
a fun place, with pears! now downsized..
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  • dose nashi liek bugs? what type of bugs do you most commonly see.

    out here i see it all.. apparently some places just rarely see cicada. i wish i saw more stick bugs though..

    also i guess we already did a bug thread. but damnit!! bugs are so cool! teh site owner is a bug too!!

    I luv bugs,did u know it is cicada year? 7 yr cicadas have been out this summer! they are so beautiful (and really annoying when I'm trying 2 sleep)

    [ download ] 624.89 KB (1000x750) periodical-cicada.jpg
    u have to be careful when working outside during cicada season though because they are attracted to power tools. buzzzzz
    also , 17 years* oops


    a cripple

    spiders are cool, although I guess I'd be singing a different tune if I lived in Australia or something where tehy have satan in the shape of a spider out there (;゚∀゚)

    when it comes to actual bugs, I'm not a particular fan ┐(゚~゚)┌
    never really got into them

    I do like lizards, even if I've spent almost no time actually learning how to identify them ( ´ω`;)

    [ download ] 61.17 KB (736x552) isopods.jpg
    i really like isopods (aka rolly-pollies). did you know they is a surprisingly large community of people who keep them as pets? there are lots of exotic pet breeds, even neon colored and transparent ones! my favorite breeds are powder blue, magic potion, and rubber ducky (^Д^)

    they're cute and mostly harmless, I kinda like them ( ´ω`)

    apparently they're not even bugs, which I only found out today, they are crustaceans
    and while people do say that crustaceans are basically just bugs, I elect to ignore those people (^Д^)

    Spiders are friends. I never kill them since they catch bugs in your room.

    Cool bug outside my window

    the thumbnail made it look like a helicopter! (^Д^)

    firtst I've though OP suggesting to rewrite Kotatsu in Haskell or Rust, but then

    noticed them under rotten tree in forest, amazing but spooky critterz! ( *Д* ) there was there even a centipede, idk how to distinguish pets, and z ones which ones won`t bite u deadly :0

    I actually really like spiders. Observing them. I wouldn't go as far as to let them crawl into my hand, but I just really love kinda... watching them.

    Don't bring any roaches or adjacent bugs anywhere near me though. Nor maggots. Those scare the living beejesus out of me.

    i love bug
    i own 3 tarantulas

    post pics PLEASE

    there was a spider in my room but hes gone missing :(

    That's my friend sally sevenleggs. She's got bigger from when I last saw her!

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