
a fun place, with pears! now downsized..
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    [ download ] 587.08 KB (640x480) Gwen's_laptop.png

    Guess I'm posting a thread. Maybe you should reply, or something.

    I was gonna reply with a picture of Ben... but I don't have one saved on this machine.

    oh well ヽ(´¬`)ノ


    and yet it took you 5 days to reply. you're on thin ice, mister! don't think i'm afraid to fire you if you don't get your reply rates on target starting now!

    I'm sorry! I'll be good!

    great. here's your pay: 💰 (it's full of buttons)

    aww the emojis don't get pixelified like they do on heyuri!

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    - you are running KotatsuBBS. a clear and easy to read image board software -