
a fun place, with pears! now downsized..
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    [ download ] 21.03 KB (300x381) liero.jpeg

    favorite vidya? mein is liero.

    puyo puyo!!
    or dont starve, but that has got stale.
    i recently bought lota of puyo stuff i will make a thread with the gets

    postal 1

    man, are you okay? do we need to call the psych ward? do we need to send you to prison so you can fulfil your weird ass fantasies?

    in his defense it is somewhat interesting from a lore perspective

    this is a hard question

    a while ago, I might have said Crazy Taxi or Ridge Racer Revolution with how much I played both
    these days, I have no idea

    maybe Beatmania IIDX but I haven't played all week and I am looking at my controller right now and I'm still not playing ( ´ω`;)

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