will japan ever have powerful leaders in there office? why is jp politics such a meme. i wish my nihongo was good enough to understand things
shamefur display...
just like in the west the nips will do nothing about it, except complaining on the internet after it's too late
>>4272 there are too many japanese children...! Σ(;゚Д゚)
i dont want to bump a perth thread. but here. https://nashikouen.net/main/thread/783/#p4203 >and if it did. it would be Japanese politics i also allow all world war politics. or non 3rd-world country wars. (stupid ass modern war talk/videos with no real merit gtfo. i wanna see professional shit not a fat ass behind a computer) anything that can be tied back to world war directly will be 100% allowed. i love military talk. if its some stupid ass pollination talk get the fuck out. unless its Japanese.
idk. i love nashi being all sfw but /lolicore/ is not exactly site culture. and i do want some sort of /war/ board in the future. mainly for military talk.
All politics sucks. That's just reality. Politicians are professional liars and incompetents and that's how politics works. Japanese politics has sucked since the Meiji period. Its all downhill from there. Just because Japan makes good robots and vidya doesn't mean their politics is good. Japanese people's self-awareness about the stupidity of politics is why their art is so mature. Something like Metal Gear Solid would never have come out of America. >>4272 I am not going to trust a Twitter loser. I will not take anything he says seriously. Twitter reposts should be banned on this site including political rage posts disguised as VIPQUALITY kuso posts. >>4278 >do want some sort of /war/ board in the future. mainly for military talk Majority of military talk online is by retarded war nerds and bomb otaku who know nothing about actual war. They will spend all day arguing about tank treads and other things that don't matter in war. They are among the worst scum who don't understand basic strategy or the art of operations and end up mouthpieces for whatever army they've decided to go gay for. There is already many websites for such people.
thats the whole point. war nerds would be fun! the retardedness of Japan's politics would also be fun as no one really talks about it in English world and we can influiance from a far
>>4278 >>4282 >>4277 implies that comes with package of soyjacks countryballs geopol 8ch neocons globalists if you like mil talk so much, you can spend your life on frontline, instead of texting. >>4281 right