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    [ download ] 478.62 KB (498x423) i want him dead.gif

    Been reading homestuck lately and its pretty fun ( ´ω`)
    Johns cute, rose is interesting, and dave is the sorta "i dont ACTUALLY like this nerd shit lol im cool!!" guy i wouldve been friends with in 2019
    This comic is pretty long apparently tho,,, i wonder how long till act 5,,,,,,,,,,




    Worse... a toby fox fan

    i read a bit of it a while ago !! i liked dave he was silly :3

    [ download ] 128.14 KB (600x1418) 641.png
    I'll probably read it at some point. I've been reading loads of webcomics lately, Questionable Content being the most recent. That one's pretty enjoyable, and it drops loads of references to 2000s pop culture (especially music), which I like. But you should drop it after it reaches 2014 or so, the writer falls victim to the same mental illness that claimed millions around that time...(;´Д`)

    The artstyle reminds of forumwarz character cinematics, specifically the camwhore one. Will def check out at some point (^Д^)

    I've collected a bunch of webcomics to follow but haven't actually read any of them.

    [ download ] 23.11 KB (500x375) SBAHJ_Dave.webp
    enjoy the early acts, theyre the best ones. comic kinda falls off after act 6 starts, but i dont think its as bad of a decline as most people seem to think..

    i look uncannily like dave irl and have cosplayed him in the past for this reason. prolly my favorite character in the whole comic :D

    that's awesum !!!

    Dope cosplay dude! And uh. Never thought somebody could emulate sbahj on paper.

    every time I hear about homestuck I feel like I dodged a bullet by not getting into it ┐(゚~゚)┌

    Ehh i used to be like that but its not that bad (at least so far)
    The fandom however was pretty bad back then, now its just drawing fanart and people headcanoning tbe characters :-B

    i definitely think homestuck fans have calmed down a lot . mostly ....

    I used to read QC ages ago. I might have stopped in like 2015 or 2016? I could have swore I stopped earlier but I kept seeing pages that I recognized going into 2016, lol. I kind of do miss it, but it really does kind of fall apart. ┐(゚~゚)┌

    one webcomic I absolutely hyper-adore is Sam and Fuzzy
    the main story is completely over and we've just had bonus strips for several years now, but the main story is great and I absolutely think everyone should give it a read

    the site will try to convince you to not start at page 1
    do not fall for its lies

    it is VERY early 2000s humor because well... it started then ヽ(゚ρ゚)ノ

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