nashis first desktop thread! post yours and rate others.
>>806Seeing peopke with ukagakas makes me so jealous ヽ(`Д´)ノ
hmm theres also android ukagakas! downloading different ghosts may be hard on it but its still kool :D
(......btw cosmo how old is ur android. im gonna be rlly jealous if its from liek 2011..)
>>809Well i WISH it was, mines version 11 which means it wasnt part of the candy names era
i don't have wall papers or anything fancy except for dracula theme
this is an old photo because my Linux desktop got taken away from me without warning
>>815wouldn't having vlc on linux be kinda cursed?>>806behomi!!
behoimi is teh best!
>>821VLC is best media player fosho!
What is wrong with the VLC player ?
>>831>>832why vlc when you have mpv.its so much easier to connect it to programs and have user scripts and stream
>>831>>832vlc sometimes glitches out and the image gets all weird and sometimes the colors change
Not a desktop user but i use both vlc and mpv
mpv is where its at (゚ー`)