
a fun place, with pears! now downsized..
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  • [ download ] 1.27 MB (2095x2347) summer-cirno-2.png

    Is it getting cold by you?

    it's bloody hot here, it's gonna be 90-something all week, I'm still waiting for things to go down to a consistent 80-something
    and it's gonna be rainy at random
    where I used to live years ago is in the 60s now

    all temperatures in F, 90F is like 32C, 80F is like 26-27C, and 60F is like 15-16C
    I've got no real head for temperatures in C other than like 30-something is warm, 40-something is hateful death temperature, 20-something is cool, and less than that is bloody cold ┐(^ v ^;)┌

    its hot...

    [ download ] 98.1 KB (600x600) atsuiCirno.jpg

    It's cold in the morning and is warmish in the afternoon here, though if you stand in the sun, you can feel yourself cooking.

    It's currently fluctuating between being hot and cold. It gets very cold here in the winter so I wouldn't be surprised if it starts freezing soon.

    [ download ] 14.7 KB (368x111) ai_water.jpg
    here we recently had a flood, lots of rain, nearing 0C
    then it jumped up to 20-something
    but now it's cold again
    temperature's getting weird these days

    still warm here in Texas!

    it's finally getting cold where i live...finally...! ( ´ω`) i can wear fuzy clothes and sleep under multiple blankie's now (´人`)

    nothing beats wrapping in a fuzzy blanket and going on the 'puter to hide from the cold!

    when it finally stops being actively warm where I live, I'll use my desktops to make my room a little warmer lol

    it just hit texas so hard. i am freazing to death and i do out door work

    from like 90s to 60s

    its so bad i am robbing salva asap
    100% Merino Wool

    It's gonna be a bit warmer again now, but I don't want it to get cold again...

    felt like it was gonna get cold...
    but then it didn't ( ´ω`)

    the first snow of the year happened this morning (´人`) ※

    lucky! its still not that cold. the hate and stuff i got is not really been used...

    OP here, it's finally getting cold... (;´Д`)
    nighttime temps down to 50F, daytime high of 70F

    so 10C and 21C respectively
    most of you lot are probably way colder, but I want no part of that

    What corner of the world is this?

    florida lol

    FLORIDA MAN!! keep warm out there anon.
    its still quite warm in texas. i want snow!!!

    [ download ] 230.67 KB (850x966) yotsubasnow.jpg
    It is now very cold here ( ´ω`)

    this morning was terribly cold but then it warmed up
    went from having two jackets on when I went to work to none on

    it's pretty cold rn we don't get much snow too often tho lol however there was some snow yesterday but not enough to cover the ground too much ... hoping for more snow next week (`・ω・´)

    [ download ] 526.08 KB (679x490) think.png
    I posted this, it is still extremely cold.

    How cold?

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