
a fun place, with pears! now downsized..
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no subject Replies: 2
just credit fed through Puyo Puyo Sun on normal doing stuff vaguely like this ( ) as often as possible
was a bit more annoying once the game switches to 5 color mode

I still wish I wasn't too lazy to actually learn how to play Puyo... (・∀・)
sunscreen Replies: 2
no subject Replies: 10
im screaming im screaming im screaming no singular human being can comprehend how VIOLENTLY objectum i am for these motherfuckers
no subject Replies: 1
my test score.... it's... ZERO
no subject Replies: 5
i love you moe anthropomorphism unofficial wikipedia mascot, wikipe-tan
no subject Replies: 10
no subject Replies: 3
no park???
no subject Replies: 3
no subject Replies: 7
shes literally my waifu
fuck Replies: 4
hey sillies
no subject Replies: 10
i keep thinking things keep getting deleted but i think its jsut that my comments take forever to actually send
♪ musics thread! ♪ Replies: 3
on the topic of music does anyone have incelcore + lolicore artists to recommend me
no subject Replies: 3
where did the things go
picmix Replies: 21
do any nashinals make picmixes? its basically blingees but the site actually functions and isn't abandonded (・∀・) i used to make them a long time ago but stopped, i will post ones i have made in tgis thread \(^O^)/
no subject Replies: 2
i dont even know what to fuckin say lolz
programming advice Replies: 3
I've made a few sites, mainly personal ones but I think I want to move on to coding some sort of chan or a personal blog that can auto update. What languages should i use for this nashinals :3?
Me!!! Replies: 2
Ummm hello guyss idk what to say i hope u see this 💀
♪ musics thread! ♪ Replies: 11
share and discuss musics!
i am currently going through a math rock phase. i have been listening to this band called "lical" on repeat, their songs remind me of something i would listen to during my angsty teen years (´人`) their song "undry" is nice and has a simple catchy chorus which i enjoy, but i'd also reccomend "navy bluish apocalypse" for a more high energy song \(^O^)/
no subject Replies: 7
I lurve sports. Especially basketball. I wonder if any of you here are active or are you just lazy layabouts?
no subject Replies: 26
Is it getting cold by you?

it's bloody hot here, it's gonna be 90-something all week, I'm still waiting for things to go down to a consistent 80-something
and it's gonna be rainy at random
where I used to live years ago is in the 60s now

all temperatures in F, 90F is like 32C, 80F is like 26-27C, and 60F is like 15-16C
I've got no real head for temperatures in C other than like 30-something is warm, 40-something is hateful death temperature, 20-something is cool, and less than that is bloody cold ┐(^ v ^;)┌
no subject Replies: 7
You wouldn't happen to be n00bs... right?
no subject Replies: 4
i thought i was becoming a old man in my early 20s, balding, rising blood pressure, kids just calling my age old. etc

i got worried when i saw this but it turns out it was mostly my diet... the brekfest sandwitch i get in the morining had 76% of the daily sodiun. the lunch i get witch dose not seem bad for u is 84% or just burritos for 27% a pop. (i eat like 3 or 4)

(my dad who is actually old and needs to check his blood pressure had his lunch food at 127% soduimcin it....

this shit should be illegal, eating a seemingly simple food just spikes you with sodium. i am also gonna finaly get my ddr pad working. and a new router bc i was sold junk and been trying to get it working but failing and now a paper weight.
5000 GET! SHIFT THE PEARS INTO 10TH GEAR!! >o< / Replies: 9
I avenge the 200 get! with the 5000 GET!
Nashikouen is a really wonderful and unique board, I wanted to make a montage tribute for the last 5000 posts, but I don't want someone else to get this get -w-. But it might come later this thread!
GO get em pears!
no subject Replies: 10
I wish I had a phone that abandoned all the rules of ergonomics like this ...
no subject Replies: 6
I saw my thread got deleted and I just wanted to say I'm sorry if I did something wrong... :^<
I still think your site is really cute
no subject Replies: 5
we need another nashikouen game day, but a better game this time
what are you doing, nashi? Replies: 8
today I played IIDX and studied Japanese (`・ω・´)
and now I'm getting ready for bed since I have work early (´・ω・`;)
no subject Replies: 3
1000th thread GET is mine!!11
goodbye! Replies: 6
my tripcode is ##perth
no subject Replies: 8
Hahaha sorry nashikouen. its about time i finish all you cunts off. im kidnapping all of you and forcing you all to listen to my nirvana covers until u die!! any last words?
no subject Replies: 3
no subject Replies: 9
Merry Christmas Nashikouen!
no subject Replies: 6
I bought a disc-tip stylus and it's so much fun to use... drawing is no longer the realm of finger and mouse for me...

I was a dumdum who bought a cheap Galaxy tablet that didn't have S Pen support, so finding that these things existed was great. It's pretty precise too.

I am kind of deeply worried that the pen tip will break though, it's a disc on a piece of rubber.
perth ama 3 Replies: 14
ask me more questions
Happy New Year Nashikouen Replies: 4
First post of 2025. Be sure to dream of mt.fuji, hawks, and eggplants.
no subject Replies: 5
Well? What are you going to do about it?
Penglish Thread Replies: 8
in this thred you can only speke penglish
no subject Replies: 9
time is moving too fast
it's gonna be Christmas awfully soon...

when you're young, it's great because presents and the lot ヽ(´∇`)ノ
when you're old, it sucks because that's the part of the year when you spend the most money (,・_・,)
01001000 01000001 01000011 01001011 01000101 01000100 00100001 Replies: 3
01001101 01110101 01100001 00100000 01101000 01100001 00100000 01101000 01100001 00101100 00100000 01001001 00100111 01101101 00100000 01101001 01101110 00100001 00100000 01000001 01100110 01110100 01100101 01110010 00100000 01101101 01100001 01101110 01111001 00100000 01100001 01101100 01101100 00101101 01101110 01101001 01100111 01101000 01110100 01100101 01110010 01110011 00101100 00100000 01001001 00100000 01100110 01101001 01101110 01100001 01101100 01101100 01111001 00100000 01101000 01100001 01101011 00100111 01100100 00100000 01101001 01101110 01110100 01101111 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01101110 01100001 01110011 01101000 01101001 00100000 01101101 01100001 01101001 01101110 01100110 01110010 01100001 01101101 01100101 00100001 00100000 01001100 01100101 01110100 00100111 01110011 00100000 01110011 01100101 01100101 00101100 00100000 01110111 01101000 01100001 01110100 00100000 01110011 01101000 01101111 01110101 01101100 01100100 00100000 01001001 00100000 01100100 01100101 01110011 01110100 01110010 01101111 01111001 00100000 01100110 01101001 01110010 01110011 01110100 00101110 00101110 00101110

(01010101 01010011 01000101 01010010 00100000 01010111 01000001 01010011 00100000 01010011 01000101 01001110 01010100 00100000 01010100 01001111 00100000 00101111 01000100 01000101 01010110 00101111 01001110 01010101 01001100 01001100)
no subject Replies: 2
Dear azarashi,

I just discovered that it was yourself that posted the noi-gren thread from june(?) 2023. That thread has been one of the most memorable and favorite threads of mine. Thanks
Mahou Gengo Lyrical ☆ Lisp Replies: 3
Someone needs to translate this ASAP...
perth ama 2 Replies: 70
ill answer anything as long as it wont get me banned
fuk u Replies: 2
put them back
no subject Replies: 7
when I was a kid, I used to just suck on lemons straight (・∀・)
haven't done that in a loooong time but I think about it a lot
no subject Replies: 4
hello december (・∀・)ノ
desktop thread? Replies: 1
desktop thread?
no subject Replies: 2
do you guys watch unix conferences and talks?

here is some talks and things i found and liked.

this guys explains well about openbsd and what it is and how it is different from other unixes

this guy talks about how webstack is like in openbsd and what to expect.

here is a guy explaing BCHS webstack. bsd, c, httpd, sqlite.
how to make secure webapps... in c
no subject Replies: 6
man... i feel bad for him. dose arch really not bring in the girls?
learns Replies: 5
I want to learn unix and programming. so i installed openbsd VM. what should i learn next?? I want to be a good programmer be smarts so now what? which lang should I learn first? Do I have to study electronics too?
part 2!! Replies: 6
jp politics Replies: 10
will japan ever have powerful leaders in there office? why is jp politics such a meme. i wish my nihongo was good enough to understand things
buggu! Replies: 17
dose nashi liek bugs? what type of bugs do you most commonly see.

out here i see it all.. apparently some places just rarely see cicada. i wish i saw more stick bugs though..
no subject Replies: 2
i did it, i made a thread! ヽ(´∇`)ノ
no subject Replies: 5
Hi all... does she count as doll? I hope so, I like her very much. Please share anecdotes and pictures of your own dolls of this style... there seem to be alot of similar dolls made to look like Touhou Project chara, which are all very cute and would be appreciated here too. Thank you.
we will be watching mahou shoujou club!
it will be (Saturday)
countdown clock

we will be watching this on hyperbeam. make sure to bring ur nihongo IME keyboard as we got special acsses to there testing server and if we hit user limit they said they can increase it for us!
old irc Replies: 9
hi what happened to the old irc. i haven't been 'round this part of the 'net for a while so idk what y'all are up to. and srry for the random post on the other board i just felt like poastng
i wanna talk 2 those guys i talked 2 about computers n' stuff.
my very first ball jointed doll Replies: 12
i'm happy to introduce my very first ball jointed doll to nashikouen, miss sheryl nome dollfie dream (´人`)
i have been wanting a volks bjd for many years now, and my lovely boyfrien got her for me this month! i personally prefer vintage super dollfies, but i found her for a good deal on ebay and i think her face mold is gorgeous for an anime style doll. i took her out of the box just to make sure she was ok and that she came with all of her clothes, but since then i have packaged her back up until i can clean my room a bit to give her the proper display she deserves ヽ(´ー`)ノ
stay tuned, i will post lots of pics of her once she is settled into her new home and hopefully will get her a new outfit and wig soon...!
no subject Replies: 9
no subject Replies: 4
The invasion is in full swing! What can we do to save the city?
no subject Replies: 2
hidden boardz Replies: 9
how many hidden boardz are there? (;゚Д゚) all i have found is /lolicore and /pink but are there more? maybe one that is so hidden they cannot even be found from guesswork or internet browsing... ヽ(゚ρ゚)ノ
no subject Replies: 24
do you like lolicore?
no subject Replies: 9
I'm pointing at you!
no subject Replies: 2
intresting things in code Replies: 1
post code things you find interesting.

i am learning perl and there is some things that are quite cool like things restore after loop control.

