
a fun place, with pears! now downsized..
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  • FABULOUS...!

    i love teh afghan hound. such a peculiar dog. with such wonderful hair.

    So beauteous...

    [ download ] 19.05 KB (288x512) fringe.jpg
    i love afghan hound! any dog that can be dressed up and styled like a model is awesom, it's like having a cuddly living fashion doll ( ´ω`) poodle is personally my favorite

    [ download ] 29.17 KB (564x564) emo.jpg
    this one is going through a Bangs phase (^Д^)

    is this ai animals. why they have nicer hair then any other human i know

    [ download ] 65.57 KB (736x982) goldielocks.jpg
    beutiful golden locks

    sigh... the uneducated anon, believing anything unique and gorgeous about This World must be created by a computer, as if Mother Nature cannot create such beauty of her own will...

    you are right.. we created pugs.. and bulldogs..

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