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    moonrunes... EXPLAIN

    I beat Jinsei Owata no Daibouken
    The picture on the left is the credits after beating the normal final boss and the one on the right is the credits after beating the extra boss.

    I beat celeste too just now.

    Is this just IWBTG but moonrunes? Got to what's basically the starting point of IWBTG and I've already beaten that game.

    Nevermind, I didn't get to beating it, but I got to the kirby boss and decided to call it a day.
    Good job OP!

    OP didn't beat it because it's fucking impossible

    IWBTG is actually inspired by this. The kid boss was added after, the original didn't have it (obviously, since IWBTG was inspired by this, it couldn't possibly have a boss from a game that didn't exist yet)
    If you climb the chain from the trap in the first room, you will find a boss that drops a gun upgrade. The boss is quite hard, but the upgrade makes subsequent bossfights significantly easier [although the last boss and the extra boss (the kid) are still difficult]. I recommend getting it before trying to beat the kid, since the upgraded shot doesn't get erased by the kid's bullets like the normal shot does.
    Also, if you decide to beat the original last boss, at the end of the game they give you a password that gives a gun upgrade that allows you to shoot charged shots without having to charge, however, this does not work for the kid fight, so if you decide to fight the kid from that savefile, i recommend getting the charged shot on that save file as well (if the concept of having to fight the boss with the upgrade a second time annoys you, don't worry, beating that boss with the fast charged shot is incredibly easy).
    Yes I did. And it's not impossible, it is quite harder than normal games, but in the domain of hard games I wouldn't even say it's particularly hard (I'd say it's slightly above average for games that get called hard games)
    Also, I'm the OP of this thread >>3172 and if I can beat cyber, I can definitely beat the kid, since cyber is actually incredibly hard, even in the domain of hard games.

    >IWBTG was inspired by this

    So how did IWBTG originally end? Did this game come out first, or it came after and then the dev decided to add content based on this?

    This game came out first, then came IWBTG (the author was inspired by the style of game, I don't mean that the kid character is from this, the kid is from IWBTG), then the maker of this game added an extra boss based on the kid (the protag from IWBTG).

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