$num = 6;
foreach $num (1,2,3,4){
print "$num ";

print $num; #this will print 6 as perl will restore the variable used after the for loop.

and there is a defualt value $_ that has a lot of use. values in a foreach values of a array are the actual elements even if they are primitive

@nums = (1, 2, 3, 4);
foreach (@nums){
print "@num\n"; # this will print 2 3 4 5 - and parentheses are optional

another with the special varable is.

@nums = (1, 2, 3, 4);
foreach (@nums){
print(); #will use the $_ when thjere is no arguments.

no subject Replies: 12
finally , my time to shine ....... : O )
figures ? BJDs? blythes? sylvanian families ? other random niche doll models and brands ? doesnt matter..... ^____^
(etokochan nurse costume produced by marmit)
no subject Replies: 7
there are 56 TY sheep that have been produced.
that includes copyright characters and size dupes thoigh......
there r 36 TY sheep charactars. and i will have them All.
i have started bmy collection at a measly 3 beanie sheep (´人`) i will have them all , though.....
no subject Replies: 15
no subject Replies: 1
tiem to rob
🦀🦀🦀HEYURI IS DOWN🦀🦀🦀 Replies: 12
this is amazing lmao ヽ(´∇`)ノ
apparently someone submitted this as a Mechanical Turk job for 2 cents ages ago (the copyright is 2006)
and got 10000 sheep drawings ⊂(´(ェ)ˋ)⊃

I wish I saw anything this cool when I did mturk ages ago... ( ´ω`)
Gunpla! Replies: 7
Anyone here into Gunpla?

Here are mine. ヽ(´ー`)ノ
I had more, but I lost one, and one fell.

Both of these have some random other parts I had lying around on them -- the one on the right is 99% just an original Gundam, but the one on the left had this super flimsy and hard to pose wing unit that I replaced with the wings from Fellini's Gundam in Gundam Build Fighters. Sadly, that one is snapped in half and I don't know where it is, I put it aside to glue together ages ago, and now I don't know what happened since..... aaaaaaa.
Both are unpainted since I don't have any real place that I can paint. Living in a condo sucks. ( ´ω`;)

I really should buy more. ( ´ω`)
unix books Replies: 16
what are some amazing unix books you own?
i believe my collection here is pretty strong.

i really onky ever read the openbsd books, c books, some 4.4 bsd and ed mastery.
do you guys have any recommendations of powerful unix books i should get?

its really hard to have time to read, i just was never good at english.
VTuba threado Replies: 3
ヴイトゥバ スレッド 。 。 。
no subject Replies: 9
What does /unix/ think of OpenIndiana and other Illumos based Unix systems? A credible Solaris-like alternative to Linux?

Beats paying for Solaris I guess ┐(゚~゚)┌
no subject Replies: 24
a pear could have a worm in it right as you bite into it
no subject Replies: 6
Hallo! & Happy Halloween111


I feel the need to congratulate & compliment you, cuz your board seems like what a normal board should be & look like.

Without many stinky posts, like many other boards expirienced downfall.

Idk who nashi is or how much NashiCoin (TM) worth, but I appreciate 2005 estethique design, style, colors, and no intrusive js spymalware. And no propaganda.
Seems like everything clean`n`tidy & mod is really well.

anyways, today boards became more kind of sort of like a personal website guest book pages, rather than forums.
no subject Replies: 2
i want them so badlyyy (^Д^)
😎 Replies: 7
MIA Replies: 10
head on out to your nearest mirror and get yourself a fresh update of OpenBSD!

dont forget to read the NEW.
tonight i will sculpt! Replies: 17
i might fallow the sculpting book and make the character there before making nau or heyuri tan or aroe or alva or any other things you guys want me to try and make.

one issue i had was the armature, its take a bit of skill or know how to bend the aluminum wire to how you want, and then connectinng them i used super glue and masking tape... witch i prob should have sanded it some and used my soldering iron to really stick em togrther.

for anon wanting to know the clay i am using la doll. but really most air dry clay would be perfect, so long as u see jp ppl use it? check back later and i will tell u how the clay is when i use it. it says stone powered clay.
most japs u see on YouTube use airdry clay like i mentioned. here is a comment i read "I use a wide variety, i use mr.clay, i also use padico they are both air dry clay, i also use epoxy clay like apoxie."
padico band one is the LA doll one i going to use

one thing i think is good about the air dry clay is no kiln and you can make the body first and wait for it to dry and then make cloth and wait for it to dry.

one thing i don't understand is how to section off parts... but in the book they literally just use a saw and cut off the arms and legs.. but it should help sanding and cutting out cracks to refill with clay.

also painting, and sectioning off is good to make molds and creating a marketable figure.

in the book they have a thick grey primer. (iirc mr surfacs 1000) and it will help show imperfections to sand and since its thick i believe also fill in sometoo
whye did i dissect fish? Replies: 1
am I stupid?
no subject Replies: 5
no subject Replies: 6
have you guys read SICP yet.

i only ever watch the videos. its some of the most useful thing ever!! it help me make this new software
no subject Replies: 3
how do i receive a bane? i want moar b&!!
no subject Replies: 6
first time buyee Replies: 10
i didn't exactly get and figures or plushies but i got a lot of books and other collectable things.

i was expecting the shipping to be worse as it originally said 100$ after consolidating the packages to put it all into one box.

i am so happy for the things i got.
when did you give up Replies: 9
making plushie Replies: 6
has any one ever made there own plushies? i have had many ideas on ones i wanted to make but never knew how and worried they would come out bad

it seems like ADVANCE craft work that takes a background of being a female who has been making bracelets since they where 7 or took a sewing class.

i wanna make a aroe plushie!
no subject Replies: 10
window maker looks awesome, but I have my doubts regarding its functionality. Could any window maker user share their experience with me?
no subject Replies: 4
hello, nashipals... i'm posting from my 3DS!!! (°Дº) crazy that the the internet browser function is still working... the only pictures on this thing is one of my monchichi doll, so here you go... (^д^)~♪
Weird old paintings Replies: 6
Post some odd old paintings, whose meanings are not readily apparent.
what games have you all been playing" Replies: 3
recently, i played warframe: koumei and the five fates! the latest update that came out last week. It's been enjoyable and i'm excited to get the new items... (´ー`) but i usually get more enjoyment out of these things after a couple months have passed. what have you guys been playing? do you also enjoy mmo-lites?
roach Replies: 3
The cockroaches are an ancient group, with their ancestors, known as "roachoids", originating during the Carboniferous period, some 320 million years ago. Those early ancestors, however, lacked the internal ovipositors of modern roaches. Cockroaches are somewhat generalized insects lacking special adaptations (such as the sucking mouthparts of aphids and other true bugs); they have chewing mouthparts and are probably among the most primitive of living Neopteran insects. They are common and hardy insects capable of tolerating a wide range of climates, from Arctic cold to tropical heat. Tropical cockroaches are often much larger than temperate species.
Modern cockroaches are not considered to be a monophyletic group, as it has been found based on genetics that termites are deeply nested within the group, with some groups of cockroaches more closely related to termites than they are to other cockroaches, thus rendering Blattaria paraphyletic. Both cockroaches and termites are included into Blattodea.
Some species, such as the gregarious German cockroach, have an elaborate social structure involving common shelter, social dependence, information transfer and kin recognition. Cockroaches have appeared in human culture since classical antiquity. They are popularly depicted as large, dirty pests, although the majority of species are small and inoffensive and live in a wide range of habitats around the world.
no subject Replies: 8
What nashikouen thinks about making music in trackers? ( ´ω`)
psx and psp game recs Replies: 9
i am trying 2 get back into some emulation stuff but i have no idea really what to play....
i luvv fighting games but i am willing 2 branch out luuul
couldn find a nice picture so have one of my fav games (besides BR2!)
do you liek any sort of flavord watters? Replies: 6
i liek propel but idk if it was bc i drank like 4 of them at once witch gave me a nose bleed. but usaly i would get a propel in teh morning and it help wake me up and feel better if i had a hang over..
WASSUP BRAH Replies: 10
perth has returned brah, yknow what I mean brah?
no subject Replies: 5
do you like this cool dog?

no subject Replies: 16
stop slacking off and go back 2 work!
no subject Replies: 4
Hey admin-sama
The home page doesn't use https for some reason
no subject Replies: 6
gonna try doing this grage kit. i didnt know this was from a really gay anime.. i just got it bc it was super cheap.

i took all the pieces out and dumped them into a ziplock back filled with degreaser. as these are resin casted, it will still have the grease used to have it break away from the mold it was in.

naut doing that will result in primer not sticking or sticking but months later flake off.

some people say when shaving down/sanding out seam lines that it will put resin dust in teh air and that is bad bad bad to breath in..i dont have a resporator nor gonna do it outside as i dont think its that bad, maybe i will wet sand it so it less bad. i do all of teh work in my room so it might be bad. i do have a hose conected to the outside and can suck with it pretty good so i might use that and show it off too (^Д^)
openwrt vs opensense Replies: 19
i am trying to buy a new router other then just using my openbsd server as a router. something brain dead easy but also super secure.

i already bought a router i can flash openwrt on but i wanted pfsense but wireless is poor.

openbsd is alright but i fail each time setting up a vpn and understanding pf other then simple things.

i already got a openwrt compatsvle router coming but i wanna know if there is a better solution

(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST) really? rotting rotting corpse?
VGGGHH... Replies: 2
no subject Replies: 10

cracking isn't as kewl as they say?
unused /unix/ logos Replies: 8
no subject Replies: 2
The "showdown" is happening on the hakoniwa instance if any afk player wants to get in on it. gloomsville will not be spared
no subject Replies: 8
are the nashinals gainfully employed
do you have to struggle for the sake of dollar bills (or similar local currency)?
no subject Replies: 9
no subject Replies: 5
What would be the optimal language to use if I'd want to automate the process of adding a new post to my html blog?
no subject Replies: 5
no subject Replies: 3
tried to make a thread on /main/ but it said "you must have a boardID" or something... site bug?
no subject Replies: 6
...we missed Cirno day.

