
a fun place, with pears! now downsized..
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    While you were wasting your time on the internet - I didn't beat asagao academy. I'm not Vidya anon,,,

    why is he so weird looking..

    Would you rather he looked himself? :-3

    happyhappyhappy yes

    sorry i bleeted ur post

    quit with the projared!!! you only like him because he looks like ethan!! ヽ(`Д´)ノ

    I was watching him and peebs play prop hunt before I even knew about Loss >:-( RUDE

    2019 described in one image

    youtubers are dumb, you should watch moar anime and read moar doujins worry

    Where's the fun in that angry manga doesn't make me wanna write 5k word fanfiction, watching guys play videogames does!!

    That guy came here, said youtubers r dumb, and left
    I'm impressed suprised

    im still here. ヽ(´ー`)ノ

    Different ip you FAKER >:-(
    Anyway, I played more asagao. The writing is surprisingly nice, but for something that was advertised as a dating sim,, it doesn't have a lotta options.

    I'm using a vpn (⌒∇⌒ゞ)

    hm,,,, wonder if you're somebody I know,,,

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