trash music

Lolicore is what you feel. discussion for - rule 1 and 8 dose not exactly apply here, but try to avoid it
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  • I get this when I try to post mp3

    Fatal error: Uncaught Intervention\Image\Exceptions\DecoderException: Unable to decode input in /var/www/kotatsuBBS/vendor/intervention/image/src/InputHandler.php:107 Stack trace: #0 /var/www/kotatsuBBS/vendor/intervention/image/src/Drivers/AbstractDriver.php(56): Intervention\Image\InputHandler->handle() #1 /var/www/kotatsuBBS/vendor/intervention/image/src/ImageManager.php(85): Intervention\Image\Drivers\AbstractDriver->handleInput() #2 /var/www/kotatsuBBS/vendor/jenssegers/imagehash/src/ImageHash.php(31): Intervention\Image\ImageManager->read() #3 /var/www/kotatsuBBS/classes/fileHandler.php(215): Jenssegers\ImageHash\ImageHash->hash() #4 /var/www/kotatsuBBS/bbs.php(124): fileHandlerClass->procssesFiles() #5 /var/www/kotatsuBBS/bbs.php(323): genUserPostFromRequest() #6 /var/www/kotatsuBBS/bbs.php(454): userPostNewThread() #7 {main} thrown in /var/www/kotatsuBBS/vendor/intervention/image/src/InputHandler.php on line 107

    yeah.. it b0rked when its not a file i can remove it

    image file*

    i guess ill just post soundcloud links and stufff >>39

    ♪ ∧,_∧
       (´・ω・`) ))
     (( ( つ ヽ、 ♪
       〉 とノ )))


    ♪ ∧,_∧
       (´・ω・`) ))
     (( ( つ ヽ、 ♪
       〉 とノ )))


    won't the guy who owns this site get mad at you for posting ARYANjaks since its like a h*yuri splinter

    rules dont apply much on hidden boards like /pink/

    [ download ] 521.75 KB (893x989) gigascream.png
    >rules dont apply much on hidden boards like /pink/

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