Oops. (;´Д`)
Cool tech youtube channels Replies: 11
Anyone know of any cool tech youtube channels? Like, working with things that don't get talked about much.

I really like clabretro. Tons of really cool hardware, all kind of Sun enterprise gear, ISP gear, servers, loads of stuff I'd love to try working with but I neither have the cash nor room (you need an entirely separate room for these becuase they're all hyper loud and they put out gobs of heat). Watching this reminds me of how I wish I had money back in 2005/6/7 to grab a bunch of cheap Sun and SGI gear from the dotcom crash instead of still being a schoolboy. (;´ω`)

I also like Usagi Electric, who works with a lot of very old computers. Proper old, he has a working Centurion minicomputer system, properly kitted out with disks and terminals, he has an ancient Bendix computer from the 50s that he's trying to get set up, he's building his own simple all vacuum tube computer. Just really coool stuff.

Lastly, I like NCommander. Extremely deep technical dives into software, trying to get ancient source code building, ancient Unix stuff, OS/2 stuff, old NetWare. A lot of his stuff is streams sadly, but he does compile things into proper videos.
debates Replies: 11
will you be watching trump vs biden in political debates tonight?
i think it would be a comedy show :D
Alien Replies: 1
⋔⊬ ⎅⟟☊☍ ⟟⌇ ⌰⟟☍⟒ ⏃ ⌰⍜⏃⎅⟒⎅ ☌⎍⋏ ☍⟟⌰⌰⟟⋏☌ ⟒⎐⟒⍀⊬⍜⋏⟒

Only real aliens are allowed

(⎍⌇⟒⍀ ⍙⏃⌇ ⏚⏃⋏⋏⟒⎅ ⎎⍜⍀ ⏁⊑⟟⌇ ⌿⍜⌇⏁)
no subject Replies: 20
Delicious lamb chops! Gloomsville's favorite dish since 19xx

no subject Replies: 4

she gonna get drunk again
cheesecake... Replies: 7
nashi, I want some cheesecake... ( ´ω`)
publix closed 5 minutes ago so I can't even go get some....... ( ´,_ゝ`)
no subject Replies: 3
one tiem i saw a snake in tall grass
no subject Replies: 3
she came.. naut tama chan but its from same set
fun sites Replies: 6
i think we already have a thread like this but lets start a new one!
hate is not a bad thing Replies: 5
if you truly know right from wrong. then why should hate be a bad thing.
hate drugs. hate things that cause trouble. hate anything that is not gonna make the world a better place.

i want my people to be happy and if some one uses and abuses my people then i hate them. i hate everything that is not right.

dose having hate bring stronger love to what you love? knowing you will protect and provide the best to things you love? love is amazing but loving the wrong things can cause trouble. loving drugs. loving crime. loving things you know just are wrong.

love is a good thing hate is a good thing. it all boils down to morals... knowing right from wrong. and applying what you believe in... is that religion?
no subject Replies: 7
i ran out of pears
profetional artist Replies: 3
do you have any fav artist or figure sculpture?
i like pop's artwrok so much.
i like blocky feet and long dresses that are lolita fashion. big comfy clothing.anything that is old school scene style.

i miss old anime look.
no subject Replies: 2
no subject Replies: 7
well my clay came before my garage kits... so i guess i will make ugly figures first.
i bought mostly Japanese stuff like the clay, primer, gloss, finisher, masking tape, putty.
i just wish my figures will turn out like one on left...

it was a little difficult finding what type of clay and other stuff to get from literally knowing noting and failing art in highschool.

recently my friend graduated from art school so i am going to pay them for concept art of nau to better model stuff
no subject Replies: 10
not sure if this is the right place for this but im assuming it fits becuz tech ^_^
i used 2 see a lot of people 'homebrew' 3ds and stuff and recently saw someone do it with a wii . sounds fun 2 be able to get all thr games + visual customization but it it worth it ?
i have two wiis , not sure if one works but if it does i would luv to maybe hak it . wouldn't want to use our 'main' wii though since it has been around for a really long time and i don't wanna mess it up lol
i know it is kind of the same 'moral' fiasco as emulating games, if it is right to pirate games i guess. but its not like they even produce wii or wii stuff anymore o_o
if u have done it / seen people do it what are your opinions on homebrewing stuff ? how hard is it ? im sure newer things r harder 2 work with than older devices , modern security and stuff
no subject Replies: 3
no subject Replies: 3
This put a big smile on my face, especially the goofy trick playing they do near the end (like the one-fingered play).

...I miss when Konami was good... it has been something like six years since then...
whoa! Replies: 6
Nashi looks dead. to me atleast

no subject Replies: 7
we're nearing the end of august, so is everyone trapped in school?
I am constantly glad that I have been out of school for years now... but working sux.
this is tama chan Replies: 4
she needs our encouragement as she is about to start first grade. please say encouraging words to help her have a good first day!
no subject Replies: 4
where da hood at?
no subject Replies: 10
this guy looks like a downie

first time grage kit Replies: 12
i bought about 5 different garage kits.
3 of witch are ones i absolutely CAN NOT fuck up, one being OP pic.

is there any important things i should worry about? i spent about 160$ or 170$ on just materials alone. one thing i belive i am gonna need is masking_ putty and that weird eraser thing people use on the eyes.

i kinda have a advantage in some ways as i have a microscope. (that i yet to have posted on /unix/ due to waiting for a lens)

teh long game is to be able to sculpt and create my own garage kits. having a heyuri-tan&aroe&nau figure
missing jeonghan... Replies: 3
i know his military enlistment starts soon but i don't think i can go a year and a half without hearing his giggles (;´Д`)

im literally dokyeom biased but jeonghan hits different.
no subject Replies: 6
Reimoo \(^O^)/
no subject Replies: 4
no subject Replies: 7
anyone eat anything good today?
all I had was some leftover spaghetti with meat sauce and some pizza

the spaghetti tasted better today than when it was made
the pizza tasted worse, but still pretty good ( ´ω`)
no subject Replies: 7
any of you dudes and dudetttes play an instrument? I can strum a handful of chords on the guitar, though I prefer aimless finger-picking.
suomynonA Replies: 3
no subject Replies: 7
no subject Replies: 2
Got 2 taek it ez. ヽ(´∇`)ノ
Vocaloid Replies: 3
Anyone into Vocaloid here?

I really want to buy Miku V4X but it's a bunch of money... the demo works great and is mostly easy to use. Alternatively, Len/Rin V4X -- Miku's voice is more general, but I like Len and Rin more and I like songs with them. Either way, it's like $160-200. ( ´,_ゝ`)
I could use Voicevox Zundamon instead since it's free and super popular (and I suspect even if it wasn't free, it'd be super popular), but there's no real English support beyond mangling everything into katakana. (´人`;)

I kind of don't listen to that much Vocaloid music, but that's more laziness than anything -- I merely haven't downloaded a lot, especially all the songs I play in rhythm games.
Been sorting through Niconico for stuff.
In particular, I'm going through this big listing of just about every vocaloid song upload in the last 2 months (video IDs in the bottom right corner):
no subject Replies: 4
MIU IS NOT EVIL, picrel shows that she is good.
repeat. CP KUN HAS FOUND US. if you want janny posy itt
japan box! Replies: 128
no figures in this package. just b00ks
no subject Replies: 5
no subject Replies: 6
favorite vidya? mein is liero.
no subject Replies: 3
Has anyone here tried doing Linux from Scratch?
How did it go for you if you did?

I kind of want to give it a go to learn all about the nitty-gritty of what's under the hood in a Linux system. Seems like a fun project to follow, although it also seems like it'll be a ton of waiting for stuff to compile. (;´Д`)
I love rodents Replies: 13
I really love rodents and especially capybaras they're really cute and cool!
no subject Replies: 9
well well well, nashi kouen... its been a long time.

its me...

proto man...
awful food Replies: 13
i hate oranges. they smell so bad when people eat them next to me, i cant move away either! last time i had orange juice i was really young. like 4 or 5 and i puked on the Walmart conveyor belt,

another thing i hats is fish. just regular fish. i love fish sticks and crab and shrimp and all, but regular fish i can only eat it for about a 30 seconds before i hate it
no subject Replies: 10
room thread Replies: 9
Cool art Replies: 12
I wanna post really cool art pieces i like. This one is teh fall of rome. And is used as a cover for one of my favorite metal albums ever
no subject Replies: 14
I think modern agriculture is pretty interesting. I've been watching the anime Silver Spoon and some videos about agronomy on Youtube recently, but I wish I had more attention span to read about it properly. There's also job advert from my uni for a summer job where you have to diagnose and remove infected plants from fields so the disease doesn't spread. It sounds kind of fun but it might be hard work. Should I apply for it?
no subject Replies: 13

i just hated looking at yandere dev. i am still lazy
Setups! Replies: 11
New board, woah!

What machines do you run, what do you run on 'em, that sort of thing.
More importantly than the specs, what do they do? What do you do on them?

Pretty normal gaming desktop for my main computer, Ryzen 5 3600X+RTX2060. It is running Windows 10 still because I am incredibly lazy and there are a handful of things I do that will definitely not be pleasant under Wine.
I suspect that I will probably actually escape to Linux as my daily driver again for the first time in over 10 years if I am forced to move to Windows 11, although it will be painful.
I use WSL pretty constantly to make up for Windows' shortcomings-- it is impressive just how many Windows-oriented shell scripts I have because batch scripting is insane and has no reason to be so.
It does normal gaming and web browsing tasks, and it SSH's into my side machine to make things more seamless. I often do a bunch of video conversions with ffmpeg so media can play nicely on my side machine.
I have a bunch of assorted USB HDDs and SSDs plugged in for storage. I actually think at least one of them is SATA and I probably should take it out of the enclosure and plug it in directly over SATA....

