^_^ my cousins

    [ download ] 41.88 KB (501x457) 5688-484294596.jpg

    she needs our encouragement as she is about to start first grade. please say encouraging words to help her have a good first day!

    ganbare tama-chan!!!

    faito faito faito tama-chan!

    she is faito!! her first day happen, she hated some of her classes but she found friends to talk to.

    she had gold fish for lunch too with some apple sauce!!

    where da hood at?

    i live in a white people neighborhood ┐(゚~゚)┌
    did the people in the photo kidnap them? they don't fit in at all and look sad

    >>3691 Nah theyre just high

    it's right here!!!

    this guy looks like a downie

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    tbh idc as long as it not just all slang.. if it was something i can tell was on purpose. or you speak r8 like you breath. then i would thrown out ban. bc i also spit out r8 bc i was born after year 2000 i understand

    I didn't know downie was rule 8 breaking

    It's not rule 8 at all, WTF (;゚∇゚)

    It's just slang for "person with down's syndrome", and has been around since before most users here were born

    i have seen this discursion before with pop-tan on heyuri. he was using the word gooning as it has been slang way before most of us been alive. but just the way its used now as a buzz word maed it not relly allowed.

    [ download ] 28.72 KB (256x308) miit-tan kit.jpg

    i bought about 5 different garage kits.
    3 of witch are ones i absolutely CAN NOT fuck up, one being OP pic.

    is there any important things i should worry about? i spent about 160$ or 170$ on just materials alone. one thing i belive i am gonna need is masking_ putty and that weird eraser thing people use on the eyes.

    i kinda have a advantage in some ways as i have a microscope. (that i yet to have posted on /unix/ due to waiting for a lens)

    teh long game is to be able to sculpt and create my own garage kits. having a heyuri-tan&aroe&nau figure
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    [ download ] 138.22 KB (1079x1920) Akira.jpg
    i mean i got one figure that was 15$ in the set of 4. i really belive i can do good my first time. except for the eyes. i studyed even harder nao! 3 hours of watching youtube and not just 2!(・∀・)

    i think i can maek it really nice. and if i dont. it will stilll be better then some stuff i seen online.

    its nao being shipped! using ecms instead of sea mail, bc i also got a little glass cup i think you guys would love!

    nice! how bad was the shipping cost vs sea mail?

    it was like 10ish dolkaes more so i got the better one bc it has glass ib it

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