(・∀・)dumb hack(・∀・) added kaomoji, if you want a certin kaomoji, post it in this thread and i will add it ヽ(´ー`)ノ
Σ(°ロ°) or ⊂(´(ェ)ˋ)⊃
>>3249 ⊂(´(ェ)ˋ)⊃Σ(°ロ°)ヽ(´∇`)ノヽ(´∇`)ノヽ(´∇`)ノ
Thank you.......! \(*^O^*)/
cleared cache, a few of them are wonky, either in the textarea or on the buttons both the buttons and text input area probably should get the same font as everything else on the page ┐(゚~゚)┌
Awh man.. (;´Д`)
>>3255 i had this issue, i tried so hard. i will keep trying
i think it was caused by disabled fonts? or u had a font on ur system that it picked up i have not testd?
the current changes did something terrible to the fonts in a few spots... could just be the sizes not being set right and the browser poorly trying to scale them to whatever it feels like it looks right on firefox on linux
x_x it was... i thought it looked ok on mobile
i think i fixed....m(_ _)m
and it was me scaling it with the html positioning in php..... css is what i should have changed.... with out that. the comment bar would be twice as long
Are you going to add anime emojis like some other boards have?
emotes will come when i stop being lazy.. witch is soon the calander looks free for a week or 2. and we might watch anime too!!