My side machine is a Pi 4, running Pi OS 12. Was unpleasant to upgrade (I in-place desktop Debian just fine, but the Pi OS team clearly is doing something different that makes it flaky in a way I do not feel like fixing) and I have a lot of stuff to do that I will probably never get around to doing, but that's life.
It plays music and assorted videos, and I use it as a very bootleg NAS. (^_^;)
Any assorted Linux development tasks that aren't terminal only, I do on it.
There are two USB disks plugged in for storage, one for the OS since running off of SD is awful, and one for videos and music.
I am deeply tempted to buy a Pi 5, but considering the use case, I want to wait for a Pi 500. The keyboard and all the stuff I have plugged into it is taking up valuable desk real estate.

I really should probably learn some web stuff, and use the Pi 4 to test it locally. Laziness...
no subject Replies: 6
Everytime i search for bunny photos its always this specific one with all sorts of objects on its head.. brained damage :-D
do you like guns Replies: 6
i mean like real guns. today's work was in a ghetto neighbor hood and i had to toat a glock.

it was fun as i had to dig a hole for work today. remember kids always wear a holster and don't just tuck it in ur pocket
2ch stuff Replies: 8
share cute figures dolls and plushies from teh gr8 2ch and stuff
no subject Replies: 14
Been reading homestuck lately and its pretty fun ( ´ω`)
Johns cute, rose is interesting, and dave is the sorta "i dont ACTUALLY like this nerd shit lol im cool!!" guy i wouldve been friends with in 2019
This comic is pretty long apparently tho,,, i wonder how long till act 5,,,,,,,,,,
no subject Replies: 12
I've been rewatching the monogatari series because of the new anime and nothing makes me want to take a walk like this anime. Seeing the characters walk around through these somewhat surreal places just makes me want to start walking randomly through streets I've never been to. The other day I decided to walk to the train station from my university instead of going by subway like I usually do and It was pretty nice.

Also, the new episodes have been really good, they feel very creative and fun. It's nice to see real life objects and footage come back. They've also substituted the textured color frames with simple color frames with no text like in the other SHAFT/Shinbou shows, which I quite like. I think since the ones with words are still textured, the simple color ones add variety.
I didn't really care for Yotsugi the first time I watched the series, but on rewatch she became one of my favorites, so it's nice that she's the narrator. I'm linking non mentally ill Nadeko as well.
no subject Replies: 18
i am at a korean store!!
there is ramune and sushi i just ate a thing of sushi
kaomojis added Replies: 16
(・∀・)dumb hack(・∀・) added kaomoji, if you want a certin kaomoji, post it in this thread and i will add it ヽ(´ー`)ノ
Plan 9 Replies: 5
Has anyone here ever tried Plan 9?
It was designed by Bell Labs in the late 80s as a research successor to Unix.

GUI-driven, heavily networked, everything is a file but even more than Unix went at the time (IIRC, /proc on Linux was extremely inspired by Plan 9).
Running programs on different machines was a major feature, you'd have disk servers to store things and CPU servers to run tasks, and your local machine would render the interface and it'd all be seamless, even to the point where if you had programs for a different architecture, if you were connected to a CPU server that had that architecture, the program would run. I really wanted to try all the crazy networking stuff out, but I didn't have more computers to do it back when I tried running the OS for an extended period of time. Maybe I could get something going now, future project.

It's not something you can really run as a daily driver (the two things that affected me the most were no video playback and no proper browser, which were way more of an issue when I only had one computer), although the modern 9front distribution has made strides in keeping it working on modern hardware and adding useful software.

I like the window manager, Rio quite a bit. It's obnoxiously simple to the point of being extremely opaque to get started with. It's not complicated at all, but like everything else in the system, you need to read the manual to get to grips with it. It demands a 3-button mouse, which makes it a bit awkward at times and nearly impossible to use on most laptops without an external mouse... but it's very logical and clean.
Felt like riding a bike firing it up again and after a little wobbliness (in particular, resizing a window is weird, you select the resize command, select the window, and then draw the new size of the window)

Writing code for it is... different. I spent a little bit of time learning the system APIs ages ago, but the dev team really was quite dead set on not caring one whit about making it Unix-like (almost to the point of absurdity sometimes, there are several cases where Plan 9 uses the name of a Unix thing in an entirely different context despite it coming out of Bell Labs and worked on by major original Unix people), even if the system is absolutely a cousin to olschool Unix, so I was a little lost, and there isn't as much documentation as I am used to.
There is a compiler and system to assist in porting Unix stuff to Plan 9, and I used that quite a bit, but it absolutely felt like cheating.

I really like how clean the the shell syntax is, rc is just a really nice shell.
It's an absolute breath of fresh air vs Bourne and derivatives. You get to do a LOT just with shell scripting because everything truly is a file, so by just modifying various files on the system, you can do arbitrary system tasks. Move windows, read and change the text in a different window, establish network connections and send data, the system exposes a ton of stuff through the filesystem and it's super cool.
I think I remember using something that exposed IRC as part of the filesystem a while ago, but that was back when I had any IRC channels to go to. (;´д`)

The system also features Acme, a really powerful text editor system that wants to be a shell in its own right. It's also kind of opaque, based around a few very simple principles taken very, very far. Every single character in it is editable, down to the menubars.

I had a VM with 9front installed on one of my harddrives and I was hoping I'd have set up any of the stuff from my main install a few years ago, but it's pretty bare. Pic related, I'd downloaded shareware Doom and configured it last time I booted the VM, which was apparently in 2022.
no subject Replies: 9
Anybody on nashi been listening to hashtag AWESOME music lately...
no subject Replies: 3
i lost track of where the post interesting links thread went so here! post intresting links

this website had like all texts and everything? idk how it works but its cool!
no subject Replies: 3
Nashi should have a RIVAL site since it has a friend in wapchan
my figure collection Replies: 3
dose any one here use my figure collection?
I don't actually have any figures or an account but i do use it to browse animes and things i find really cute.

this girl is really expensive i wish i could have her.. she also has a sound track with her.
that is my fav song from the songs
shutting down Replies: 6
/doll/ is to inactive and in threat of being shut down. the shutdown will happen around the time of squid girl watch party..
no subject Replies: 4
i found these [something something] gf images so good for making different kinds of people easier to sympathise with. we should make more of them.

no subject Replies: 1
other then having sakura at my house 24/7 and ffmpeg scripts. what is good software that is unix like for home video cams. preferable with object detection and viewable on phone. i tried home assistant with motion eyes and it keep eating the dirt and dying.

i have a few ip cams that support standard nvr stuff.
no subject Replies: 22
post ur figures. Picrel is one i posted elsewhere, i can't be bothered to taek another pic
no subject Replies: 8
there is about a month left of summer break before all the kids have to head back to school.

how will you spend your final hours of summer?
no subject Replies: 3
no subject Replies: 5
Shannen Doherty died...(;´Д`)
no subject Replies: 4
I found a four leaf clover.
for some reason the four leaf clovers I've found this year all had one leaf significantly smaller than the others. The ones I used to find back in middle school had more evenly sized leafs.
no subject Replies: 6
Chiitan :-D
Cheese Replies: 11
does nashi like cheese?

I don't really, except for like mozzarella, provolone, and parmesan.
I'll eat things with other cheeses in them, and maybe even enjoy that there's cheese there, but I wouldn't just sit and eat other types of cheese on their own.
no subject Replies: 7
...i don't know the time. I don't trust my clock anymore. When you think about it, why should i trust a clock anyway?
no subject Replies: 7
food, or friend?
soldering and electronics Replies: 6
dose anyone know about soldering and electronics?

i am buying this stuff along with firmware extraction stuff. i want to get into hardware hacking and things

i know how to solder but i cant read a diagram. i think i understand how IC's work?

is there any thing you guys know or thought about with electronics
no subject Replies: 3
what are you able to maek out from teh patterns? i see a skeleton
no subject Replies: 6
They're laughing at you...(´∇`)σ
no subject Replies: 10
what terminal do you use? i've always used just teh default terminal that comes with a DE
no subject Replies: 13
starting nao!!!
no subject Replies: 4
Been getting into utauloids lately!
Something about Defoko's robotic artificial voice is rlly nice sounding to me, dunno why.
Another new favorite is scottei, but mainly bcz of her design ^__^
no subject Replies: 5
While you were wasting your life on the internet, I was wasting 39 hours to beat this stupid boss.
no subject Replies: 8
My looks like he has no eyes but i assure u he just has long fur
no subject Replies: 4
no subject Replies: 5
Where do can I buy french dolls?
no subject Replies: 3
flash is disabled from auto loading on the webpage currently.
i have seen huge slow down times of about 8 seconds on nashi just because of this. i will host my own flash js eventually. but untill then if any one uploads flash you would need to use flash player extension or download and run it in the flash player debugger
no subject Replies: 3
no subject Replies: 5
Good news, sheep acquired
Bad news, its outside my door Σ(°ロ°||)︴
war games Replies: 3
i think every one knows about bandit wargame.

is there any other war games like this that you know of?
nb4 ssh
no subject Replies: 6
hello, i know the lolis are here :^)

(GO BACK 2 PIXIV>:-( )
no subject Replies: 4
i love bugs! every time at work i always see cool bugs and take photos of them!
Playing anything interesting? Replies: 11
nashinals... what have you been playing lately?

I've been playing TGM2 in MAME and I am suffering. (;´д`)ゞ
I can clear normal mode once in a few tries. I can barely survive the instant drop credits roll section at the end. Master mode is brutal (as expected).
Utilities! Replies: 5
What utilities do you like that others mightn't know about? Ideally for the terminal, but anything is welcome.
All of these I've listed are for *nix.

I recently started using nnn as a secondary file manager since I have to deal with some folders with tens of thousands of files (music, videos, pictures), and waiting for other file managers (or even ls) to collate everything is awful. PCManFM is my normal desktop file manager, and while I like it, it absolutely hates my media folders because they're so full.
nnn is pretty much instant, and integrates pretty well into the desktop despite being a command line program.
Useful keys are ? (view other keybinds), ^H (rename), arrow keys (open/back for left/right, nav for up/down), and t (change sort order).

iotop is very useful, showing you what process is doing a bunch of disk I/O.
I use it when I'm doing a big file transfer to see how things are going with the rest of the system.
My Pi 4 is definitely I/O limited and I have too much plugged in over USB and I have too much running at once. It's also saved me quite a bit of trouble when some program has gone off the rails and is downloading something in the background because the process it spawned didn't die when the main program did.

fdupes searches for duplicate files in a given folder.
fdupes -d $target_folder
will do the trick for interactive deletion of duplicates. Dead useful when dealing with pictures. I have a small wrapper script on my machine that pops up a dialog with zenity to select a folder, then it opens an xterm window to ask for which filename to delete.

