trash music

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  • give me like. 1-100 days. ik the website is down.
    i am changing hardware and things. idk how long it will take tbh. might be more closer to winter when i have time to do shit

    ♪ ∧,_∧
       (´・ω・`) ))
     (( ( つ ヽ、 ♪
       〉 とノ )))

    also Heyuri ( )has a collection of vst that will be on the website when its re hosted. these vst should be from the
    mid 2000s to early 2010s
    I don't make music my self so i can't confirm anything works or that there is not a virus or that it is a VST at all.

    squash handsomely high-pitched turn undress easy work rob oceanic cable abhorrent simple prepare paste amount selfish frogs telling unruly mindless church advice grandfather fasten

    [ download ] 26.4 KB (391x309) Qlair.webp
    fix it man

    or bring it back up so icann host a mirror. i got storage a.f. and fast intanet

    2 blowjobs and u got a deal

    pun intentioned?


    fix it now!

    fine fine give me like 20 mins

    [ download ] 304.02 KB (887x795) fjdskfndsmcmsd.jpg
    fix it, now!

    i have lobotomized my router. i locked my self out of the interface and internet


    it dose not have a way to put a monitor and keyboard on it. and i deleted the lan zone by accident

    ah, can you not serial in? ;_;

    i mean i can but i already reset it and reinstalling everything... i lost my vpn i usually connect to with my phone (;´Д`)

    good luck with reconfigurign ;_; hope you kept cfg backups

    sites up (`・ω・´)

    ... tho expect it to be down eventually. ima convert the server it is on now to true nas and start hording more and more.

    or a vm machine that has truenas as it has a lot of cores and storage. and hopfuly get more data

    +W+ works!
    sftp still down?

    working on that so i can get the vst uploaded!

    oh it works. just port 22. no longer 1488 tho i can just add it if u really want

    [ download ] 2.56 MB (1140x1612) 1724213685125953.jpg
    keep it online long enough for mii to finish dl'ing everything ;)

    port 22 refused ;_;

    i just b0rked it trying to get a user online lawl

    sftp with port 22 dose not work?

    my bad, dns had old address cached. works now ^-^

    also why virtualize truenas? bsd jails make it very capable as a hypervisor

    i might... i just want zfs and all of that. secure pc. i wish openbsd had zfs and everything i need. maybe i need to work harder on that

    [ download ] 2.59 MB (2480x3508) 1722483733685832.png
    netbsd's zfs impl is pretty good now from what i've heard. freebsd zfs still unbeatable though. my storage box has been running zfs on linux u_u for some time, and that works...but linux ;_; i can't vouch for current truenas being any good but it was a pretty solid option back when it was called freenas, so it's probably still good desu. may i ask what'ya running now?

    openbsd in raid 1i think.
    i have a little over 100tb of storage i just am not using, i wanna start a huge torrent system and all of that and collect a lot of data and shitz.

    i also got a 3090 just collecting dust i want to do something with that too

    this site is naut just lolicore. there is /unix/ where i talked about this stuff

    [ download ] 8.51 KB (528x113) iostat.png
    that's a lot of storage (`・ω・´) i'm glad you are moving from hw raid, let's hoard data~!
    if you are the same poster with obsd router/server then wao.. that's a big router. i think i'd be terrified of running all that infra on bare metal [and the same box no less] but i can see lots of benefits with a full sdn environment ヽ(´∇`)ノ

    i am. why would u be scared? its also not hardware raid. i am same poster having quite a hand full of software on it

    i love openbsd if i can run it all on openbsd i would.
    tho i would also want to use is vm for throwaway servers

    one issue i had was rebooting teh thing took some time. and lord forbid a power outage... would take like 1 hour woth fsck on 4 12tb drives... yeah i have 12 12tb drives but using all of them at once is to slow

    [ download ] 2.31 MB (6000x8000) 20240831_191048.jpg
    ♪ ∧,_∧
       (´・ω・`) ))
     (( ( つ ヽ、 ♪
       〉 とノ )))

    i just wouldn't want my edge routerz running anything but routing and fw, incase i ever fj;zk something up working on another service and take out the entire network with it (;´Д`) icann be a lot lazier when my boxes are virtualized, for exmple taking entire disk backups desu

    duck gas...

