
a fun place, with pears! now downsized..
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  • [ download ] 90.16 KB (1600x1157) pear.jpg

    we need another nashikouen game day, but a better game this time

    pick a game! last game day no one played except me and nau

    some /lolicore/ people are hosting modded mine craft soon. its not exactly nashi culture tho

    i suggest gikopoi. wouldn't really be a game day but it would be fun

    [ download ] 820.24 KB (1024x682) 12980113.jpg.png

    my tripcode is ##perth
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    i bet its not

    good you and your band sucks

    that is a compliment

    he's returning to heyuri

    [ download ] 130.99 KB (1024x768) yoem.jpg

    Hahaha sorry nashikouen. its about time i finish all you cunts off. im kidnapping all of you and forcing you all to listen to my nirvana covers until u die!! any last words?
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    lol! mosquitoe

    epic failz0rz
    how does this person know I like yomi!

    You've said you liked yomi

    my first post on geyuri was a sakaki one..

    I wish I had a phone that abandoned all the rules of ergonomics like this ...
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    the one sea snail guy in splatoon 3 has a weird shaped phone like u wanted.

    look at old vintage landline phones. i have a phone in the shape of a fish.

    this is awful

    [ download ] 173.85 KB (750x650) S3_Murch_Model.png


    It is what users with technological handicaps deserve

    I lurve sports. Especially basketball. I wonder if any of you here are active or are you just lazy layabouts?

    Hockey is a fun sport, but very gruesome when playing

    I'm a layabout lol
    played soccer as a kid but that was nearly 25 years ago now ( ´ω`)

    don't grow old and rot... (´~`)

    I play in the NFL

    [ download ] 92.44 KB (550x550) pear.jpg




    [ download ] 400.11 KB (1024x768) yotsubaa.jpg

    Merry Christmas Nashikouen!
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    >so, what did you get for christmas?

    I bought myself some chocolates for myself and others

    i got a 3d printer. i got it early for my self around black friday!

    ah, I really should get one
    I have no room here and not enough money for one that isn't a bunch of fiddling...

    Futile. Sculpting your products from stone is the way 2 go

    today I played IIDX and studied Japanese (`・ω・´)
    and now I'm getting ready for bed since I have work early (´・ω・`;)
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    subs2srs and Anki, Tae Kim's grammar guide, and I used impd so I can have nihongo in my ears as much as possible (it is a pain for shows with subtitled songs since it won't cut those out of the file without fiddling) - I am at the point where I can understand most of a handful of Precure episodes, although I haven't been doing this for that long

    and then any other random practice thing I can find

    my system is probably not the greatest, but I assume that as long as I don't stop, I will eventually get it

    i am jealous!

    i built a yuki chinpo

    I genuinely expect actually knowing nihongo to take like two whole years.
    I'm not starting from zero, but I've only been back at it for like a month now... (^Д^;)

    but at least I actually see myself keeping at it this time, and there is a bunch of stuff I didn't know a month ago, so I'm not just riding along on my own history ヽ(´ー`)ノ

    [ download ] 201.97 KB (2000x2000) stylus.jpeg

    I bought a disc-tip stylus and it's so much fun to use... drawing is no longer the realm of finger and mouse for me...

    I was a dumdum who bought a cheap Galaxy tablet that didn't have S Pen support, so finding that these things existed was great. It's pretty precise too.

    I am kind of deeply worried that the pen tip will break though, it's a disc on a piece of rubber.
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    [ download ] 20.54 KB (300x300) 1736405923447.png
    it is just a passive capacitive stylus, so no pressure
    very high accuracy despite being passive, I can reliably get pinpoint precision while drawing

    that being said, if you have a device that supports an active stylus like the S Pen or Apple Pencil, buy the active one lmao

    I scribbled this on /o/ for funsies a few minutes ago lol even though I should be in bed
    physically couldn't do this in the time it took without it

    that is really cute... now GO TO BED..

    if you are american in the east/south
    enjoy the rare snow event

    I'm south FL, so no snow, but it is way too cold for how south I am...
    high of 65F tomorrow ( ´ω`)

    also, good night

    i should have snow.... ima still be up!

    [ download ] 239.84 KB (637x893) perrrrthama.jpg

    ask me more questions
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    Did you abandon the thread?

    stop bumping it

    >stop bumping it

    No, I'm not done asking questions!

    how many wankers are there

    [ download ] 124.3 KB (465x718) Krampus.webp

    i am prob gonna shut down the site.
    it might still exist some where in some form. maybe just a oekaki..
    /lolicore/ would still exist on

    idk what will happen.. maybe i will give this site away?
    maybe i should just delete /doll/ and /unix/
    maybe this will get a huge change and be nothing like how it is now...
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    its in catalog

    i leave for a little while, and the first thread i see almost gives me a heart attack Σ(゚д゚|||) i'm very thankful that nashi isn't getting deleted, just undergoing some decluttering
    this site is honestly kind of importante to me...i discovered imgboards before any other "social medias" as a kid, and because of that i have been permanently fuck'd in the social development department (;゚∀゚) but it meant i've browsed many-a-board in my day, and frankly, this is the only one i've found that felt "right" for me. lighthearted atmosphere, genuine and sincere discussions, no arguing or rage posts, no weird pervert content... i feel like i have found a home that i didn't even realize i was searching for, and i am forever thankful for that (´人`) althouh i was not here since day 1, and am not fully in the loop with the site's history, i want to continue being a proud nashinal...!

    anyone who had the misfortune of discovering pedo heyuri at a young age deserves therapy and neetbux

    you would be surprised to know just how many of the "pedos" in heyuri are actually underage themselves

    [ download ] 359.11 KB (806x609) noob Persona 3.png

    You wouldn't happen to be n00bs... right?

    O r u a nub? huh? r u? wel? r u huh? nub? r u a nub, nub? huh? huh? nub?

    o-of course not (;゚∀゚)

    nobody knows im new wave

    [ download ] 877.05 KB (900x1346) casul.png
    am not nub, wut r u fukin casul???

    [ download ] 166.35 KB (850x909) newyear.jpg

    First post of 2025. Be sure to dream of mt.fuji, hawks, and eggplants.

    happy new yeast! \(^O^)/ my resolution for this year is to engage more in my hobbies, and not just sit on the computer all day :P

    happy new year to you too!!!
    i dont believe in new years resolutions cuz if you stop, you dont want to try to better yourself again

    My new years resolution is 1024x768!!!!!!

    Well? What are you going to do about it?

    give some of my morning eggs to it (`・ω・´)

    fuk it

    let it know about preperation H

    is that a piece of baloney

    [ download ] 110.64 KB (840x560) Pen Man.jpg

    in this thred you can only speke penglish
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    i opend my door for like1 secons and shepyshed her way in and took mt spot,,.

    hello, everyone. how are you? fine. thank you.

    meryi chrsimtas!

    thies therdds are veyrr nicwile!!

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