I feel like everyone should know about yt-dlp already, but if you don't... it lets you download videos/audio from wherever. Mostly YouTube, but it works with a lot of sites. If something needs you to be logged in to access, use the --cookies-from-browser firefox option (replace with chrome/chromium if you use that).
I have a bunch of convenience scripts since it's a bit of a hassle to remember how to invoke it for a given task other than "download the highest quality version from the site given". My Pi 4 does not enjoy trying to play 4K videos, for example.
no subject Replies: 5
3000 GET. IT COULD HAEV BEEN A CHEESY PIZZA BUT I HAEV DECIDED OTHERWISE. In any case cheers to 3K posts on /main/
july 2 - july 6th we will be watching all of squid girl.
that includes season one and season two!

i have not done the math but post in this thread what time we should start the party!
useful shell/other scripts Replies: 13
What are some short scripts you use on your systems that might be useful for others?
Here's a couple on mine (edited for brevity):

#get this machine's local LAN address
#use "inet6.*wlan0" if you want the IPv6 address
ip address | grep "inet.*wlan0"

#!/bin/sh, needs mpv, I generally call this from the GUI
#play random videos from my videos folder
vidfolder="$HOME/Videos/" #change this to your videos folder
mpv --geometry=320x240 --shuffle --no-loop-file --loop-playlist --mute "$vidfolder"

there are a few more useful ones I have, but they're really long now after bolting on a bunch of stuff
this one is super simplified from what's on disk, for example, there's proper argument handling there:

#!/bin/bash image-file audio-file [framerate, default 10], needs ffmpeg
#combine an audio track with a still image
ffmpeg -r "${3:-10}" -loop 1 -i "$1" -i "$2" -acodec copy -vf scale=trunc"(in_w/2)*2:trunc(in_h/2)*2" -shortest "$1"-combined.mkv
ex: miku.png world-is-mine.mp3 5

I have a script that stacks images (useful for show screenshots) and it's hilariously long because of argument handling but the core is
[code]convert "$@" -gravity center "$stackmode" "$outputfile"[/code]
but it's like 70 lines above that lol
$stackmode can be either +append for horizontal layout or -append for vertical
$outputfile is just the target
mostly end up using vertical, so a ready-to use version is:

#!/bin/bash files-to-stack ..., needs imagemagick
convert "$@" -gravity center -append "stacked-output.png"
ex: 1.png 2.png 3.png

(also remember nashi, don't just blindly copy scripts if you don't understand them)
no subject Replies: 1
i'll haev you know i've trained with special forces of the apple-people
rounfacer Replies: 2
theres this brand i saw on mfc that made these two figures (2nd one in replies) and a few others from some media, but these nurse ones are original characters ^_^
i especially love this 2005 one (picture) but they were limited produced and i cant find anything about them off the site,;;
im normally the one posting links of certain figures but i just cannot find anything about these two 。°(°.◜ᯅ◝°)°。 so if you stumble upon them anywhere... even not to sell, just pictures of them.. i would appreciate it ;o)
island(s) Replies: 4
what does everyone think about new kazakhstan colony island?

(Go directly to Hakoniwa thread. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200M.)
no subject Replies: 36
We must rekt out aple overlords. Pears are the only acceptable fruit. GTFO APLE

  Λ_Λ  \\
  ( ・∀・)   | | ガッ
 と    )    | |
   Y /ノ    人
    / )    <  >_Λ∩
  _/し' //. V`Д´)/
 (_フ彡        /

  Λ_Λ  \\
  ( ・∀・)   | | ガッ
 と    )    | |
   Y /ノ    人
    / )    <  >_Λ∩
  _/し' //. V`Д´)/
 (_フ彡        /

  Λ_Λ  \\
  ( ・∀・)   | | ガッ
 と    )    | |
   Y /ノ    人
    / )    <  >_Λ∩
  _/し' //. V`Д´)/
 (_フ彡        /

no subject Replies: 5
no subject Replies: 5
i shall murder this pear. I want over 9000 lolis by teatime tomorrow. You haev been warned...
no subject Replies: 3
no subject Replies: 39
zomg! nu softwarez
no subject Replies: 4
where can i buy her?
no subject Replies: 5
what are we allowed to talk about here? programming? digital circuits? math? zoology??
Web Assembly Replies: 4
I was excited for WASM but the linear memory refuses to render any of my old C projects, I use too many pointers.

What are your opinions on web-assembly?
no subject Replies: 5
can berries be pears 2? Also isnt this art cool?!
no subject Replies: 3
Okay fine im homosexual

no subject Replies: 3
Windows Wins. And now that i haev found your board... everyhone who visits this page has got an automatic stealth download for Windows 11. Thank you and have a nice day.
no subject Replies: 2
The internet is like a secret dungeon you have to pass through before you're allowed into real life.
no subject Replies: 2
hmm, i think this is the distro of our dear aroe-tan...
no subject Replies: 5
unix logo is cute!
will doll and oekaki get their own too? :o3
no subject Replies: 4
I luv yuu Nashi
Yur a very nice place, like a pillow fort ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)

(this is my first post)
kotatsuBBS Replies: 3
before i can make a official release of kotatsu BBS. i know i needed to knock all the teeth out of it and glue back in any broken giblits.

here was a list i have for needed stuff.
ban system is done.

as for slice of life it seems the features i need now is quoting and capcodes, i didnt think capcodes was as big of a deal as i thought.
no subject Replies: 2
What is this mean?(;´Д`)
no subject Replies: 15
so teh new software could be "finished" today and running on nashi. but there is many features (just admin and install and module features i want to add) before it can be a official 1.0 release. would you guys be fine with a buggy image board? it would be the best way to test for bugs!nau keeps getting in my codebase oekaki will be moved, catalog, rss, search wont be here, emotes and kaomojis wont work (not removed just these things i have not made)

you will have new boards and faster post times (in theory), there is auto sage and archive, tripcodes, multiple fileupload, sage, bump limits, everything is a live page, better ban system, less javascript. super configurable, secure tripcodes, mods (cosmo) cant see ur ip and try "doxxing" you.

oh no gallery and no client settings, no animated gif.
no subject Replies: 1
test 1 2 Replies: 1
hi there
no subject Replies: 11
Hey Nashikouen! Replies: 6
I just wanted to say... I love you all!
no subject Replies: 6
today Replies: 9
i decided to commit murder. i will also ask my dad to buy me robux cause mom doesnt let me
Lookie see here!!!! Replies: 14
Made some nashi OC....might make botan my avatar..or teh character that represents me!! What do you guys think? Enjoy!!yahoo
no subject Replies: 8
W-who killed the pear? Its body is sliced in half! (;゚Д゚)
no subject Replies: 17
this site suc....
site is really good! if some one would like to buy it off of me. please reply in this thread with your offer.
site goes to the highest bidder.
no subject Replies: 6
i dont like this new 'ringokouen'
no subject Replies: 1
i want this figure so bad (´Д`)

  Λ_Λ  \\
  ( ・∀・)   | | ガッ
 と    )    | |
   Y /ノ    人
    / )    <  >_Λ∩
  _/し' //. V`Д´)/
 (_フ彡        /

no subject Replies: 4
The new design is nice and all, I'm just not sure it really works for an image board. I think they're rolling it out in stages, so you might not be able to see it yet.
no subject Replies: 3
Teh apple merger is proof nashi's in the WRONG hands!!! WE NEED NAU BACK, WHATS NEXT WITHOUT HER?? GOOGLE MERGER????
windose supremacy B) Replies: 2
hello, i m from microsoft i would like to buy this site from you, Jeve.
no subject Replies: 4
checj out my new trike! i also got the newesf macandtosh and a free bag of barbique chips.
no subject Replies: 1
These apples are so yummy and delish!
You should eat them desu!
(paid for by Apple)
no subject Replies: 11
Howdy-doo nashikouen. We at Apple have heard of your very nice pear site, and thought that our very nice apple company should buy it! We would really value your input.
no subject Replies: 17
stop rite there nashi usar
weirdos r on the site again
Haii everyone Replies: 6
Hello this is a really cool website and my new favorite Website do hi
no subject Replies: 1
It's interesting how many kinds of volunteering you can do in a city. If you're in the UK, there are charity shops, but there are also things like friends of parks associations, and the NHS relies on a lot of volunteers. It's the way to get out of the no work experience unemployment death loop.
no subject Replies: 18
I managed to do the hula hoop thing for a long time!! (about 7 seconds)
Burnt table Replies: 7
The laptop overheated and smelt funny so I pulled it off and the wax thing they put on the bottom sort of burnt into the table, I only managed to wipe it off a bit with the wet tissue.
bloody roar Replies: 3
has any1 played any of these games?
i played the first two games for the psx when i was younger on an emulator and i was absolutely enamored with it. was talking about games the other day with a friend and i suddnely remembered it existed
weird concept but i thought the graphx for the second game were really good for what they had to work with ┐(゚~゚)┌ and of course the original game was kind of unique and fun. standard 199something 3d fighting game.
apparently there were two more releases on PS2 and a gamecube one in 2002 , but thats it
the characters are cute. oekaki salva is actually very inspired by alice from the game now that i think about it. she was my fav
no subject Replies: 22
has anyone here played toon town? i just was thinking of this old game and it might be perfect for group of nashi to all play.
i would prefer we played toontown corpret clash. i saw they allowed you to make groups. while rewritten is just to grindy.

