
a fun place, with pears! now downsized..
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    [ download ] 128.3 KB (320x240) internets.gif

    i think if we had more boards, site culture would flourish, and threads that consist of simply inane questions and statements will be contained or eradicated completely. having hobby-specific boards (eg. tech, math, arts,...) would encourage more creative threads that force the user to think before properly responding. it would also encourage posters to have fruitful conversations about shared hobbies, producing a net positive.
    i dont know, i just think /main/ is getting a little stale, but thats just me...

    i am on teh work for that. i want unix!!!

    of course, i dont mean to apply pressure, dont understand it that way. all in its due time...
    what boards do you plan on giving the nashinals, or is it [top secret] ? (^Д^)

    we got egories!


    i think the boring, basic stuff 'how was your day, whats your opinion on this, should i do that' is kind of fun. of course i am one of the people who makes those though. so maybe im not the person to answer. cant wait for more boards, too, though ! ( ´ω`)

    >i think if we had more boards, site culture would flourish, and threads that consist of simply inane questions and statements will be contained or eradicated completely. having hobby-specific boards (eg. tech, math, arts,...) would encourage more creative threads that force the user to think before properly responding.
    on one hand, topic-specific boards encourage specific discussion and thus more interesting discussion
    on the other hand, if things are slow, you're just spreading posts out without generating much more... slowing things down even more

    a lot of sites just have too many boards for their user count, and in some cases, that number is more than one
    this one probably could do with like one or two more boards though

    i think we should have these 2 then.
    /unix/ (will double as board discussion as i will be there to program teh new software)

    nashi should have one board for chuuni philosopher posting, and one for cute kindergartener posting. (hopefully the same people use both)

    that sounds fun
    the board combination does make me think of that one picture of the guy with this massive (does bbcode work here lol? this site is running kkntb) multi-monitor setup that's covered in figures and I thiiiink he had a few ball joint dolls

    could be misremembering the image but it is easy to imagine anyway ┐( ´ω`)┌

    >cute kindergartener posting
    Nashi isnt just another lolicon site

    >Nashi isnt just another lolicon site
    Not "cute kindergarteners" like that! (´人`)
    Cute like how a kindergartener would act!

    it'd probably end up with 20-30yos getting way too into pretending they're 6 though now that you mention it ( ´,_ゝ`)

    That, and then the adults roleplaying as kids would try dating actual kids. Trust me ive been on amino (;゚Д゚)

    i liek these a lot. obviously because i was mentioned for one. lool
    yes the lolicon fear is very real. sadly it is hard to just be childish on the internet without attracting creeps. of course its a doable thing with moderation handy. ^_^ maybe with more mods it could cultivate safely


    Windows supremacy

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    i think people often forget that you dont have to engage with everyone who pesters you first on the internet. you can just ignore those "creeps" and stop stressing over it. (⌒∇⌒ゞ)

    what is amino for?

    fandoms. its basically one of those reddit-type sites, where you can make your own "forum" kind of space. an amino for anything can be made, from kpop to anime to simple roleplaying groups. ┐(゚~゚)┌

    what would you think about a general tech board instead of something specific like unix?

    unix is more niche. i find places like /g/ to become super bloated with useless threads like. corporate frameworks, or some one advertising produces. its hard to find people talking about there projects and sharing repos or talking about daemons they are running. it can still have genreal technology discussions there.

    if nashi some how becomes surging with people posting on /unix/ maybe have a separate place for general technology.

    and technology is a stupid term anyways. as it is super general, it can be broken up into many parts.
    it can be the /b/ of computer related stuff.

    that being said, i think that would be a good idea to have a totally separate section of the new software for user boards that wont bloat up the main bar.

    if they get popular enough then it is a qualifier for a main board

    i can only count one nashional who knows about unix. a general stem or even general studies board would be nice, and it doesn't take much to moderate a board better than 4/sci/ and 4/g/ are.

    science and studys would be really good i love actual technology

    a more general technology board could work with having good site culture like nashi does

    4/g/ is trash because it's all tribal whinging about things instead of talking about projects or development or even actual discussion about the things they're otherwise complaining about lol ( ´ω`)

    you'd need to set a clearer topic than just "this board is for the discussion of technology", with some ground rules with what counts as being on topic, but a small, fun site like this can maintain a higher standard of post vs the largest western imageboard, or even something like lainchan (which is too depressed and paranoid as a site vs happy and fun) ヽ(´∇`)ノ
    you wouldn't need to be quite as specific as /unix/, even if I'd be a-okay with a /unix/ board

    then it will be a generic technology board, just called unix!


    the reason that 4/g/ sucks has nothing to do with its scope. the problem is just that its culture has passed its expiry date, and that the mods permit too much repeatable bait and meme spam that distracts from higher-effort discussion. the same goes for almost every 4 board.

    the last board I went on there before dropping the site was /jp/, and it feels nuts that even they have fallen so much despite their longstanding history of maintaining their board culture independently of the rest of the site, to the point where people generally acted like rule 8 was in place, even if it wasn't codified in text

    either way, I'm free of it all now after like 17, maybe 18 years of using the site (with gaps, sometimes huge gaps) and seeing it go to hell in ways that I never imagined
    I just wanted to take it easy, and not just in the meme way.
    visible moderation basically disappeared 10 or so years ago and the consequences of it are seen today

    also, saying these numbers feels awful lol
    polite sage because it's just too depressing (;´Д`)

    well i am really close. but i would have to say this.... i know its prob gonna be like 2 months maybe... files do work, it just would take a while to move all the files here to there, and also would need new thumbnails

    i need emojis. catalog, bans system, post edit, stickys, lock, auto sage, modules, [size5] data mining [/size5], notifications, auto update, style picker,

