trash music

Lolicore is what you feel. discussion for - rule 1 and 8 dose not exactly apply here, but try to avoid it
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  • [ download ] 249.66 KB (2553x1755) 1686238785451864.jpg

    post the awesome hyperflip in this thread. Lost frog definitely has the right idea to be leaning into this scene over the old one as kusoikore type shit stopped being interesting a very long time ago. Albeit dariacore has started to get kind of oversaturated and repetetivie as well, it still completely mogs the rotting corpse that is modern "breakcore" and lolicore, especially if you stick to more the japanese side of it where they call it hyperflip rather than the weird radqueer western artists (some of those are pretty good too they just have a higher poop to gold ratio).

    ♪ ∧,_∧
       (´・ω・`) ))
     (( ( つ ヽ、 ♪
       〉 とノ )))

    the "awesome hyperflip" in question:

    actually now that I think about it lolicore is lowkey better because when you listen to a lolicore song its always going to sound somewhat good but when you listen to a dariacore song its like an inverse exponential curve of how good it sounds where the first listen is like having an orgasm but by the 10th loop it sounds like putrid shit and you can't fucking stand it anymore

    konatamisgenderingtranniescore 🔥🔥🔥

    daria is just japanese for diarrhea. the kanji for daria is 下痢

    japanese technology lets them shit in a smart box and it will get transcribed into samples and patterns. some japs get creative and put other things in the shart box like vomit, spit, semen, dildos or anything else that comes out of there body

    [ download ] 58.49 KB (900x900) unnamed.jpg
    japanese technology lets us shit in a smart box and it will get transcribed into samples and patterns. some japs get creative and put other things in the shart box like vomit, spit, semen, dildos or anything else that comes out of our body

    the japanese smart shitbox transcriptions in question:

    new DIARRHEA just dropped 🔥🔥🔥

    this song just made me spontaneously do 30 pushups. actual heat

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