(WE PLAY JUNE 8TH 10:00 AM, (EDT))
( ・∀・)
Post good music Replies: 20
Friarrrr, where are you?
Grapes r so tasty.. Replies: 14
It gets my mouth watering just thinking of them....
i cencored me and my classmates' faces for safety Replies: 3
no safety for HIM tho
no subject Replies: 6
a purry nice site!
no subject Replies: 68
i think if we had more boards, site culture would flourish, and threads that consist of simply inane questions and statements will be contained or eradicated completely. having hobby-specific boards (eg. tech, math, arts,...) would encourage more creative threads that force the user to think before properly responding. it would also encourage posters to have fruitful conversations about shared hobbies, producing a net positive.
i dont know, i just think /main/ is getting a little stale, but thats just me...
post easy snacks Replies: 21
plain rice with lemon juice and salt is an underrated snack i think. the lemon makes the rice feel way lighter somehow!
B& hammer immunity Replies: 5
ryone who posts in this thread are immune to the only weapon admin-san and the merry band of lolis can use. This is ebil headquarters, you will cower in fear Ψ(`∇´)Ψ

  Λ_Λ  \\
  ( ・∀・)   | | ガッ
 と    )    | |
   Y /ノ    人
    / )    <  >_Λ∩
  _/し' //. V`Д´)/
 (_フ彡        /
Music! Replies: 3
Hello Nashville citizens, I think you should listen to Lana Del Rey's unreleased songs because they're pretty good ヽ(´∇`)ノ
Head count! Replies: 22
How many of nashinals (nashimals? that sounds cuter lol) are here?
I'm not really asking for a guess (but you can guess anyway), I just want a show of hands. ヽ(´∇`)ノ

pape thread Replies: 19
no subject Replies: 7
Guess I'm posting a thread. Maybe you should reply, or something.
no subject Replies: 15
computer is ebil. Must be rekt.
no subject Replies: 4
ice cream vans!
no subject Replies: 5
I got a slurpee from 7-Eleven and gave the change to a homeless person, feels great to do good!
no subject Replies: 2
no subject Replies: 18
Post interesting websites. ヽ(´ー`)ノ
no subject Replies: 9
When's the next Nashi Anime screening? I'm bored!
no subject Replies: 4
is chris a freemason?
his family has ties to them, isabella janke has ties to the government, ...
look into the paranormal implications that his medallion has. everyone who has bought and worn one was cursed with bad luck and utter failure in life. its a pattern.
could it just be karma - that after torturing this helpless delusional autist, these people got what they deserved by the proxy of a medallion in his creations image?
did chris, by accident, summon a demon in the form of sonichu?
was anything about chris' life even real?
is he an mk ultra victim?
whats been happening? Replies: 7
Dont post much here (on gunpoint by the admin to post here) so..whats been happening? What did you do today, night or evening? Been eating pears? i'd want to..or do you want to ask me something? Sure why not? Just posting because im at gun point by the admins (´ー`)
no subject Replies: 24
hi nashi!! it is my birthday. (≡^∇^≡) i wish everyone who uses this site has a good day!

about the new software.. Replies: 4
the last week or so i have been busy, not with programing but with games lots of games. but its okay please keep paying my paytrion so that maybe by next june i can have a broken slow software. software development make me want to die. super sad. but the support you give me (via patrion) helps out a lot.

all of the aligations, yes they are true. not a single one false.
がお!draco's challenge Replies: 13
post your scores!!!

and also puyo tsuu
no subject Replies: 5
brodcast or dvd release?
no subject Replies: 7
If you're seeing some of the rule 1 posts being spammed, thats because the other admins are offline and my phones a laggy mess ^__^ continue with your day nashinals !!
no subject Replies: 7
Should we put the emote after the text,
or maybe put it before?
teh recent GET Replies: 9
happy 2k get! i think i was asleep when the get got. but that is supar cool. nashi grows biggar every day! well will plan teh world domination soon right? ^_^
no subject Replies: 2
Heyuri is running as slow as a sloth today!!
no subject Replies: 18
no subject Replies: 3
look up archaic smile!
cool site Replies: 7
lets b friends
no subject Replies: 20
no one run any program they see posted here! it is malware
P E A C E Replies: 11
the resistance against enormous phaggots(raep) wants to make a peace agreement with nashikouen. we want nashikouen to to make a psa against the cgi moderation and the injusteses and nashikouen to be a friend of RAEP. we would give you oc in retunr but we alredy did in .
peace 2 u

no subject Replies: 8
what animes are you watching. i am watching pita ten and its really cute. teh opening is also nice!!
no subject Replies: 5
remeber. nashi takes rules super seriously... offenders will be vanished....
no subject Replies: 10
did anyone else have their brain terrorised by these wierdos as a kid during lockdown? i'm still recovering.
no subject Replies: 23
Is cream soda really made from cream?
printers Replies: 14
i hate printers... we have TWO!!! neither of them work!!
i understand why our 2014 canon printer wouldnt work. it is old. =__= but my mom has a new 2023 HP envy and IT won't work!!!
now i have to go to school and use THEIR printer to print coloring sheets. <__< and buy them new paper and black ink so that i can color
help. nashi nurse Replies: 7
i found what look to be a black berry bush. so i ate one.. now i am feeling rlly sleepy
no subject Replies: 14
no subject Replies: 11
Heyuri is a website from the past. Nashi is a website from the future!
no subject Replies: 14
the year is meant to start in early spring, however our cultural time has shifted through the seasons, so now everything starts in september, not january, and every romantic's favourite season is autum, not spring. the months of modern urban people correspond to the months of the old agricultural calendar like this:

september –> january
october –> febuary
november –> march
december –> april
january –> may
febuary –> june
march –> july
april –> august
may –> september
june –> october
july –> november
august –> december

so today's christmas is effectively may day, and haloween serves as easter.
no subject Replies: 11
tux paint!
something huge is about to happen Replies: 13
no subject Replies: 9
summer plans Replies: 8
happy monday! how is everyoen ? ヽ(´∇`)ノ it is my last day of school for this year. i cnat wait for summer........there is a lot of stuf i want to do.....i will probably spend most of it on the internet thoguh
no subject Replies: 4
He had to be contained fore the horrors had he been unsealed would wreck havoc upon the pantry
no subject Replies: 5
this board is an iyashikei.
Things that cause ASMR in real life Replies: 7
I think the kinda lame youtube video genre made people forget that ASMR is a natural feeling, and probably very important to how people live their lives, so I want to think of some everyday things that cause it. I'll start the list with chopping up vegetables to cook, and wriggling in bed before you fall asleep.
no subject Replies: 8
How much should I lurk before posting???
no subject Replies: 3
who is ready for 2k get! i will ban cp poster permanently if he tried to steal it again. let the kids have fun!!!
no subject Replies: 2
I relate to this ocd symptom so much. Does anyone else do this?
hayapi Replies: 3
can anyone find higher-resolution versions of this artists work?
no subject Replies: 5
do you ever go to seminars?
魔法遊戯 MAHOU YUUGI! Replies: 5
we wont start teh show until about 30 minutes after, but you can join rn! we r just going 2 have fun until teh watch party starts!
no subject Replies: 4
im looking for investors for my next scientific experiment, cyborg lolis. I'll need $10 billlion dollars, ty.
no subject Replies: 3
no subject Replies: 5
i used to love it when gasoline gets spilled into the gutter and makes these rainbow patterns.
no subject Replies: 9
You = Poo (゚ー`)
no subject Replies: 1
this is a sloeblack, slow, black, crowblack, fishingboat-bobbing board.
MAHOU YUUGI Replies: 22
this Saturday! nashikouen watch party!
be pear or be square.
no time has been picked.. thats for majority to pick in this thread


(time will be 11:30 on saturday. newyork time)
  Λ_Λ  \\
  ( ・∀・)   | | ガッ
 と    )    | |
   Y /ノ    人
    / )    <  >_Λ∩
  _/し' //. V`Д´)/
 (_フ彡        /
no subject Replies: 7
I want to take all of nashi home!
no subject Replies: 3
do you believe in aliens?
no subject Replies: 3
do you take tea with milk?
imaginary song lyrics Replies: 1
i shouldda walked out towards the sun, carrying an old sack, let the wheat brush through my hands. i would never have looked back.. but i'm a fool. i was too busy looking for nobler ways to cry, looking for a stranger pain to hide, a deeper pit from which to fly. and i'm all to tired now. and nothing ever comes my way.
site request and update Replies: 58
if you have something you think would make the site better, share it here!
there will also be updates posted in this thread.
first update being, navbar on all the pages. and oekaki got a new css make over!
no subject Replies: 3
Please encourage me to study. ( ´,_ゝ`)
no subject Replies: 3
goodmorning nashi. or evening ! i dont know what time it is for you!
eat all ur meals ^~^
no subject Replies: 12
Things we think are lame!
no subject Replies: 3
Hi nashi. A lot of you are probably students, so I thought it would be a good place to ask: What are good resources for learning the mathematical foundations of statistics? I'm looking for an intuition to ground what makes a way of using a particular statistical test appropriate in a given situation, but I'm not satisfied by methods that attempt to provide that intuition in the form of a bunch of “philosophical” maxims that don't really feel like they have any justification outside of engineered example cases. I'm also not interested in the foundations of probability/measure theory, which seem a little too elementary to be useful.
no subject Replies: 5
Want some ^___^?
no subject Replies: 12
do you torrent nashi? I sure do! ( ´ω`)
no subject Replies: 17
if site traffic increases, are we getting a meta board? ( ´ω`)
no subject Replies: 4
pears are probably the fruit with the shortest period of ripeness. they're rock-hard for a while, then all of a sudden they turn gross and mushy. a ripe pear is a transient joy. they're like falling cherry blossoms.
no subject Replies: 5
good morning/evening nashi! sorry for just lurking lately i haven't had much to say ( ´ω`) its almost summer break soon, and i am really excited. i want to do a lot this yr and take bettar care of myself ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ
that being said. how is everyone today?
. 💮💮 💮💮
Λ 💮💮💮💮💮
( ˘ ᵕ ˘ 💮💮💮
ヽ つ\ /
UU / 🎀 \
and a subject Replies: 161
no subject Replies: 2
hopefully before june the new software will be finished for release and nashi will be a lot faster. and i will bring more traffic to the place

there will be some missing features at first but they will be recreated.
RISE OF DESU Replies: 6
PSA from PETA Replies: 6

please look into eat foods not made out of animals. animals are friends not food
scat Replies: 1
no subject Replies: 3
euphonic state
sheep share Replies: 6
arabian harri sheep ^__^
no subject Replies: 1
Utterly APPALING Replies: 3
I walked on over to this blockbuster video store that opened up a week ago, looking for some exercise videos to help me get in shape - and guess what! The video they rented me was just two kids eating PIZZA!
Even worse, when i tried returning it, the manager revealed it wasnt even blockbuster - apparently the place was called "blockBLISTER", whatever thats supposed to mean
no subject Replies: 3
sorry for the delay. i had to be steamed . here is the salva nyanya ヽ(´ー`)ノ
captured by russian pagans Replies: 6
i am sorry to inform that i have been captured by a group of young slavics and turned into nyanya. i will be served with a small side of borscht tomorrow evening.
heyuri teh place for anger Replies: 11
more and more i have been getting mad at heyuri. mainly the alternative parts of the site.
the main site is ok, just to much fetish crap posted around.

cgi-bin started off as a magival place playing partyII making OC for the game and hanging out. then after summer i kinda slowed down untill hakoniwa happen.

it was anarchy it was war. it was relations it was fun. but this is where the fun was ending. after one great war accepting my defeat i made a new island(even tho he conveinced everyone to break a pease treaty). it was going good for a little while we made fun OC (winter oc is my fav.) around then is when website was being attacked and the creation of chat was made

and ever since that it has all gone down hill. admin breaking into tripcodes leaking war plans. then banning users from the game after going into some one elses account (oh but the breaking into my tripcode was fine) little after little more shit was getting worse. suspending islands from war. rolling back islands. banning people from the main game.

it was nothing like how it was when i first started. and that was just the war game. it just got worse and worse week after week.

