ill answer anything as long as it wont get me banned
>>4303 will join soon
>>4306 nvm
try now
The invasion is in full swing! What can we do to save the city?
send in the pears
pears got eaten due to mass food shortage
>>4296 >dual core awwww shit..hehheh... We r taking it EZ and that's that!
how many hidden boardz are there? (;゚Д゚) all i have found is /lolicore and /pink but are there more? maybe one that is so hidden they cannot even be found from guesswork or internet browsing... ヽ(゚ρ゚)ノ
Moar like hidden *bored*!
>>4083 snailspace!
i think i found the most secret board yet...
>>4294 ZOMG Σ(゚д゚|||)
we will be watching mahou shoujou club! it will be (Saturday) countdown clock we will be watching this on hyperbeam. make sure to bring ur nihongo IME keyboard as we got special acsses to there testing server and if we hit user limit they said they can increase it for us!
>>4286 Why do you schedule watch parties for days when you have work?
the books where empty and a job popped up.
due to awful planning, we got heyuri to save the day. the stream is located here
i guess we starting early
will japan ever have powerful leaders in there office? why is jp politics such a meme. i wish my nihongo was good enough to understand things
i dont want to bump a perth thread. but here. >and if it did. it would be Japanese politics i also allow all world war politics. or non 3rd-world country wars. (stupid ass modern war talk/videos with no real merit gtfo. i wanna see professional shit not a fat ass behind a computer) anything that can be tied back to world war directly will be 100% allowed. i love military talk. if its some stupid ass pollination talk get the fuck out. unless its Japanese.
idk. i love nashi being all sfw but /lolicore/ is not exactly site culture. and i do want some sort of /war/ board in the future. mainly for military talk.
All politics sucks. That's just reality. Politicians are professional liars and incompetents and that's how politics works. Japanese politics has sucked since the Meiji period. Its all downhill from there. Just because Japan makes good robots and vidya doesn't mean their politics is good. Japanese people's self-awareness about the stupidity of politics is why their art is so mature. Something like Metal Gear Solid would never have come out of America. >>4272 I am not going to trust a Twitter loser. I will not take anything he says seriously. Twitter reposts should be banned on this site including political rage posts disguised as VIPQUALITY kuso posts. >>4278 >do want some sort of /war/ board in the future. mainly for military talk Majority of military talk online is by retarded war nerds and bomb otaku who know nothing about actual war. They will spend all day arguing about tank treads and other things that don't matter in war. They are among the worst scum who don't understand basic strategy or the art of operations and end up mouthpieces for whatever army they've decided to go gay for. There is already many websites for such people.
thats the whole point. war nerds would be fun! the retardedness of Japan's politics would also be fun as no one really talks about it in English world and we can influiance from a far
do you like lolicore?
>>3870 not all lolicore are lazy, it depends on artist and their skill.
>>3892 this.. ik its just take a song and hevely remix it, but most popular music. even way younger has been that way. my fav has to be he makes all of his music in audacity.. i wish i was joking. and he dose not just pitch it up and add a break..
>>3877 And do what? Make something I don't care for? All that would accomplish is showing that I know how to open Audacity and throw shit in
dose nashi liek bugs? what type of bugs do you most commonly see. out here i see it all.. apparently some places just rarely see cicada. i wish i saw more stick bugs though..
I actually really like spiders. Observing them. I wouldn't go as far as to let them crawl into my hand, but I just really love kinda... watching them. Don't bring any roaches or adjacent bugs anywhere near me though. Nor maggots. Those scare the living beejesus out of me.
i love bug i own 3 tarantulas
>>4233 post pics PLEASE
there was a spider in my room but hes gone missing :(
I'm pointing at you!
>WHAT ARE YOU PLANNING FOR ME? (;゚Д゚) you'll see... soon ⊂(´(ェ)ˋ)⊃
good thing i am not in line of fire! i would lose my mind if i was on the other end of a finger
>>4267 it's always dangerous, you could get shot by the REI GUN... Σ(°ロ°)
and now she's seen me (・∀・)
there are 56 TY sheep that have been produced.that includes copyright characters and size dupes thoigh......there r 36 TY sheep charactars. and i will have them All.i have started bmy collection at a measly 3 beanie sheep (´人`) i will have them all , though.....
>>1543most beanie babies standard at 5-8 dollar , beanie boos r closar to 10-12, u could just average it liek 8 dollars, tiems (36-3), to exlcude the ones i have , coming up on around 270 for all sheep
>>1546An expensive price to pay for cute dolls (;´Д`)
I like nashikouen frendlyness & opennes, when it's without bad posts. there is a whole mini indie franchise of ouioui plushie toys from some french artist advertised with music videos of japanese singer emmamouse. Maybe they even require their own separate thread. but I've lost links.
I like posting on Heyuri sometimes. But not very often.
>>4182 >>4181 >>4175 >>4171 this is what happens when you dont get a job(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
>>4182 Heyuri is truly a menace second only to 4channers
>>4174 >Heyuri save teh interwebs ヽ(´ー`)ノ some people say exactly same about 8chan, have a lot similiarities with heyuri does heyuri run their own version of Q-Shaman & Q-Anon too?
tiem to rob
>>4214 nashikouen and heyuri should stay together strong for both websites share similar rules and a goal to make the internet an exciting place like it once was :DDD
these heyurizens in our midst, they wont be spared
>>4216 we're all friends here
what a drag...
this is amazing lmao ヽ(´∇`)ノ apparently someone submitted this as a Mechanical Turk job for 2 cents ages ago (the copyright is 2006) and got 10000 sheep drawings ⊂(´(ェ)ˋ)⊃ I wish I saw anything this cool when I did mturk ages ago... ( ´ω`)
If you asked Mechanical Turk to draw a cow, you'd probably find the average time spent would be a lot longer, since anyone doing tasks for Amazon for $0.02 each is almost certainly Indian.
>>4191 apparently the majority of mturk users are from the US even now, let alone in 2006 India is generally number 2 in the list, but US users are a supermajority there