    >encourage more creative threads that force the user to think before properly responding. it would also encourage posters to have fruitful conversations about shared hobbies
    never the goal, never will be (probably). Lolz is always the goal

    fun is the goal, and people are usually more fun to talk to when they have some wit and they're paying attention to what they're saying.

    well teh types of threads you don't liek have been here since day one of the imageboard incarnation and the bbs..

    and if you didn't catch teh meaning... the "inane questions and statements" or whatevar you want to call it is how most ppl here liek it.
    >contained or eradicated completely
    teh site might not be 4 you then... but the interwebz is massive so there's nothing to worry about, if you search hard enough you'll find the fabled 'high quality discussion' i hear so much about (^^)/~~

    you don't realise that the real enjoyment of acting dumb comes from the contrast with people with wit nearby, or being the same person. pure inanity without a drop of wit isn't fun, it's just depressing.

    lurk moar, that's all my friend. (^Д^)

    anon , no need to look too deeply! ^_^ we like pears and computer mouse drawings. i don't think half our population even knows the word 'inanity'.

    that meme is dumb and lurking is ruinous. it drains all the spontaneity and feeling out of life. there's a reason you'd be embarrassed to stalk real-life people for months before trying to talk to them.

    that's why i need a chuuni philosopher board!

    i've been saying... nashi mite not be for you, and noone here is obligated to cater to sum dumb standard or ideal you have (;´Д`)


    Hey anon, take it easy!!
    If you dont wanna see posts you dont like, you dont need to pay attention to them. I mostly just browse unless i see a thread id like to to reply to.

    Btw, if you wanna see posts that fit your interests, MAKE EM!!! ヽ(´∇`)ノ

    Also, lurking isnt like stalking. Dunno where that analogy came from....

    Lurking is important to any sites with a "culture" so you dont get weird looks. Its like travelling to a foregin country and not knowing a thing about it

    feels like i make like a third of the threads around here at the moment lol

    people should just read the rules and get an idea of the vibes, then the most authentic way to learn the rest is to sustain a few wierd looks while being yourself, which should be even easier with anonymity.

    Have whatever opinions you want, just dont try to dictate how people here have their fun if it isnt breaking rules.

    In so many words, I think "dont try to dictate how people here have their fun" was just what I was trying to say. ┐(゚~゚)┌

    ^__^ i think it is kind of a respect thing to 'fit site culture.' u don't come in and just do what you want even if you are not 'really' breaking the rules. there are so many boards and forums in the world! there is bound to be one that already fits what u want to be involved in !

    well then, can i ask whether you feel this should be a wordy board? becuase it seems more tolerant of wordier and more thought-out discussions than heyuri is, while also being more innocent and silly, and i don't see why those things can't go together. I feel like CP POSTER thinks they can't.

    >I feel like CP POSTER thinks they can't.
    never said they couldn't. just don't force ur standards on a board ^^; go somewhere else or make your own place.

    puyo puyo GET!

    i dont know whats going on in this thread anymore :DDD

    i do know there will be places for u guys!!
    thats one thing i want to make in the future. a board where OP can do more conducting of a thread, remove derail or edit there own posts etc.

    eh? i don't think i even stated a standard.

    >go somewhere else
    no (⌒∇⌒ゞ)

    nothing left 4 me 2 say i've said mai piece for now

    i think its because u said the threads that consist of simply inane questions and statements would be eradicated

    oh that was a different anon. confusing thread i guess.

    i don't feel like nashi needs to change, really. i think that is my point. (≡^∇^≡)
    of course thought out stuff is fine, and im pretty sure almost everyone engages with every post on this board when they get online.
    i agree , i think (compared to what ive seen) nashi is a little more 'thought out' posting than other sites, but its more of like having a 2 hour phone call with your friends in grade school instead of a serious/important discussion. everything is just very lighthearted. if you like to make posts that have substance, it is cool. i think this thread is kind of that. but it is going to live alongside mindless posting into the void too!
    u can post complex stuff, but i wouldn't expect everyone to take it seriously or engage with it in a serious manner (^_^♪)

    and in my personal opinion, i enjoy putting thought into my replies and writhing out long responses like this. but i also enjoy being completely brainless and posting pictures of anime girls and talk about eating ice cream ┐(^♊︎^)┌

    I feel the same!

    salva for president

    and dinner

    pardon me? can you say that again?

    and for dinner sorry forgot my capcode

    oh. Σ(゚д゚|||)
    sadly i already made the nyanya joke a while back and now i have no other dishes i would prefer to be turned into

    i guess i could make a chef Ramsey joke about lamb sauce..
    but i would rather turn balkins into bread.

    [ download ] 318.01 KB (640x853) salva.jpg
    you are right (´¬`) muwahahahahaha!

    what is this thread anymore?

    Nashikouen townhall meeting. Berry important.

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