-continue later
no subject Replies: 7
i saw this RARE cd up for sale of ebay. is it worth it?

i rlly like openbsd and that is the 4nd release from 1998

this is the 2nd to last one where they still used daemon

no subject Replies: 8
its raining!!!!!!!
no subject Replies: 6
what do you think thad-sama had on his secret hard drive?
what time is it? Replies: 5
what year is it? I am a time traveller, rdy to give you important information on which i was instructed to give you. But first you must answer this question...

what time is it?
no subject Replies: 11
nashi doez any u play dungeons und dragons? happy friday!
no subject Replies: 6
finally a site my children can enjoy ヽ(´ー`)ノ
no subject Replies: 5
auto darkmode nashi. (´¬`) rathger...... unattractive
no subject Replies: 3
here you see what was beutiful b4 being turned into a smoldering crator over time through WAR. o7
no subject Replies: 6
This is the best lemon demon album i WILL fight you ヽ( ` ∀ ´)ノ
no subject Replies: 2
been doing lota programing. kotatsu is on a pause bc helping kaguya with there uploader.
no subject Replies: 3
Has anyone here ever played/heard of Wolfenstein Enemy Territory? It's a free PC game. You can host a server for it too, in case you need to organize an event.
no subject Replies: 4
no subject Replies: 5
new CP 4 page 0 nashi Replies: 1
here i was, going through my daily activity of looking for hawt CP.... and then i found this beutiful man reviewing a pizza.
no subject Replies: 3
dose anyone have splatoon!
lets play splatoon togwthwr!!

herr ismy switch code
no subject Replies: 8
what other imageboardz (excluding heyuri) do you frequent nashi?
tommorow is 4/20 Replies: 6
good friday morning nashikouen . ^_^ i hope u all have a good day ! and make teh most of it .....
my random statement today is that i wish i could grow my hair back out so that i could have pretty emo swoop bangz, but when my hair is longar than 2 inch, it just irritates me ( ´,_ゝ`)
ITT post ur daily good deeds Replies: 5
I helped an old lady up the stairs ヽ(´ー`)ノ
coolest hardware yr? Replies: 4
im just loking at cheap computers. ( ´ω`) i rlly like how oldar stuff looks and am not interested in 'performance' that surpasses it's original intent. i think it is oka a 2002 computre only able to run 2002 and pre software. ...... so what do u think is teh best era for computer models? can be it's actural capabilities or just cool looking. ヽ(´∇`)ノ i rlly like early 2000s in terms of style , they r so cool and colorful and stuff..... i think much oldar (late 70s early 80s) are soo cute though.. i would pet a commodore pet it remind sme of a small dog. late 2000s wins for nostalgia though !
no subject Replies: 7
i need advice on cooking hamsters so no one finds out what happened to strawberry...
no subject Replies: 7
Ukagakas r too cute
no subject Replies: 8
salva can you make a banner. i rlly like ur art. it will be put on heyuri.

teh sizw woulf be 468x60
ROBBERY Replies: 3
hands up. Hand over all of the lolis and make it quick or i shall fire upon your nurse...!
THIS JUST IN... Replies: 2
new image of salva right before injecting 10 victims with a weird experimental fruit based euthanasia solution. 3 of witch are dead.

we asked medic school if they ever gave salva a medical license and they refused to answer.
so far a total of 24 victims have been found dead.

no subject Replies: 6
I finished CCS season2 and I decided to read the manga too but...
while the anime is almost a slice of life, the manga is super short and she already almost got all the cards at the beginning wtf
the order of event is completly different too, maybe clamp tried to improve the story for the tv series...?

which do you think is better and is there some explanation on what happened?
no subject Replies: 5
i made nashikouen bracelet
no subject Replies: 8
richard-san must survive! He's slowly dying of teh disease called ebil which was created by a very ebil girl... Devise a cure nashi nurse and make it quick!

who makes better milk Replies: 4
i never had goat milk so i don't know!
no subject Replies: 24
no subject Replies: 2
no subject Replies: 2
no subject Replies: 4
no subject Replies: 1
no subject Replies: 6
nashi nurse.. yestetday while i wuz working.. a 2x4 fell on my head.. they are rlly thick and hard and mads a big bump on my head

it still red what do i do!
no subject Replies: 6
nurse is making me post this... i don't want to get poked

last night was really fun with programing!!i was able to get the front end drawn. just one issue is that submiting the form looks like it works with no errors.. but nothing shows up in teh databasd

othrr thing is i am helping make a ukagaka :D
no subject Replies: 27
nao teh blacks will stop breaking into my stuff. we got cams and better locks nao!!

people where just in our backyard while we were sleeping
eclipse 2004 Replies: 9
iam in teh 70-80 path 4 teh eclipse today ... are u guys gonna b able to see it full? ^__^ excited ? i get out of school early cuz my town is rlly superstitious lul
no subject Replies: 3
nau drawing Replies: 8
there was five other atempysj beforr this so sorfu its bad (;´Д`)
no subject Replies: 3
been thinking about a song recently Replies: 1
its called bomber minmi! whenever i listen 2 it i think of this doodle i made of nau sum time ago ( @∀@)
no subject Replies: 8
I miss nau!!
she is going to be gone for TEH WHOLE WEEEK!!!!

who will i play splatoon with?! well its not that bad. i got really bad controller drift and teh new controller arrives in mail when nau is back..
no subject Replies: 8
birthday Replies: 4
is nashikouen gonna wish esfores happy birthday???
sheep Replies: 11
i lov sheep... they r teh best animal. i am a sheep . clack clack clack . that the sound of hooves on keyboard. i am type. sheep r so kewl. wat do u appreciate about sheep?
no subject Replies: 29
thank you all who was here.
we only watched teh first 3 episodes of binchou tan. we will be watching teh last 3 on sunday around teh same time.
we stopped as it was only 3 of us left, and wanted to watch it with all teh people who had to leave early!
no subject Replies: 4
i had a dream about a strange computer in an abandoned basement. everything looked like a yuko tatsushima painting (vertical strokes, white red and black, scratchy looking). the computer itself seemed to be made out of flesh, like muscle, constantly contorting and deforming into wildly different shapes. i know for certain it was marked as IBM and it looked to be an ibm pc. the monitor displayed an absolutely insane incomprehensible terminal with strange symbols, letters, even graphics and images sprinkled throughout, constantly changing too by the second. the woman that sat at the computer (who i thought to be my mom, even though she didnt look like her) seemed to perfectly understand it and kept clacking the keyboard ear-shatteringly loud.
this isnt the whole dream but its the most interesting part id say. ( ´ω`)
no subject Replies: 7
a goldfish is swimming through /main/.
make a wish in this thread!
And Batman is down. The right and punch just short circuits all the neurons and there's nothing left to keep him standing or in the conscious world. He's knocked out.ヽ(´∇`)ノ
no subject Replies: 9
TODAY MARKS THE ONE MONTH OF NASHIKOUEN!! thank you all for posting and enjoying the lolz on nashi!!

binchoutan will start in 30-45 minsキタ━━━(・∀・)━━━!!
watch party! Replies: 4
i forgot to mention this but there is a watch party for teh start of spring break!
at least spring break here..

we will be watching binchou-tan! this Friday teh 29th. idk teh time. maybe 5pm est (that is new york time zone.

it is going to be maybe on cytube or maybe on hyperbeam. binchou-tan is also where our mascot comes from!! her name is aroe-tan

no subject Replies: 18
an attempt at aroe-tan as a mii LOL
stay anonymous Replies: 17
remeber be like anon. he uses tor and has new email for each one one of his accounts online. no one knows his true identiy and sysadmins cant geolocate his ip. he is anongmous. he is legend. expect him on nashi!

boys who dont care about there anonyimisity get tracked down and tooken by pedo bear

   | ノ      ヽ/⌒)
  /⌒) (゚)   (゚) | .|
 / /   ( _●_)  ミ/
.(  ヽ  |∪|  /
 \    ヽノ /
  /      /
 |   _つ  /
 |  /UJ\ \
 | /     )  )
 ∪     (  \
no subject Replies: 21
no subject Replies: 15
i just obtained an unworking 2011 pc help what do i do with it i couldnt let them throw it away for somereason?!?! igt make me so sad to see computer die icouldnt let them toss her what do i do with it =__=
no subject Replies: 3
皆さん, would you like some? ヽ(´∇`)ノ
no subject Replies: 4
hax0r thr3d Replies: 3
do u hack kid?
how did you pwn your last target.

what i like to do is stomp on skids keyboards while they are sleeping and jump back in the monitor like i am mario64
no subject Replies: 9
no subject Replies: 8
wut is your favorite kind of pizza nashi? teh ones that haev the cheese stretch are the best

CANDY Replies: 13
whats ur favorite candies nashi

(no tiktok-like videos)
no subject Replies: 11
my daily nashi thread post...
i must build a hospital in the great gorgeous nation of nashikouen........ ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ someone give me a construction permit so i may begin building...

