
a fun place, with pears! now downsized..
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  • I lurve sports. Especially basketball. I wonder if any of you here are active or are you just lazy layabouts?

    Hockey is a fun sport, but very gruesome when playing

    I'm a layabout lol
    played soccer as a kid but that was nearly 25 years ago now ( ´ω`)

    don't grow old and rot... (´~`)

    I play in the NFL

    its Girl Picciotto !

    Always wanted to get into sports but never really could lol... I do love badminton though and it's the only one I am pretty decent at :3c

    i don't care much for sports, but i do like being active. going on long walks and exploring forests and such ヽ(´ー`)ノ i think if there is one thing that even the laziest couch potatoes should do, it's stretching your body right when you wake up and before you go to bed to maintain joint healths (^o^)b

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