how many hidden boardz are there? (;゚Д゚) all i have found is /lolicore and /pink but are there more? maybe one that is so hidden they cannot even be found from guesswork or internet browsing... ヽ(゚ρ゚)ノ
Hidden boards? You saw nothing.
mr. federal agent-sama, your silencing efforts are useless against me and my quest for uncovering the hidden truths of this site ┐(´¬`)┌ nashi already moves at a snail's pace, saging is fruitless... (specifically, pear-less!)
well if you look at the source code for this. u will know one board is created by default with some welcoming text
I was the originor poster on this pic
Moar like hidden *bored*!
>>4083 snailspace!
i think i found the most secret board yet...
>>4294 ZOMG Σ(゚д゚|||)