trash music

Lolicore is what you feel. discussion for - rule 1 and 8 dose not exactly apply here, but try to avoid it
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  • [ download ] 236.38 KB (483x548) 1560700961196.png

    Motherfuckers are shadowbanning anyone without the pro subscription and me in specific. Lolicore will forever be unrecognized ;_;

    i have noticed this.. its been like this for years. it should have taken off during the pandemic. but the only people who took off where unknown trannies who stopped making lolicore and named it just "breakcore"

    i believe if frxgxd plays her cards right then we could have a whole ass trojan to show the light.
    just needs spotify and tiktok lovers. the rest will be history.
    its surprising how many people will only use spotify for music. and if some one knows, tiktok pulls songs from spotify/links them?

    No, the last thing we need is yet another mentally ill tranny.

    [ download ] 193.19 KB (1080x1690) 6cwilq8914cd1.jpeg
    wtσ are you yapping about i get racommended plenty of troons who dont have pro. the reason "Lolicore will forever be unrecognized ;_;" is because most people are brainwashed by society to be bigoted against MAPs

    well, then the only reason why my amazing masterpieces arent getting millions of plays is because i am a targeted individual, is what youre saying.

    fuck soundcloud, glory to bandcamp!

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