    i realized now.. the archive was also a router at one point... and it was blocking martians on its main port. and i thought it was a issue with my new router

    [ download ] 569.84 KB (1893x664) onlyinohio.PNG
    the susuloo certificate on blud's logo and archive expired GNARF

    eh. it will renew next month

    looks like the cert for expired too, c'mon it takes like 10 seconds to renew+setup autorenew ( ´,_ゝ`)

    oh well i needed to restart web server but yeah done

    and yes it was like 2 seconds...

    thank you (`・ω・´)

    [ download ] 520.53 KB (1128x1600) 2.jpg
    No route to host ;_;

    was looking at the shit inside the server

    WHY its SO SLOW! It wasn't this slow before it went down! WTF ;w;

    not sure but have slow internet. prob being ddos idk

    have you considered sharing a new torrent? surely that'd be much better than relying on a single sftp server which disappears every month

    i would love to... idk how to...

    [ download ] 406.22 KB (678x452) image-1.webp
    it's super EZ, i use qbtorrent but mktorrent works good too, just find (or run your own, or trackerless w/ DHT) some public tracker urls on trackon and add your directory. i'll seed it to the max! heh, already got ~3TiB of on my disk ready

    satori would never be in a zone like that

    [ download ] 2.75 MB (3264x2448) 1726308867.jpg
    then explain the picture

    [ download ] 1006.8 KB (1600x1199) rm.png
    pls fix its SLOW ;_; ImGetting ~50KB/s average DL'ing over sftp or http, whereas I was getting ~1.5MiB/s maybe a month ago. wtf happen (;´Д`)aaAND its not my connection cuz I tried on TWO networks with fast uplink..YA!

    i got shit internet my upload is bad i wish i had fiber ;_;

    but why it used to be fast

    i can go jiggle the wire some. maybe it will make it faster.

    would you be so kind and run:
    sha256sum * >> checksums.txt
    on the directory thats accessible through and then upload that to it
    also would you be so kind to provide checksums for the vst's

    nohup find . -type f -exec sha256 {} \; >> checksums.txt &
    i dont care for unziping and chking vst.
    but there u go. when ever it is done running

    holy mother load. there is quite a bit of ppl downloading so thats prob why u get that

    [ download ] 37.03 KB (229x485) Th09FullEiki.png
    make a torrent ;w;

    eiki is not blue like that

    [ download ] 80.37 KB (249x250) FACT(1).png
    it was because he used to be dressed up like sonic back then so it made it faster. now hes dressed up like wacom460 so the gravitational pull from his costume is time dilating his wires and making it really slow

    [ download ] 35.25 KB (205x505) Th09FullReisen.png
    udongein too, check it.

    oh yeah since you love the color blue lets see how you hadnle thisness

    [ download ] 177.6 KB (498x498) sonic.gif
    ♪ ∧,_∧
       (´・ω・`) ))
     (( ( つ ヽ、 ♪
       〉 とノ )))

    why is you a snail

    becase i have the powah

    [ download ] 42.08 KB (360x360) 1359889907036.gif

    half a tb or ram going in the server.

    i am removing some old shit and gonna try making that torrent for u guys. i gonna eventually make a better front end using php, bulk download, serching. etc. if u wanna help with things pls post here

    i wanna cache a lot of files so u guys get speedier downloads and sheet

    Memory: 47MiB / 524226MiB

    why do you need half a terrabyte of ram 💀

    i also got 120tb of storage and 32 cores 64 threads

    anything i want i can have it.

    what is your secret for getting rich quick to afford this

    i live with my dad he use to be a programer and now we run a businesses.

    not going in any more detail. just going to say. physical work is better then digital work. physical is not bound by Indian tech retards.... where physical "specialist" can be ez

    lolicore net prob still be down bc i need to figure it out but i needed ip forwarding and that troubled me for hours.....

    been drinking new router works.
    got new cat coming. i will make wire. then have secure network

    so i got my network upgraded to be faster (still same old shitty router...) but now there will be faster.

    one issue is my server not getting a ip and i cant ssh in or even have a gpu to look at the issue.
    i am getting a 10gig network card and when i get that in the mail. is when i still open the big boy up and get it network working.

    idk how good 3090 is for local ai. i might have some sort of internal sweet i would like to give accesses to people.