(user has been granted a builders permit)
no subject Replies: 8

(BAI BAI :-3)
no subject Replies: 8
i miss bunny angel. now he have this weird botan girl. sob
OVAR 1000?! Replies: 22
THANK U EVERYONE FOR PLAYING AT TEH PEAR PARK :D i think i might do something 2 celebrate this! when i am done you will see!
no subject Replies: 12
the 1000th.... i can feel it... so close
what should we do to celebrate , nashi? invest in scientific human cloning? ^_^ or maybe fill an entire goverment building with pears? so many options !
no subject Replies: 10
posting for cosmo once again for the same reason. good evening nashi, this is a flag for you... (;゚∀゚)
no subject Replies: 8
PSAthe 1000 get is coming soon, if you get the get with a dumb post, you will get banned for eternity.
Weirdest thing just happened... Replies: 7
So me and my dad went to the glasses store (to get a check up on me and my eyes worry) while that was happening..nothing much..then my dad tells me.."I forgot the bank card" i freeze..THEN OUT OF NOWHERE MY YOUNGER SISTER COMES IN and gives dad the bank cool! Then dad goes to the store and get some groceries so me and sister went to check some clothes..THEN dad when to the drug store to get meds so me and my sister sat outside....then..i saw..JEWISH SANTA!! I WAS SURE IT WAS THE REAL THING...he stared at me for a second..i smiled in politeness..he smiled back! Then he asked me..."good weather" WHAT i say "sure is! Quite cold though" He nodded and went on his jolly way....THE JEWISH SANTA LEFT AND MY SISTER PANICKED "WHY DID HE COME UP TO US" BECAUSE HES JEWISH SANTA! Will never forget this what was your weirdest day?(;゚Д゚)
NIGHT CORE 4 LIFE Replies: 3
i love old night core and stuff.
post just any musics like this!! it makes me happy and smile!! yahoo
no subject Replies: 4
aand posts work from 3ds! i dont think oekaki works, i will try again
no subject Replies: 8
f r e s h T O P P I N G S 2024

Having a cold again... Replies: 6
It sucks, doesn't it?sob
SUMMONING Replies: 2

no subject Replies: 12
how du mods get the fancy colour names .... soo kewll ...
no subject Replies: 10
being a admin is HARD work.
i been so busy i have not checked the site in a few days nor logged into the server to make sure it is still secure.

hell hardest part has to be going to the fridge when i am out of drinks
no subject Replies: 9
i do not mean to clog up the threads , but i would like to know . how is everyone today ? (´¬`) i hope you all had a good weekend .
no subject Replies: 17
nashi, lets solve this once and for all.
what is THE BEST anime EVER CREATED?
no subject Replies: 5
what is your favorite type of pear? I like the ones with the strange brown coating
no subject Replies: 17
nashis first desktop thread!
post yours and rate others.
no subject Replies: 7
riro へ Replies: 4
riro, pen, countrymen alike:

-Yours, OTAKU HQ
no subject Replies: 17
pizza posting is something i fear even more now. it turns out that neocafe got pwnd by there hosting provider. if any one has ideas for a new server host let me know so nashi doss not fall for the same fate sob
no subject Replies: 8
y linux good? i am new to computers and i se a lot of peol praise linux for bieng good but big devs (i want WoW and AoC) do not seem to make stuf for it. the only OS i have used is chromeOS becsuas i needed a cheap laptop but now i am looking for a computer. why do peopel not mke programs for linux? is wine easy enough to run if i want windows programsn?
chromebook runs a very weak linxu , but it doesnt really have enough storage to experiment and play around with
why is windows bad? i wsa gonna get a widnows computer but i am questioning it becuz linux seems to be liked better by nerds ┐(゚~゚)┌
We need to play Pangya Reborn someday Replies: 7
Very fun old golfing game you all should try! happy
tactics vn thread! Replies: 10
rn im playing ONE ~kagayaku kisetsu e~, i rlly like akane and misaki, they r cute! im waiting 2 meet mio bcuz she seems rlly kool :D

im also gonna try 2 get suzu ga utau hi, tho teh dl is a little confusing...
no subject Replies: 5
today is MAR13 day also known as marle day! happy marle day yahoo
no subject Replies: 9
can we have some doremi love?
nashi OC thread!!! Replies: 6
Post original perry nice OC!!! (if you can! no need just something funny photoshop, drawings, text, ASCII you name it!!) we need oc..and moar usars..SO HELP OUT!! ヽ(´∇`)ノ
no subject Replies: 14
draw cosmo.. Replies: 35
no reason drinking berry tea right nao..lifes awsome..when your admin to teh perry nice imageboard..!!
no subject Replies: 5
Giving a hamster body dysmorphia should be illegal!!! angry
no subject Replies: 10
nashi, critique my sketch. should i post the finished drawing later? (´人`)
no subject Replies: 11
can we be friends?

no subject Replies: 1
chobits is so good, but i could care less for the romance arc, im waiting for the robot depression lore,,,
no subject Replies: 27
This is a friendly reminder to all minors on Nashi that the ancient Phonecians practiced child sacrifice. They killed their children and sacrificed them to their gods as offerings. I hope you lolis and shotas are happy that your parents love you and care for you and didn't human sacrifice you to Kronos so dad could get more land, a promotion and some extra coins. So be grateful for your parents and tell them you love them very much even if they don't show it all the time.

Remember to hug your mom knowing you could have been born in a time when children where killed ruthlessly by the evil government but thankfully you have a nice safe family that loves you and don't have to worry about that (unless your in a certain Middle Eastern city I won't name cause rule 4)
no subject Replies: 24
What IRC client do you use, nashi? (⌒∇⌒ゞ)
imageboard woes Replies: 7
I like the freedom of being anon . I like feeling like I'm part of a community where people know me by name (´ー`)
no subject Replies: 10
greatings from Portugal. love you all, and please let's be friends, enjoy nice posts and cute things.

pic related
no subject Replies: 19
how nice are the people here really?
no subject Replies: 2
Finally posting on a phone that ISNT about to combust, howre the other goobers here doing >:-3
GET STAMPED Replies: 14
Bad News Replies: 11
I have some very unfortunate news for all of you. Early this morning, Gestalt Henry Upchuck passed away quietly in his home at the age of 19. The cause of death is unclear as I ate most of his corpse, making an autopsy impossible.

All of his possessions were left to me, his cat. In honor of Upchuck's memory and great deeds, I will maintain his online presence until further notice. Any questions will be addressed in the replies.
post ur handwriting Replies: 22
whoever has the most beautiful handwriting wins, whoever has the most ugly handwriting gets BANNED!! (if the mods decide to, i dont have any power to ban people)
write the phrase multiple times to make sure its not a fluke
also write in ur natural handwriting in ur natural speed, don't go taking 10 hours to copy from some medieval manuscript or something
if u know another alphabet u can write a phrase in it too if u want
no subject Replies: 12
should we start adverts to bring more users here or is there still things we need to add here?

if we do advert. it wont be other image boards.
no subject Replies: 3
i want to but this pizza box. is it worth the money?

i want to play around with old ver of unix on it. i would love to also see how good it runs as a server
no subject Replies: 6
Wet hair after showering SUX
no subject Replies: 28
Things will be back to normal with the board as soon as I can log back into the mod panel.
(Seriously, I use the same password and it's not working...)
comfortable night Replies: 2
no subject Replies: 17
While you were wasting your time on the internet - I didn't beat asagao academy. I'm not Vidya anon,,,
no subject Replies: 6
i nao have mahoro-chan poster :D i drew it but whateva.... i liek it happy

ill show waht it waht it was inspired by!
(kindly sparing for now) Replies: 13
are we sharing XMPP ladies & gentlemans ?
mine is

no subject Replies: 8
We regret to inform you that due to the fed raising interest rates and several bank collapses all nashi coins are now worthless.

Also to bail out the banks Obama seized all your assets including the server. Dog blessu ameriga ^_^
no subject Replies: 8
Kneel b4 teh HIS MAJESTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My résumé for Moderator on Nashikouen. Replies: 8
What can I bring? :
*Almost unlimited free time so around the clock monitoring.
*I am fluent of English and an English Major, so I can translate between Penglish and English as needed for the site.
*...................I like pears and eat pear related sweets.
I recommend Cosmo as a moderator, since she can bring almost as much as I can.
uuwaagh Replies: 5
i got food poisoning... its not a very epic day for me!!! (;´Д`)
New Zealand wuz here.. Replies: 8
no subject Replies: 1
Hamster mochi; now only 12 nashi coins! *

*please don't eat
no subject Replies: 1
I love how all hamster owners just. Behold them like this
>_> Replies: 22
hallo ヽ(´ー`)ノ
200 WINGET FOR PENMAN!!!11! Replies: 4
no subject Replies: 9
LOL ( ´ω`)
where are the loli tripfriends that should come from the exodus?
Big foruda Replies: 2
Folder foruda
no subject Replies: 8
Hallo everyone!
no subject Replies: 6
I didn't get invited :-(
noa-chan kawaii desu ne Replies: 4
no subject Replies: 29
no subject Replies: 2
since i am going to sleep and 2 lazy to make a roolz page right now. here are a quick run down of the rules.

keep things family friendly, this board is ment for all ages. (sure some cussing is fine just don't over do it. and NO 18+ stuff)
dont spam teh board.
dont post links or files that are strange and unknown.
dont start dumb drama that the internet is already flooded with, politics, religion, etc.

The following content is not in line with site culture, and will be promptly deleted;
Wojack & Pepe or any variation thereof
*oomer memes (zoomer, boomer, coomer)
Buzzwords like "seethe", "cope", "dilate", "janny", "cunny", "based/cringe", shortening words with apostrophe (e.g. 'yuri instead of heyuri) and the like.
Posts intended to annoy or enrage other users without even having the decency to provide LOLs, including needlessly angry/argumentative posts ー most of "nu-4chan" kind of posts fall under this point.
"Greentext stories" or any misuse of the quoting feature.
no subject Replies: 4
post cute dinosaurs!
no subject Replies: 19
This is now Upchuck's board. Bow before me.

- you are running KotatsuBBS. a clear and easy to read image board software -