trash music

Lolicore is what you feel. discussion for - rule 1 and 8 dose not exactly apply here, but try to avoid it
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  • hiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!
    cute little album for y'all
    merry christmas!

    video & free download codes soon..

    i like looking at cirno's ass in the top right

    oh brother... because of the pattern that you've established everybody will be saying highly innapropriate things like >>335 because they want to be famous on TV......

    its not that deep bro, its just album cover of fucking lolicore there is no fame to be gleaned there and I said what I did about cirno's ass genuinely out of of my authentic bottom of my heart, also I don't think Tsundere Violence even has anything to do with it these are being released independently

    idk what you guys are chimping out about. its lolicore on a lolicore image board. what did you expect

    I meant TV as in television nincompoop, I guess those in your generation are too young to even know what that is, but that just goes to show why such sexually charged messages shouldn't be shared here.....

    [ download ] 497.32 KB (1000x1000) flan_lol.png
    unc fell for the ragebait

    shut the hell your mouth

    no. and you are literally a schizo replying to your self


    all me btw

    many ppl must use ur vps or you literally have DID

    [ download ] 347.64 KB (708x900) detective kogasa.png
    lol stop trying to gaslight us, clearly we could say that >>334 is "puberty chaos", >>335 >>337 >>340 are "cirno lover", >>336 >>339 are "conscientious objector", >>338 is "some other guy", but then with >>341 >>342 >>343 and >>344 things get a bit more murky and I think we could say that those posts were (probably) made by "gaslighting disruptor"

    include >>345 in the last category that hadn't shown up for me yet when I was typing but it fits

    holy shit you need to take your fucking meds IMMEDIATELY

    this is now a thug thread

    [ download ] 314.79 KB (596x900) 1735183146.png

    This is the administrator of the chmok.i2p anonymous RDP service speaking. It has come to my attention that multiple of my customers may have been using our remote workstation to engage in... less than savory activities on your website. I would like to take this opportunity to formally apologize for their behavior, and I would like you to know that I have taken the necessary measures to prevent future incidents from taking place. As a sign of goodwill, I would like to offer you one month of free RDP service with us. I have created a promo code of the form "xx.xx.xx.xxnashikouenchristmasgift" where xx.xx.xx.xx iss the IPv4 address of this remote workstation that has been interfering with your operations and the quotation marks are not included. Simply visit http://chmok.i2p on an i2p-enabled browser and enter the promo code in the field in the lower right portion of the page to claim it, or don't, it is up to you. Please email me if you have any further inquiries.

    -Dominik Vinogradov

    i dont have i2p set up after i changed distros

    [ download ] 30.83 KB (725x575) 1.jpg
    Wow, congratulations on being the millionth person who doesn’t understand DID and decides to be an insensitive jerk about it. Do you have any idea how hard it is to live with this? To manage multiple identities in one mind while constantly worrying about how people will react if they find out? It’s not like I woke up one day and said, ‘You know what would be fun? Let’s have a mental health condition that makes people think I’m a freak or a liar.’

    DID isn’t some punchline or quirky character trait for your entertainment. It’s the result of trauma. Trauma that rewired my brain to protect me in the only way it knew how. Every single alter in my system exists for a reason. They’re not jokes, they’re not “imaginary friends,” and they’re definitely not here for you to mock. They’re parts of me, parts that I’ve fought tooth and nail to understand and accept.

    And let’s be real—your ignorance doesn’t hurt me as much as the realization that people like you still see mental health struggles as something to ridicule. You wouldn’t make fun of someone in a wheelchair or mock someone for being diabetic, but somehow, mental health is fair game? Why? Because it’s invisible? Because you can’t see the scars on my mind? Trust me, they’re there.

    Instead of tearing people down for something they can’t control, how about you educate yourself? Learn a thing or two about what DID actually is. It’s not what you see in Hollywood or some exaggerated stereotype. It’s real, and it’s exhausting, and I didn’t choose it.

    So yeah, go ahead and laugh if that’s all your tiny, uninformed brain can handle. But remember, your mockery says more about you than it ever will about me.

    wow wtf just happened

    sir cunniworths is having a lan party with his 7 buddies on his private island all posting itt

    also say hit to lolishit for me, i miss that little nigga like you wont belive

    ok. thug thread then

    [ download ] 372.22 KB (596x900) 1735186041.png
    Sergei, do you seriously think it is funny to copypaste walls of text obviously created by chatGPT with excessive reddit spacing with contents designed to childishly contradict me? You are a disgrace to chan culture. I gave you a warning, and you ignored it. Now you will face the consequences. I am terminating your service, and you are very lucky that I happen to be in a particularly good mood today, or you would have a bullet in your head before the sun rises. jobanniy dolbajob. ja pljuju na tvojom bjebrje, pjedik.


    EFL larper award 🏆

    Codes when?

    srry I was busy with celebrating all the holidays. I was drunk numerous times and completely forgot about it

    srry, I messed up with the files.
    here are the CORRECT codes!


    >>356 im gonna thug all over you

    Delete Post: []

    - you are running KotatsuBBS. a clear and easy to read image board software -