
a fun place, with pears! now downsized..
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  • i keep thinking things keep getting deleted but i think its jsut that my comments take forever to actually send

    Whoaaaa, it's Rivulet :333


    Yeah, I haven't finished saint though.
    I'm in some stupid shelter near the place where pebbles is and there's no food to the right, and I'm pretty sure I need survivor karma to pass through and I'm out of passages :(

    yeahh somehow i found the depths before i even found pebbles so i gotta figure out how to get out of there,, i havent even finished monk lmfao

    ME TOO, I had to look it up because I thought I had to kill the fucking guardians somehow!
    All because I killed moon and so she didn't direct me to pebbles.

    Also, it was really really stupid but the fact that citadel came before shoreline in the regions thing made me think going tehre was the wrong way.

    Genuinely fuck these centipedes wtf was I supposed to do, they were in the fucking shelter.
    And I had to skip like three shelters because I didn't have enough food and now I'll be all the way back in the previous region.

    it should be just the image being uploaded. text shoukd be quite fast

    [ download ] 11.19 MB (2488x3732) tank.png
    big image test

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