
a fun place, with pears! now downsized..
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    I really love rodents and especially capybaras they're really cute and cool!

    I don't know, I think capybaras kind of have ugly faces.
    I think most rodents are kinda ugly with the exception of mice. When it comes to animals, I prefer lizards myself.

    The cutest rat ever is from a critically endangered species (;Д;)

    i love reptiles !! i have a leopard gecko and ball python :3 here's my gecko (lovingly named gecko)

    rodents r AWESUM my local zoo has a capybara and they r the cutest little guy evr

    luv rodents. deer mice r first that come to mind. . . capybara are so cool i bought a cheap shirt that says i heart capybara once and i wear it really often ...
    guinea pig is a personal fav too.. ... why r they like that

    Ugly faces what are you talking about silly look at this cute rat

    I said "with the exception of mice" in my original comment.

    Rats and mice are not teh same

    They look the same except for size, so for the purpose of aesthetic evaluations, which is what I was doing, they are the same.

    I still wouldn't call them the same because rats are social and mice aren't and they do look different in my opinion

    rats are bigger
    mice are cuter but they're crazy
    they're definitely easy to distinguish if you know there is a difference

    [ download ] 29.97 KB (320x240) yum.jpg
    you ever had capybara on vinegar? uma delicia!

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