have you guys read SICP yet. i only ever watch the videos. its some of the most useful thing ever!! it help me make this new software
>have you guys read SICP yet no, i'm still not convinced about using programming books... a 'watch and learn' strategy for learning seems bettar to me as long as you can spot bad practice early on
What utilities do you like that others mightn't know about? Ideally for the terminal, but anything is welcome. All of these I've listed are for *nix. I recently started using nnn as a secondary file manager since I have to deal with some folders with tens of thousands of files (music, videos, pictures), and waiting for other file managers (or even ls) to collate everything is awful. PCManFM is my normal desktop file manager, and while I like it, it absolutely hates my media folders because they're so full. nnn is pretty much instant, and integrates pretty well into the desktop despite being a command line program. Useful keys are ? (view other keybinds), ^H (rename), arrow keys (open/back for left/right, nav for up/down), and t (change sort order). iotop is very useful, showing you what process is doing a bunch of disk I/O. I use it when I'm doing a big file transfer to see how things are going with the rest of the system. My Pi 4 is definitely I/O limited and I have too much plugged in over USB and I have too much running at once. It's also saved me quite a bit of trouble when some program has gone off the rails and is downloading something in the background because the process it spawned didn't die when the main program did. fdupes searches for duplicate files in a given folder. fdupes -d $target_folder will do the trick for interactive deletion of duplicates. Dead useful when dealing with pictures. I have a small wrapper script on my machine that pops up a dialog with zenity to select a folder, then it opens an xterm window to ask for which filename to delete. I feel like everyone should know about yt-dlp already, but if you don't... it lets you download videos/audio from wherever. Mostly YouTube, but it works with a lot of sites. If something needs you to be logged in to access, use the --cookies-from-browser firefox option (replace with chrome/chromium if you use that). I have a bunch of convenience scripts since it's a bit of a hassle to remember how to invoke it for a given task other than "download the highest quality version from the site given". My Pi 4 does not enjoy trying to play 4K videos, for example.
>>82 nice microwave picture. one thing i stopped using was nvim to program in. nvim is good and all to go in ssh and edit configs or a file you have. but even bloating it to hell with plugins that wipe your ass it still dose not beat using vscode for coding. i am sure every one knows about ani-cli to stream anime from the terminal. uses yt-dlp and mpv. another one i used witch i cant seem to get compiled is sherlock for hunting down people's accounts
microwave > computar
>>83 Never did end up becoming a vim guy. I don't quiiite like using VSCode since it genuinely feels like it's doing too much magic behind the scenes (I don't know how to explain it better), but it is just dead useful. Certain things, it's my go-to tool just because of how well it integrates, but if I don't actually need that kind of deep integration, I'm not touching it.
>VSCode atom was and more-or-less still is my go-to text editor
What are some short scripts you use on your systems that might be useful for others? Here's a couple on mine (edited for brevity): [code] #!/bin/sh #get-ip.sh #get this machine's local LAN address #use "inet6.*wlan0" if you want the IPv6 address ip address | grep "inet.*wlan0" [/code] ex: get-ip.sh [code] #!/bin/sh #rand-vid.sh, needs mpv, I generally call this from the GUI #play random videos from my videos folder vidfolder="$HOME/Videos/" #change this to your videos folder mpv --geometry=320x240 --shuffle --no-loop-file --loop-playlist --mute "$vidfolder" [/code] ex: rand-vid.sh there are a few more useful ones I have, but they're really long now after bolting on a bunch of stuff this one is super simplified from what's on disk, for example, there's proper argument handling there: [code] #!/bin/bash #image-with-sound.sh image-file audio-file [framerate, default 10], needs ffmpeg #combine an audio track with a still image ffmpeg -r "${3:-10}" -loop 1 -i "$1" -i "$2" -acodec copy -vf scale=trunc"(in_w/2)*2:trunc(in_h/2)*2" -shortest "$1"-combined.mkv [/code] ex: image-with-sound.sh miku.png world-is-mine.mp3 5 I have a script that stacks images (useful for show screenshots) and it's hilariously long because of argument handling but the core is [code]convert "$@" -gravity center "$stackmode" "$outputfile"[/code] but it's like 70 lines above that lol $stackmode can be either +append for horizontal layout or -append for vertical $outputfile is just the target mostly end up using vertical, so a ready-to use version is: [code] #!/bin/bash #stack-imgs.sh files-to-stack ..., needs imagemagick convert "$@" -gravity center -append "stacked-output.png" [/code] ex: stack-images.sh 1.png 2.png 3.png (also remember nashi, don't just blindly copy scripts if you don't understand them)
>>69 i don't really know the difference between unix shells. OpenBSD uses ksh. I just use redirecting IO and pipes. any other features i don't really care about
>>69 bash is a bit bloated but I constantly use bashisms and install on any systems I use that don't have it but it is a huge attack surface because it does so much
>>70 >i don't really know the difference between unix shells. A lot of them are compatible with sh (the Bourne shell), but add features.. bash is the "Bourne Again SHell" (note the caps), which bolts on tons and tons of features. In general, they're basically different scripting languages with their own featuresets, but work around the basic shell concepts of running commands and piping data around. There are shells that aren't sh compatible, like fish (which I've been meaning to give a chance since it's supposed to be very easy and clean, I just am stuck forever in bash land since it's very widely available, very featureful, and for years had a pretty good chance of being the default).
