salva can you make a banner. i rlly like ur art. it will be put on heyuri.teh sizw woulf be 468x60
>>1477LOL i knew the ratio looked reallllly off. whatevrs we will find a way ^_^
:O you are going to try again? can you make it with aroe in it?
>>1483I tried making one myself,,,
hands up. Hand over all of the lolis and make it quick or i shall fire upon your nurse...!
please refrain from violent behavior! PLUR!
sure the lolis are in the shower room. ignore all the gas lines that say zyanid(THIS ISNT THE 40S DUMDUMS!!)
new image of salva right before injecting 10 victims with a weird experimental fruit based euthanasia solution. 3 of witch are dead.we asked medic school if they ever gave salva a medical license and they refused to far a total of 24 victims have been found dead.(USER IS SUSPECTED OF BEING AMERICAN, DONT TRUST THEIRMEDICAL OPINIONS)
I finished CCS season2 and I decided to read the manga too but...while the anime is almost a slice of life, the manga is super short and she already almost got all the cards at the beginning wtfthe order of event is completly different too, maybe clamp tried to improve the story for the tv series...?which do you think is better and is there some explanation on what happened?
i wanna watch this anime it looks cute!!
It aired on TV as "Cardcaptors" when I was a kid (early 2000s), but apparently it was heavily edited. I watched it a few times, but not regularly ^^;
I don't know the reason for it, but I think that was somewhat common for old anime. The Oniisama e manga only has 17 chapters, but the anime has 39 episodes.
i wanna watch it witb nau
i made nashikouen bracelet
STEALING!!! kandi post..
>>1455Shhh i dont have enough memory space to post, let tha impostar be
sorry i ate the bracelet while reading ITT
too mnay cosmos.................
richard-san must survive! He's slowly dying of teh disease called ebil which was created by a very ebil girl... Devise a cure nashi nurse and make it quick!(RICHARD DIED IN THIS POST. FUNERAL ON APRIL 15)
(⌒∇⌒ゞ)goodbye strange software man!
Sometimes I forget that actually happened to him...
today we bury richard. how do you guys wanna host this funeral
>>1443on a Windows server
i never had goat milk so i don't know!
what is "better milk"? it seems very subjective (´π`)
chocolate cow where ? strawberry cow? :o(
>>1382I AM NOT!! JUST LOOK AT WHAT SHE IS WEARING!! even if its not "official" its looks like it is.
>>1383Typical gaijin
>>1384you are teh gaijin...
Very true
thanks 4 these wondarfull threads anon
Odd looking fish... but i trust its true (・∀・)
why put these all as separate threads? (´~`)
sage fail ^^;
nashi nurse.. yestetday while i wuz working.. a 2x4 fell on my head.. they are rlly thick and hard and mads a big bump on my headit still red what do i do!
Wtf is it with the nashi nurse? Where did you get your license?
>>1414don't question my legitimacy!!! ( ´,_ゝ`)waaawaaawaaaaa
>>1414First you call upon nurse to do your bidding now you doubt their credentials?! RUDE!!!!
due to ...... recent controversy ....... i will allow experimental treatment that does NOT involve certain doom to assist yuor booboo (ᵕ¬ ___ ¬")
nurse is making me post this... i don't want to get poked last night was really fun with programing!!i was able to get the front end drawn. just one issue is that submiting the form looks like it works with no errors.. but nothing shows up in teh databasdothrr thing is i am helping make a ukagaka :D
>>1399oh its a really epic ukagaka. idk if i can leak it or not but its reallly cute
>othrr thing is i am helping make a ukagaka :DWait...a UKAGAKA?! OUR NASHI NURSE IS MAKING A FUCKING UKAGAKA?! PLEASE TELL US WHAT IS IT? WHOS THE CHARACTER?! TELL US!! ヽ(´∇`)ノ
>>1402well its not nashi nurse who posted...
>>1406Yep, different ip's.>>1402I heard a certain bug ukagaka was in the works,,
nao teh blacks will stop breaking into my stuff. we got cams and better locks nao!!people where just in our backyard while we were sleeping
>>1334nashi fell to war in your absence, never leave!
nao there is no moar fire... we used all teh mizu! nao aroe is super dizzy
*FORCE NASHI begins engaging the poltard bot army with Soviet made DshK cannons* ... ___ ,:.;,.:,;.,:.;,: ,:.;,:.;,:. ___ |____|_ ,;';゙λ ,:;.,:.,;.,;:; |____|_ ( ・∀)___。 \从/ ※0'゚) ∧∧ !? ( ・∀) ∧,.,. ミ( つ【〔ロ=:(∈(二(@ > :,.;,:.;,. ; ∵。` つ Σ(゚0Til) .:.;.:;.;: (つ∞∽∝o (゚'0゙ili) 人 ヽノ 川 ̄゛ /W'ヽ ;、;@゙∽~ (___)@ ;;'⊂;゙;; ; ;;; 〉 〉 〉 ゚o と;,',; :;つ (__(__)川 、、、 ,,, ,:.;,:.;,;. ;'。;゙;'.# Save us! Save us! (__/_) ゚∝;*;;'@~ :.;,.:,;.,:,,.: ___ ; ;⊂';; ∧∧ ⊥ ,:.;,:.;,:.; |____|从;∵∧ :;.:,; :,; (iliT0゚) ;;つ ; ;;;;;;;;; ;;\ :,,,| |,'.;: 从 ( ・∀)⌒) ;;)0'゚) / | ,.,.,,., と⌒@;'il。,,。)つ 从⌒ 从λ :.;,:.;,:. ( つ /W___)@ ~(_ィU ~(,,(il゙p'゙)っ :.;,:;.,;:. ,:;.,:;.:,;.;,と从从(ili゙q゙)っ 人 Y ___,;.:,;:.;,;∪; ,:.;,: .;;,;:;  ̄从`从 ∧_∧ (_)_) |__|__ '"'゙ ∧∧ No! (∀・ ) ∧∧ ・・・!? 三 ( ・∀) :.;,:.;,. (ili>0<) , , , ,, .∧∧ ( つ (ili゚O゚) ,:.;,:.,:;. ヽと ノつ=|| ̄>ヽと ノつ ;@´;⌒@il゙0'゚)つ ,.:;,:.;,;.;,:; Y 人 \ミ三彡 ⊂(_ /  ̄ ⊂(_ / ;,:.,;:.,;.:, ⊂;∵;⊃ハ,,ハ ハ,,ハ (_) `J ~(~),, ,,つ ,:.;,;:,;.;;.,:.;,:; ヽ) ヽ) (*>_<)>_<*) ,:.;,:.,;.,:; ,.:,;.:,.;,;:.;~(,,,,,,,っc,,,,,,,)~ ......__________. /∬__⊥ ∠__/ `Д´) h-how could by gayryan poltard bot army loose to a bunch of subhuman lolis and slavs of bunkerchan?!!!!.. ( .つ )つ I have no choice. I must end my life for all is worthless. | | | (__)_) _________ /∬__⊥ ∠__/ 'A`) ⊃旦 Time to drink this cyanide infused poop soup *cough* uggh... *choke*