trash music

Lolicore is what you feel. discussion for - rule 1 and 8 dose not exactly apply here, but try to avoid it
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  • I am planning to make a compilation. (it will be posted on
    please post jcore/Lolicore/gabber.
    Make your name your artist name and send title to.
    All songs have to be more than 1 minute long.
    Tysm! <3
    If you have any questions I will try to answer as soon as I can.

    No loli noise or noisecore.

    [ download ] 9.07 MB (452x338) image 3.gif
    title: fistfuck
    title: steel fist
    here you go

    [ download ] 8.89 KB (371x320) i.png
    ♪ ∧,_∧
       (´・ω・`) ))
     (( ( つ ヽ、 ♪
       〉 とノ )))

    Guys anyone have a idea for the name of the net label that I will use to publish the comp. I only have pink circuit rave records (pcrr)

    I have some DECENT ONES.
    1. “third eye records”
    2. “weak wreck-chords”
    3. “tard records”

    tard core records

    child c(p)or(n)e records

    or for regex sake
    child (c|p)or(n|e) records



    idk how to do look aheads

    [ download ] 2.99 MB (4134x4134) magica.png
    here are 5 tracks of puberty chaos (.wav)

    1. better wash your hair

    2. wtf

    3. 220 TIMES

    4. rerere

    5. assfuckproblem

    >>291 weak wreck-chords is good! (´ー`)


    [ download ] 43.82 KB (449x478) 1680390592217.jpg
    submitting already released tracks to a comp is lowkey smelly af

    [ download ] 312.16 KB (814x1280) stalker.png
    I don't really care. shit music of a shit genre. I'm not even gonna use any distributors to release it

    ragghghhhh i want to RAPE astolfo's boycunny so hard

    nahhhhhhhhh 💀💀💀

    >>304 wtf why did you have post that in this thread??

    it's relevant to the picture the guy above me posted or something along those lines

    guys please just post music :(

    [ download ] 13.68 KB (320x300) yomi smug.jpeg
    ill post more
    ill post a remix of an old song of mine
    its the most ill send

    this will not let me send 2 files

    >maximum files: 1

    i will bump it up for u


    >>312 I’m kinda new to image boards. How do you bump? (;´Д`)

    just by posting.

    i was saying i was increasing the file cap on the board ヽ(´∇`)ノ

    >>311 Ty gdw you have been very helpful! \(^O^)/

    not to be so demanding but it would be Cool if you guys could spread the word about this comp (maybe talk abt it on other imageboards or something) tysm everyone from nashikouen or!!

    I'm cooking something to this but extremely slowly because I have difficulty focusing on task of creeting song, what is due date?

    >>318 haven’t decided. Maybe February or march

    Just take your time tbh. Just make sure it’s one of these genres- Lolicore, mashcore, makina, jcore, gabber, or traditional breakcore

    I forgot to ask. did the tracks I sent suit your compilation?

    >>321 yea! I don’t really have a theme or anything..

    Does anyone here know has to make a collection on bandcamp? (^Д^)


    wouldn't it better to just include all the files together in one item

    [ download ] 1.22 MB (1623x2129) 1286286394779.jpg
    >I have difficulty focusing

    reizoko cj reference?

    >>326 no I mean I’m gonna make a collection I put all the releases that will be on my record label hopefully

    How do you make a collection on

    wakanai (;´Д`)

    the discord for my own record label!
    Yes I decided the name and I know it’s not the best

    >holleh jolleh polleh🎄❄ — Today at 4:01 AM

    >react to this with 🚹 for he/him role!

    >react to this with 🚺 for she/her role!

    >react to this with 🫃 for they/them role!

    Artist name: forprexxer
    Song title: gaijin really uses kusocord desu~ (⬤Ш⬤)(⬤Ш⬤)(⬤Ш⬤) only in osaka

    did you like my song?

    >>359 yes. Will use for compilation

    Hello everyone. How are you guys doing today?

    pretty good


    [ download ] 331.37 KB (850x400) 1697614102903.png release submission form is here for those who want their song to be a special surprise

    >>364 and also for releases separate from the comp

    >>331 pls join guys

    i am perma ip banned from discord Backup thread is here

    >>367 stay here then :3

    error server 5000

    >>375 Here u go. The other one got banned so

    Should we have a bandcamp page?


    sure, why not BANDCAMP IS HERE!

    Zerobin will hopefully be the revival of mashcore/lolicore artists that didn’t give a fuck

    it's a good idea but idk if this'll properly pick up like ever, tsundere violence has gone kinda cold turkey for a reason, and sure it's mainly himeko's fault but still, why would people go for this and not some other 4th wave or midwave lolicore netlabel

    >>387 im not saying they would. I just hope other people find the record label support it and give it recognition

    wtf are you talking about 4th wave midwave none of these words are in the talmud

    >>391 why does that matter

    do my 2 shitty songs count

    oops saged sorry
    track title: wordpress

    >>394 ofc!

    Guys just join the discord if you can plssss

    Discord is deleted. I am abandoning this project.. fuck pedos fuck toddlercons fuck homophobes. everyone ruined everything. fuck all you abusive yesmaps


    [ download ] 990.92 KB (386x640) troll-trolled.gif
    ♪ ∧,_∧
       (´・ω・`) ))
     (( ( つ ヽ、 ♪
       〉 とノ )))

    tf happend

    [ download ] 1.4 MB (333x338) IMG_0194.gif
    ♪ ∧,_∧
       (´・ω・`) ))
     (( ( つ ヽ、 ♪
       〉 とノ )))

    Sorry to everyone who helped. No thanks to the anti-woke racist pedos

    is comp still going to released or i can just release that track i submitted to it as a single?

    >>407 yes I will probably start a new label I just don’t want to be associated with child predators

    this is really sad

    did you get banned from discord??

    >>410 no!.

    I am starting new label sometime soon tho and I will let a few of you guys know

    [ download ] 63.99 KB (220x186) IMG_5599.gif
    >>406 what were you expecting from this site lol.

    where did you find this footage of Dominik



    is this a trans kid or am I going sch;izo beyond comprehension


    thanks for letting me know.
    here is release: just chill here while I figure out what I wanna do with the record label

    Srry to almost everyone

    she is prepubescent

    nah bro the skull bone structure though

    yeah you're just completely schizo

    niggers tongue my anus

    [ download ] 17.62 KB (259x194) images (3).jpeg
    what the hell

    spastic boner wreckchordzzz

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