
a fun place, with pears! now downsized..
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    i am at a korean store!!
    there is ramune and sushi i just ate a thing of sushi

    [ download ] 783.68 KB (2362x3062) IMG_20240714_112131.jpg
    i got ramune, angry goldfish and blood of aroe.

    >blood of aroe

    you are ebil!

    i am paying for it too. i don't think its related but i am sick.

    like freezing cold head hurt. hurts to move. but i gettihf bettwr now

    If you say sorry to aroe maybe you'll be blessed with good health (´ー`)

    i amsorry aroe i am in deep pain on head chest amd cold and weak


    so, did it at least taste good?

    yes.. i haven't drank any more since pain started coming...

    Sounds par

    Ramune is not uncommon these days. I got a whole box of Blue Hawaii flavor at the Asian supermarket once. Good times. I love Calpico original and strawberry and have access to it, but the there's too much sugar in there.

    >ramune is not uncommon these days

    Boy i sure do wish (;´Д`)

    >Blue Hawaii flavor

    what teh hell....

    you never tasted hawaii before?

    sushi is really rlly tastey

    especially with teh wasabi

    i am going to go again today. anything specific you guys think i should get?

    i don't feel painfully sick today beside a slight hangover

    i didn't go today was asleep,,

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