
a fun place, with pears! now downsized..
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    I think modern agriculture is pretty interesting. I've been watching the anime Silver Spoon and some videos about agronomy on Youtube recently, but I wish I had more attention span to read about it properly. There's also job advert from my uni for a summer job where you have to diagnose and remove infected plants from fields so the disease doesn't spread. It sounds kind of fun but it might be hard work. Should I apply for it?

    why is this post so hard to read

    apply!!!!! even if it is a bit hard maybe u will really enjoy it. u won't know if u don't try!!

    >Should I apply for it?
    life is expensive and money is money ( ´ω`)
    go for it lol

    it is true life is expnsive but as long as u stick to class daily and cheat a little. you will get it!!

    even this would need a lot of space

    i got the job ヽ(´ー`)ノ will start in a couple of weeks.

    please show us all the plants you come into contact. i love plants!

    and bugs i am sure u will see a lot

    sweet! was the interview easy?

    yeah the guy was chill, but then afterwards he forgot about me and i had to bother him about it by email.

    So goddamn relatable...

    [ download ] 90.27 KB (667x1000) david grigg.jpg
    I'm back from teh job. Didn't take any photo's, but I was living with some nice people, and, importantly, earned quite a lot of money. Some days were really miserable because of the weather though. I also bought this book and I'm going to try and read it before the end of the summer.

    but i also have to resit an computer séance assessment this summer, which is very lame.

    > importantly, earned quite a lot of money.


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