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  • today I played IIDX and studied Japanese (`・ω・´)
    and now I'm getting ready for bed since I have work early (´・ω・`;)

    im smoking dope

    How are you studying Japanese

    subs2srs and Anki, Tae Kim's grammar guide, and I used impd so I can have nihongo in my ears as much as possible (it is a pain for shows with subtitled songs since it won't cut those out of the file without fiddling) - I am at the point where I can understand most of a handful of Precure episodes, although I haven't been doing this for that long

    and then any other random practice thing I can find

    my system is probably not the greatest, but I assume that as long as I don't stop, I will eventually get it

    i am jealous!

    i built a yuki chinpo

    I genuinely expect actually knowing nihongo to take like two whole years.
    I'm not starting from zero, but I've only been back at it for like a month now... (^Д^;)

    but at least I actually see myself keeping at it this time, and there is a bunch of stuff I didn't know a month ago, so I'm not just riding along on my own history ヽ(´ー`)ノ

    I'm taking Beginning Greek

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