    [ download ] 280.47 KB (2048x1451) GQ2Hm1QWYAAOyTC.jpg
    is probably good for it i thinks

    its up. have not added 10gig nic but my modem would not give me that speeds even if i wanted to. it turns out i didn't enable dhcp on 2 interfaces

    how big is the whole archive? 1tb?

    abljt 2 or 3 idk

    i havent been able to connect to sftp for a while now, read: Connection reset by peer

    yeah ssh outside is disabled. past week i ment to do stuff but got side tracked by learning perl or playing games/faping


    lol! penis!

    ♪ ∧,_∧
       (´・ω・`) ))
     (( ( つ ヽ、 ♪
       〉 とノ )))

    i reinstalled the base system. files are safe

    [ download ] 84.85 KB (600x500) kaei_004606.png
    sftp WHEN

    i am doing lot of other things on the same server and i don't have any file premitions or anything set up. sorry it jus read only for now. idk where the cunny people are from the discord they said they where going to host a mirror witch woukd be cool and it sould bd in europe too

    i already have like 2.5tb of the sftp copied i can totalyl run a europe. if i can get the rest


    i can link ur site too if u do host!

    turnys out i got 3tib kopied, 2/3rd of that is personal directory wowow

    3tb? wow

    oh yeah.. i forgot some furry ketchup dog wanted to upload his music

    yaya, hope you're not bandwidth capped...

    u can take as much as u want. i only have 20mb upload... i wish i could have 10gig, i have the cards to run that just my isp gey. i actusky did block parts of brazil the other day bc they where like ddosing me or something. my browser was shitting it self

    I wanted to upload my music also but you ignored me for over a year and then deleted the incoming folder

    [ download ] 16.95 KB (426x293) sonicdying.jpg
    i don't remember.. one day.. it will come back.. one day..

    Does anyone know where loli ripe and lolishit used to upload their albums?

    my space and medifire for lolishit and sound cloud?. he was canadian

    loliripe released it in 4-ch its a group if people and main guy who made the best shit suicided. he was sweeden named jaborh. dirt noise still around. fredric jarlson is a nigger and soas not want to be associated or even talk about it and deleted all his post when we asked.
    4ch is where they post as dqn

    it was like dead frog or something similar i remebrr getting downloads from

    ah i thibk i remebrr it now. it was lolishit who had some torrents on deadfrog, and i was looking for it bc the original lolishit album had a virus konata dancer that changes all the files to konata on ur pc

    fix it. fiffffiix it can you fix the sftp
    it take 10 minutes seriously whatseven wrong with it anyways

    10mins ish later. done

    >whatseven wrong with it anyways

    <nothing i was kinda lazy. and i really want to secure this server, i use to run it as a daily driver + server. wiped it. got a new router. set it up as a dmz. have been working on network and other ideas and layout of things.
    never got around to it

    [ download ] 20.41 KB (256x360) q.jpg
    that's understandable, i getcha. thank you for fixing it

    pretty sure I got the entire archive now (`・ω・´)
    will put an http mirror up soon

    [ download ] 1.07 MB (1593x1197) q3.png

    please add dj sailor moon to

    i never ran my own xmpp or even know if there good server software for openbsd. i tried the free domain thing before but could never figure it out, i just use a random xmpp server there is a lot, idk how stable u need. i believe u would need a audio server too if u want calls on it?
    i use but others use and and many other weird domains
    i dont think it matters so long as u have encryption. but sending photos and things do upload to the server and stored unencrypted. and are accessed by a url
    calls are ass and i have moved to element to do calls. or mumble if i don't need video calls

    [ download ] 28.41 KB (708x498) image (1).png
    today I ventured outside this board for once because i noticed the little list at the top was shorter than usual. when I was there I read something that said that this /lolicore/ is getting moved into being apart of instead of being apart of this it's true, when is it going to happen? is girmmy technically completent and enough able to fight through his crazy ADHD paralysis attacks that prevent him from getting anything done for months at a time to be able to run the kotatsuBBS on him? im worried

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