I specialize in one liners so I will post some of those: Find all video files recursively in a directory find . -type f -exec bash -c '[[ "$( file -bi "$1" )" == video/* ]]' bash {} \; -print (run it inside your eroge directory for hours of fun!) Play all flash files in a directory in a random order, with 'q' to quit and any key to play the next one while read flash; do flashplayer "$flash"; read -n 1 < /dev/tty; [ "$REPLY" == "q" ] && break; done < <(ls -- *.swf | shuf) (can be adapted to any kind of file!) Those were the ones I could find from scrolling through my bash history for a few mins.
test #!/bin/bash #stack-imgs.sh files-to-stack ..., needs imagemagick convert "$@" -gravity center -append "stacked-output.png"
#!/bin/bash #stack-imgs.sh files-to-stack ..., needs imagemagick convert "$@" -gravity center -append "stacked-output.png"
test test2
what are we allowed to talk about here? programming? digital circuits? math? zoology??
yes :D anything technology computer/logical related. if you wanna share math problomes that is totally cool! idk about zoolgy but if you think it fits then yeah! this is also site discution as i assume this would be small slow board
>>6 video games ? (..◜ᴗ◝..) if i would like to share/discuss some PSx games and emulator stuffs, this would b the best board , right ?
/main/ would be better for game stuff. i assume ppl who come here always stop by /main/ if it was game programing, unix games, wine, etc. then here
I think the admin said it would just be a general technology board, just with the name "unix". But I think what >>31 says kinda makes sense too
I was excited for WASM but the linear memory refuses to render any of my old C projects, I use too many pointers. What are your opinions on web-assembly?
wat is this sorcery...
web asm sounds good on paper iirc its like java byte code? i never programmed with it but sounds really powerful. i wish my C skills where better then just knowing some std lib and all of K&R.
>>35 It's pretty cool, you can code in C, C++, and Rust, but it's a bit different than java bytecode, wasm makes use of common hardware capabilities to run web code at native speed, java byte code runs on the java virtual machine... And hey! No sad! C is really easy to learn, I know you can do it if you just go and make a few simple projects! The C programming book is always a great place to start, you don't need to worry about what other programmers say, you can just make simple programs and have fun, and you'll learn as you go
Windows Wins. And now that i haev found your board... everyhone who visits this page has got an automatic stealth download for Windows 11. Thank you and have a nice day.
>>23 >>23 looks like you have a windows phone now
hmm, i think this is the distro of our dear aroe-tan... https://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=pear
hehe ofc it has to be like macos, any other linux would be to hard for her
before i can make a official release of kotatsu BBS. i know i needed to knock all the teeth out of it and glue back in any broken giblits. here was a list i have for needed stuff. https://github.com/nashikouen/kotatsuBBS/issues/8 ban system is done. as for slice of life it seems the features i need now is quoting and capcodes, i didnt think capcodes was as big of a deal as i thought.
>imagine getting banned for testing new quote fetures >>0 where are you? >>1 there are you! and >be me...(USER WAS TOTALY BANNED FOR THIS POST)